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Water in Johnson County Today


The Johnson County Museum’s new special exhibit, Ripples: Water, Community, and You, explores the area’s water history, from ancient seas and aquifers to modern water systems and management practices. Johnson County is fortunate to have a well-watered landscape and award-winning water management systems. Read on to learn about Johnson County’s present water, wastewater, stormwater, and natural waterway management!

Colorful photograph showing elements of the Ripples exhibition.
The Johnson County Museum’s special exhibit, Ripples: Water, Community, and You, explores 180 million years of the area’s water history. The exhibit is open Monday through Saturday, 9am to 4:30pm. Learn more and plan your visit at

Water at Your Faucet

Johnson County was established in 1855 and for the first century residents used creeks or private wells to access clean water. In 1917 the Water Supply Company in Mission supplied water through pipes to new suburban homes with water purchased from Kansas City, Missouri’s system. The company purchased several other small water companies and changed its name to the Kansas City Suburban Water Company in the 1940s. But, with increasing customer dissatisfaction with service and increasing monthly costs, Johnson County’s northeastern suburban residents led an effort to buy the company and establish a public utility.

In 1957, WaterOne, an independent, nonprofit utility, was founded to provide reliable drinking water to a growing suburban population. Today, a network of 2,800 miles of pipes is responsible for delivering water to about a half-million people spread over 60% of the county’s landscape. Your tap water has gone through an extensive sanitation treatment at WaterOne’s award-winning area treatment facilities and is regularly recognized as the best tasting water in Kansas. 

Diagram showing the main steps of water treatment, from raw water from a stream to sedimentation to ozone disinfection to a softening basin to a re-stabilizing basin to filtration to storage and pumps into your home, fire hydrant, or workplace.
This diagram shows highlights from the process of treating raw water and readying it for consumption. For most of Johnson County, WaterOne treats the water that comes out of your faucet, flushes your toilet, and fills your nearest fire hydrant. Courtesy WaterOne.

Rural water districts and municipal water plants treat drinking water for residents elsewhere. Gardner, Edgerton, and Spring Hill, for example, receive water from Hillsdale Reservoir. Olathe manages its own water supply and treatment. As of 2020, more than 700 county households rely on private water wells. 

Water Down Your Drain 

Until the 20th century, residents used outhouses and privies for their sewage needs. Olathe was likely the first municipality to have sanitary sewers. Because of the cost of building sewage (called wastewater) infrastructure, suburban developers relied on individual home septic systems for decades. In the postwar period 1-in-3 of these systems failed in the first three years, creating some… smelly situations. With improved technology and materials, there are nearly 8,500 residential septic systems in the county today.

In 1949, the first Johnson County Wastewater facility began managing and treating what 15,000 residents flushed down toilets, sinks, and other indoor drains. JoCo Wastewater built the state’s largest sewage treatment plant along Mill Creek in Shawnee in 1995 to serve up to 318,000 residents. Decades of sustained investment to expand the system and update infrastructure has led to an award-winning wastewater system.

An aerial view of a wastewater treatment plant, showing settling basins, treatment facilities, and the 5-step BNR basins.
Johnson County Wastewater’s Tomahawk Treatment Facility in Leawood. 32 pump stations throughout the county move sewage through 2,350 miles of sanitary sewers from homes and businesses to the county’s six wastewater treatment facilities. Courtesy JoCo Wastewater.

Today six wastewater facilities handle sewage for 500,000 residents in 17 cities across the county (Olathe manages its own wastewater treatment). Each facility employs a multi-step process for separating liquids and solids, removing and drying solids for disposal, and clarifying and treating liquids in order to return them to streamways. Solids either go to the landfill or are used as fertilizer for crops grown for livestock feedlots; treated liquids are returned to creeks and rivers. JoCo Wastewater treats an average of 18 billion gallons of wastewater each year – that’s enough to fill the T-Mobile Center 84 times!

Water in the Gutter 

In 1990, Johnson County Public Works’ Stormwater Management Program was formed to partner with cities in the removal of rain and flood water from streets and parking lots. Their efforts built on decades of municipal management of stormwater. Unlike sanitary sewers, stormwater is not treated before returning to rivers and creeks, so whatever runs off of pavement and yards and goes into roadside gutters and storm sewers is likely to turn up in nearby waterways. 

A photograph taken from on the water looking up a creek, with trees overhanging both banks, a rock ledge in the center with water rippling over, and the blue sky with clouds reflecting in the still water in the foreground.
A view along the Coffee Creek Streamway Trail, a JCPRD facility. This beautiful, natural setting could easily be interrupted by trash, chemicals, fertilizers, and grass clippings in the water, washed down nearby storm sewers. As one environmental slogan says, “If it’s on the ground, it’s in the water.” Courtesy JCPRD.

County staff work with city stormwater officials in 20 cities, coordinating across municipal lines, facilitating grant funding, and maintaining floodplain maps. To date, the Stormwater Management Program has assisted with over $200 million in improvements in Johnson County’s cities. 

Water in the Streams

Johnson County’s landscape includes over 1,800 miles of natural streamways. Water flows here in many forms, ranging from small creeks to rivers. There are also 13 small reservoirs and lakes, and numerous man-made ponds dot the landscape.  

While no single entity oversees all natural waterways in Johnson County, Johnson County Park and Recreation District (JCPRD) has actively managed some floodplains and conserved natural settings like prairies, wetlands, streamways, and lakes since 1987. Today JCPRD manages 400 acres of water and 1,300 streamway park acres along more than 70 miles of waterways. JCPRD staff coordinates with city park systems, conservation groups, nonprofit organizations, and volunteers to effectively manage water.  [image 5]

Intricate map showing streets and development overlaid by the watershed map for the county.
Johnson County’s six watersheds all eventually flow to the Missouri River and, from there, to the Gulf of Mexico. Watersheds such as Turkey, Cedar-Mill, and Kill creeks reach the Missouri River via the Kansas River. Bull Creek flows first to the Marais des Cygnes and on to the Osage River before emptying into the Missouri River near Jefferson City, Missouri. Meanwhile, Brush and Indian-Tomahawk creeks connect to the Missouri River through the Blue River, which flows through Kansas City, Missouri. Courtesy Johnson County Public Works and AIMS Mapping.

Most of Johnson County’s creeks and streams originate in the county, putting JCPRD in a unique, upstream position to navigate watershed restoration. JCPRD takes the role seriously and has received national recognition for its natural resources management. 

Water Management in the Future?

The award-winning water management systems found in Johnson County were not inevitable. How we use water today is informed by thousands of years of human history. Every human action concerning water – past and present, personal and professional, residential and industrial, intentional and unintentional – makes a ripple. Each ripple, whether positive or negative, changes water, and changes lives, for generations to come. Today, we live with the ripples of past decisions and actions taken regarding water, while we are also creating ripples of our own. 

The Johnson County Museum’s special exhibit, Ripples, examines the ripples still reverberating from the past so that we can learn from them today and consider how our actions will impact the future of water in our area. The exhibit urges visitors to consider: what ripples will you make?

The Johnson County Museum is grateful for the generous support of our sponsors for
Ripples: Water, Community, and You, including Black & Veatch, Burns & McDonnell, HDR, The Parks & Recreation Foundation of Johnson County, and TREKK Design Group. Their commitment to this exhibit helps us bring to life the important story of water in our region, and their partnership ensures we can continue offering engaging and educational experiences to our community. 

This special exhibit is included in your museum admission. Our next community Free Day is Thursday, March 20, 2025. Learn more, explore upcoming programming, and plan your visit at:

Fringes of Sound Reviews – Avant Music News


A source for news on music that is challenging, interesting, different, progressive, introspective, or just plain weird

Why Can’t I Straighten My Legs in Pilates Exercises?

Do you have difficulty straightening your legs in Pilates? Whether it’s seated in exercises like Saw or Spine Stretch Forward, or with your legs in the air like in Leg Circles, Open Leg Rocker, or Teaser, it’s common to have trouble straightening your legs. Read on to learn about the factors that affect how much your legs straighten and get tools that can help you with your practice!

Why do we have difficulty with leg straightening?

How straight your legs are in Pilates isn’t a reflection of skill level! Regular Pilates workouts will actually help loosen up any tight spots. The bottom line is it’s totally normal to not be able to straighten your legs. Whether you can depends on your own unique anatomy. Let’s dive into why:

Lack of Flexibility (Tight hamstrings, hips, or low back)

Tightness in the hamstrings, hips, and lower back can significantly hinder leg straightening in Pilates exercises. These areas of the body are interconnected and play a crucial role in achieving proper alignment and range of motion.

Limited pelvic mobility

Limited mobility in the pelvis due to past injury, weakness, deconditioned tissues and more can prevent the legs from easily straightening during Pilates exercises.

Postural Imbalances

Poor posture and imbalances in the body can make it challenging to get your leg straight. Issues like anterior pelvic tilt, rounded shoulders, or uneven weight distribution can affect the alignment and mechanics of the lower body. These imbalances are easily improved with regular Pilates workouts.

Individual Anatomical Structure

It’s important to acknowledge that each person has a unique anatomical structure, including variations in bone length, joint shape, and muscle attachment points. These individual differences can impact leg straightening in Pilates exercises.

For example, some individuals may have naturally shorter hamstrings or hip joint structures that limit their range of motion in achieving a fully straightened leg position. Understanding your own anatomical structure can help you tailor your Pilates practice to work within your individual capabilities.

Reframing Our Thinking

The focus of Pilates is the Powerhouse. So instead of putting all of your focus on straightening your legs, turn your focus toward your core, pelvis & spine. Your form is the most important factor, not how straight your legs can go.

Sitting Up Straight with Legs Out

When seated with legs extended (like Spine Stretch or Saw), aim for a vertical pelvis rather than straight legs, it’s ok to bend your knees as much as needed.

If it’s a struggle to sit up tall with bent knees, sit on a small box to allow you to keep your pelvis upright. See this video for examples.

Work to stay on your sit bones, while pulling in your low abs and lifting your low back bones to create space in the spine. When you focus on your pelvic alignment, your legs may bend naturally – which is perfectly ok!

Legs Extended in the Air

When you force your leg straight in exercises like Leg Circles, there’s a chance your pelvis is tucking – which can strain your lumbar muscles and compress your discs.

Instead, focus on keeping your hips level making the circles small enough so your pelvis doesn’t wobble. You’ll feel your Powerhouse work harder to keep you stable, this is the goal at work!

See these videos with Pilatesology Teacher, Shari Berkowitz, for game-changing tips:

Bend Your Knees for Tight Hamstrings
Leg Circle Tips with Shari

And put them into action with these workouts:

Hamstring Lengthening Mat
Home Stretch Basic Mat
Fix Your Tight Hamstrings Series

Tools for Your Practice

It’s important to remember that each person’s body is unique with varying levels of flexibility, mobility, and strength. As well as unique anatomical structure that can limit range of motion.

Be sure to focus on your own practice & successful movement patterns rather than comparing yourself to others. Form is the most important factor, not how straight your legs can go!

Alignment Matters

In exercises like Saw or Open Leg Rocker, the primary goal is to engage the lower abs while keeping the pelvis upright and torso lifted. When the core is properly activated, it provides a stable foundation for the legs, allowing for improved leg extension.

Flexibility & Mobility

In some cases, limited flexibility or mobility can hinder leg straightening. Finishing a workout with some deeper stretches like the Ladder Barrel Leg Stretches can help improve flexibility over time and contribute to better leg extension.

Modifications & Progressions 

If you struggle to straighten your legs in certain exercises, do modifications and progressions that can help build strength and gradually improve leg extension. For example, you can start with bent knees and work towards straightening them over time. Use props like blocks or straps to assist when needed, this is how Pilates is meant to be practiced.

Patience & Consistency

Progress takes time and consistency. Approach your Pilates practice with patience. Celebrating small wins along the way like on days when you feel healthy and strong can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals!

While straightening the legs in Pilates exercises may present challenges, it’s not an indicator of skill level. All bodies are different! Remember, progress is a journey, and with consistent practice, patience, and perseverance, you can unlock your full potential in your practice. Pilates practitioners are frequently cued to ‘straighten their legs’ and for some it’s just not possible. This is perfectly okay and you’ll get an even better workout with proper form. ✨​


“Tight Hamstrings: Causes, Symptoms, and Stretches.” Stretching Exercises Guide. Retrieved from

“Can’t Get Legs Straight for Leg Raises?” Capital Physiotherapy. Retrieved from

“Can’t Sit Up with Legs Straight on the Floor?” Axial Chairs. Retrieved from

The 12 Best New Orleans Cocktail Recipes to Make Right Now


A 24-hour drinking city that embraces both the theatrical and the historical, New Orleans has been a font for classic cocktails for upward of a century. The city’s homegrown recipes are known to have quite a range, too, spanning strong and stirred whiskey staples, fiery dessert drinks and even ice-cold holiday favorites. There’s no better way to get to know New Orleans and its nightlife than by experiencing its iconic drinks, one glass—or to-go cup—at a time. But if you can’t get to New Orleans just yet, here are a handful of our favorite perfected recipes to transport you there.

Though the Absinthe Suissesse was not born in New Orleans, the city has nevertheless adopted it as its own. With roots in Europe and northern U.S. cities, the minty drink has shape-shifted over time, with variations including or omitting egg white, orgeat, various liqueurs, sweeteners and soda water documented since the 1930s. It somehow made its way into the Depression-era book Famous New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix ’Em, and, decades later, the Cure cocktail book. Kirk Estopinal, a champion of the drink, says, “It has a very Mardi Gras connection to me,” adding, “it feels like the kind of drink you want to drink early in the morning.”

Suissesse Cocktail Recipe Peychauds Bar NOLA

Invented by an Italian bartender named Joseph Santini in New Orleans, the Brandy Crusta was one of the city’s first true calling-card cocktails; originally mixed in the 1850s, it predates even the rye whiskey–based Sazerac. Though it all but disappeared in the early 20th century, today, the Crusta is experiencing a revival of sorts, thanks to bartenders like Chris Hannah, who, in 2004, was the first to bring the drink back to its home city. His version of the Cognac cocktail, shaken and strained into a sugar-rimmed glass, has been balanced to suit the modern palate, but otherwise stays true to the original in its spirit-forward template.

Brandy Crusta Cocktail Recipe

Created at Arnaud’s in 2007 by Hannah, the Bywater is newer to the city’s canon. The drink is a New Orleanian riff on the Brooklyn, which is itself a Manhattan riff that spawned multiple variations in the early aughts. The rum and the falernum in the drink are a nod to the Bywater neighborhood’s Caribbean influence. The recipe has gone on to become a modern classic, appearing at bars throughout the city, like Fives Bar and Manolito, and around the world.

Bywater Cocktail Recipe

This “incendiary coffee” was first served at New Orleans’ Antoine’s restaurant in the 1880s; it was inspired by pirate Jean Lafitte’s streetside drink-making theatrics, used to distract his audience while his cohorts picked their pockets. A fiery blend of brandy, kirschwasser, clove-studded orange peel and coffee, Café Brûlot has remained a New Orleans tableside dessert staple and a favorite of Dale DeGroff, who introduced the drink while working as the head bartender at New York’s Rainbow Room in the 1990s.

cafe brulot nola coffee cocktail recipe

Despite its name, the Creole Cocktail didn’t actually originate in New Orleans. Instead, according to Neal Bodenheimer in his book Cure: New Orleans Drinks and How to Mix ’Em, the drink “was an ode to New Orleans by an outsider.” When developing the menu for New Orleans’ Elysian Bar, however, Ben Hatch found it an intriguing template to work with. His variation on the drink reads as a love letter to his favorite alpine producers, calling on a subtly herbaceous Piedmontese vermouth and the bitter orange, spiced notes of Bigallet China-China.

creole cocktail NOLA cocktail recipe

The classic Grasshopper, a mix of crème de menthe, crème de cacao and cream, has long been beloved as a guilty-pleasure drink, thanks to its familiar chocolate chip-mint flavor profile and eye-catching color. According to most accounts, the drink was created at New Orleans bar Tujague’s and the version perfected there by bartender Paul Gustings deserves its acclaim. This version, however, comes courtesy of Dale DeGroff, aka King Cocktail, and took top honors at our blind tasting of 10 examples of the drink.

dale degroff best grasshopper cocktail recipe

The origins of this Bourbon Street staple remain a mystery, though some sources point to the 1940s, when Pat O’Brien created the drink to make use of excess rum. Kirk Estopinal, bartender at Cane & Table, created an elevated take on the drink by making a fassionola syrup (passion fruit, sugar, guava, hibiscus) and layering it with a blend of Puerto Rican and Jamaican rums.

hurricane cocktail new orleans

New Orleans has its very own Martini riff. The variation popularized at the historic Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop in the 1940s is an absinthe-laced dry Martini that lives on at the extant bar and in Brooklyn, where it graced the opening menu at Maison Premiere. There, William Elliott’s recipe has gotten increasingly dry since it debuted in 2011, evolving from a 3:1 version made with London dry gin and Dolin dry vermouth to a 6:1 version made with Thomas Dakin Red Cole gin and Bordiga extra-dry vermouth. “It’s one of the more eyebrow-raising names we’ve had on our menu,” Elliott says. “When you put something [like the Obituary] on the menu, you are forcing somebody to repeat it.”

Obituary martini cocktail

A simple stirred drink made with a 50/50 combination of sweet and dry vermouths plus bitters, the Old Hickory is a classic with a low-proof build that feels surprisingly modern. Bodenheimer, owner of New Orleans bars Cure and Cane & Table, among others, sought to put the forgotten drink back on the map for his Washington, D.C., outpost, Dauphine’s. At the restaurant, the vermouths are batched together and refrigerated ahead of time to enable quick service, but this version makes a single drink. The ingredients are deliberately mixed without ice to avoid overdilution and to preserve the character of the vermouth.

Old Hickory NOLA cocktail recipe

First served in the late 1800s, this classic by Louisiana bartender Henry C. Ramos is a crowd-pleasing drink known for its picture-perfect crown of froth. In our tasting of 10 Ramos Gin Fizzes, top honors went to this version from New Orleans–inspired Maison Premiere in Brooklyn. Like most Ramos recipes, its showstopping meringue is a matter of method—topping the drink with seltzer, rather than layering it at the bottom, in this case—and the precise ratio of ingredients.

best ramos gin fizz cocktail recipe

A Cognac highball, the Roffignac has remained a relic because of the drink’s once-fatal flaw: the mistaken inclusion of raspberry syrup. Bodenheimer, who has recently revisited the drink, has revived it by turning instead to raspberry vinegar, which historical research suggests is the correct modifier for the drink. Along with Dauphine’s bar director Donato Alvarez, he’s brought the cocktail into the 21st century by swapping the base spirit for tequila and turning to a cranberry shrub.

Ruffignac Cocktail Recipe

In the early 2000s, this hard-hitting drink saw a resurgence that paralleled the rise of rye whiskey and the expanded distribution of Peychaud’s bitters. While the construction of the Sazerac typically begins with rinsing a glass with absinthe, St. John Frizell’s perfected version calls for using an atomizer to mist absinthe into a rocks glass before stirring and straining rye whiskey, simple syrup, Peychaud’s and Angostura bitters into it. “When guests smell that anise, it makes them turn around and ask questions. It whets their appetite to order a Sazerac,” Frizell says.

st. john frizell's sazerac

First served at New Orleans’ Hotel Monteleone, the Vieux Carré is the city’s own Manhattan variation, an equal-parts mix of rye, Cognac and sweet vermouth with Bénédictine and bitters. Taking first place in our Vieux Carré tasting was New York bartender Chip Tyndale, whose recipe dials back the sweet vermouth. Talia Baiocchi, Punch founder and general manager, praised its “long, complex finish,” noting that “it sticks with you in a good way.”

Best Vieux Carre Recipe

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Bondsmen challenge bill to allow partial cash bond


The Alabama Bail Bond Association voiced opposition last week to a bill that would allow criminal defendants to pay partial cash payments to courts as bond.

HB42 by Rep. Chris England, D-Tuscaloosa, would change bail law back to its prior state when courts could accept partial cash payments for bail.

“Essentially what this bill would do is restore the ability (for the court) to keep that money and pay the defendant’s fines and costs and restitution versus giving it to a bondsman,” England said. “And again, I just want to reiterate, the law was this way forever up until a couple of years ago.”

Victor Howard, vice president of the Alabama Bail Bond Association, said the group opposes the bill because of the “responsibility” that the bail structure provides.

Howard talked about the impacts of a zero-cash system in states like California, who reported increased rates of failure to appear and recidivism, and in an Illinois county where thousands of people failed to appear for court.

England said Howard’s comments were a “red herring” because the bill does not eliminate bail but provides a “percentage bond” system.

“For anybody to come in here and call this a zero-cash system, that’s just disingenuous,” England said. “… You could have saved us about four minutes by saying ‘I don’t like this bill because it hurts my business.’ Because that’s all you said.”

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England argued that even though bondsmen are required to pay the bond if they cannot get the defendant to appear in court, in practice companies are often allowed to forfeit because they don’t have enough money in escrow to satisfy the bond payment.

The only way the court actually sees any money, England said, is through a percentage bond.

The bill could be considered as soon as Wednesday for final passage through the committee. England has previously carried the bill through the House, but it stalled in the Senate.


SAS tries more of the same instead of innovation


SAS new route announcements seems to be more of the same. More flights from airports in Sweden to the US. More airports around New York.

They have added flights from Gothenburg and Jylland which is ok I guess since the hop via Arlanda or Copenhagen is a bit of an iritation. Specially with the troubles due to staffing Arlanda had last summer.

They have added JFK in addition to Newark for New York. Big wup regarding destination. And more costs for SAS to a more expensive airport.

Unless they would want to become just a longhaul and swedish connections airline they should rather go for more direct connecting within Europe. SAS closed a lot of them during the pandemic and they don’t seem to be coming back. There are now no diret SAS Oslo to Dublin flights. That is no direct connection between a Scandinavian capital city and another capital city in Europe. 

And there is still no direct flight whatsoever between Dublin and Trondheim. Connecting via Copenhagen or Arlanda will cost you a whole day, meaning up at 6 am to arrive at 18:00 or later. I know, have done it regularly for 30 years. Return is a litle better because Trondheim Vaernes is such an easy airport regarding security and relatively short walks. If there was a direct flight I would proabably at least treble my travelling on the route. How many possible other such routes are there. 

Connectivity in Copenhgen could also be improved. If you arrive in a gate and your departing flight is on the gate beside it you have to trek all the way to the main terminal and then out again. That can be a fight against time if there is 50 minurtes between flights and your first flight is a bit late. Once watched the head cabin crew spend the whole flight moving people to later departures. Luckily not me and I made it because of course the connecting flight was late to. 

In all additional airports for the same city is not reallyan improvement and will proably mostly just cannibalise your excisiting trafic. No wonder Ryanair have found a gap in the market and is moving heavily into the Stockholm trafic with direct routes to Europe from there after succeding from Copenhagen.

SAS better take a closer look at from what secondary airports in Scandinavia people are connecting to larger European cities and consider wether direct routes are a possibility. Specially since SAS also traffics with smaller than the common 186 or more seats planes the lower costs airlines do. A more rasonable 124 seat plane might suit regular and sustained routes from these airports better than planes with 50% more seats to fill for profitability do. Remember Ryanair started out with a fleet of 130 seat planes to build routes intially and the population of Scandinavia hasn’t really grown much since then.

This of course demands that SAS again do these types of smaller planes in-house and don’t outsource all the profitability of them to third parties trough wetleasing.

30 Gallon Gas Air Compressor Harbor Freight: Ultimate Power for Your Workshop


The 30-gallon gas air compressor from Harbor Freight is a powerful tool for heavy-duty tasks. It’s ideal for workshops and construction sites.

Air compressors are essential for various industrial and construction needs. The 30-gallon gas air compressor from Harbor Freight stands out due to its robust performance and reliability. These compressors are equipped with powerful engines, ensuring consistent and high-pressure output. Models like the XtremepowerUS, HPDAVV, and NorthStar feature impressive specifications, making them suitable for demanding tasks.

They provide the necessary power for tools and machinery, enhancing productivity and efficiency. Whether you need it for a workshop, construction site, or any heavy-duty application, these air compressors offer durability and high performance. Read on to explore the best options available and find the perfect fit for your needs.

XtremepowerUS 13HP Air Compressor Tank 30 Gallon Gas-Powered Service Truck Horizontal Compressor Tank

The XtremepowerUS 13HP Air Compressor Tank 30 Gallon Gas-Powered Service Truck Horizontal Compressor Tank is a robust and reliable air compressor designed for heavy-duty tasks. This powerful machine is crafted by XtremepowerUS and comes in a sleek grey color, weighing in at a solid 390.0 pounds. It’s ideal for service trucks and other demanding environments, ensuring you have the air power you need on the go.


  • High 13HP engine ensures powerful performance
  • 30-gallon tank provides ample capacity for extended use
  • Gas-powered, making it versatile and portable
  • Durable construction suitable for heavy-duty tasks


  • Heavy weight at 390.0 pounds may limit portability
  • Gas-powered engine can be noisy
  • Requires regular maintenance for optimal performance

The XtremepowerUS 13HP Air Compressor Tank is an excellent choice for those in need of a high-performance, portable air compressor. Its 13HP engine ensures that it can handle even the most demanding tasks, making it a valuable asset for service trucks and other heavy-duty applications. The 30-gallon tank provides a significant amount of air, allowing for longer periods of use without the need for frequent refills.

However, it’s important to consider some of the drawbacks. The 390.0-pound weight can make the compressor difficult to move, which might be a concern for those needing to transport it frequently. Additionally, the gas-powered engine, while providing excellent power, can be quite noisy and requires regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Overall, if power and capacity are your primary concerns, the XtremepowerUS air compressor is a solid investment.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

HPDAVV 30 Gal Gas Powered Air Compressor 13HP 35CFM Electric Start Gas Driven Piston Pump Air Compressed System with 125PSI Max. Pressure and ASME Tank for Worksho, Machinery, Construction Sites

The HPDAVV 30 Gal Gas Powered Air Compressor is a powerful and versatile tool, designed to meet the demands of various industrial applications. With a 13HP engine and a 35CFM output, it ensures efficient and reliable performance. The unit features an electric start for convenience and a 125PSI max. pressure, making it suitable for workshops, machinery, and construction sites. Additionally, it comes with an ASME certified tank, which ensures safety and durability.


  • High power output with 13HP engine
  • Electric start for easy operation
  • Large 30-gallon tank for extended use
  • 125PSI max. pressure suitable for various applications
  • ASME certified tank for safety and durability


  • Large size may require more space
  • Higher price point compared to smaller models
  • Gas-powered engine may need regular maintenance

The HPDAVV 30 Gal Gas Powered Air Compressor is designed to cater to heavy-duty tasks in industrial settings. The 13HP engine provides ample power to ensure that the compressor runs efficiently, even during prolonged use. The electric start feature is particularly beneficial, as it eliminates the hassle of manual starting and makes the unit more user-friendly.

One of the standout features of this compressor is its 125PSI max. pressure, which allows it to handle a wide range of applications, from powering pneumatic tools to inflating large tires. The 30-gallon tank capacity ensures that you have a sufficient air supply for continuous operation. Additionally, the ASME certified tank guarantees that the unit adheres to strict safety standards, providing peace of mind during use.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor 24CFM Electric Start Gasoline Driven Piston Pump Air Compressed System with 180PSI Max. Pressure & 30 Gal ASME Tank for Workshop, Construction Sites, Machinery

The HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor is a powerful and reliable air compressed system, ideal for workshops, construction sites, and machinery applications. With a 13HP gasoline-driven piston pump, it delivers an impressive 24CFM and can achieve a maximum pressure of 180PSI. The system is supported by a 30-gallon ASME tank, ensuring consistent performance and durability. Additionally, the electric start feature adds convenience, making it easy to operate.


  • High Performance with 13HP engine delivering 24CFM
  • Electric Start for easy and convenient operation
  • Durable 30-gallon ASME tank
  • Maximum Pressure of 180PSI suitable for heavy-duty tasks


  • Large Dimensions may require significant space (38.0 inches height, 17.0 inches width, 43.0 inches length)
  • Gasoline Driven may not be ideal for indoor use due to emissions
  • Regular Maintenance required for gasoline engines

The HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor stands out due to its high performance and durability. The 24CFM output and 180PSI max pressure make it suitable for a variety of heavy-duty applications, from workshops to construction sites. The electric start feature is a significant advantage, providing ease of use and saving time during operation. The 30-gallon ASME tank ensures that the system runs smoothly and consistently, catering to demanding tasks without compromising on performance.

However, potential buyers should consider the large dimensions of the unit, which may require ample space for setup and storage. Additionally, being a gasoline-driven system, it may not be the best choice for indoor use due to emissions. Regular maintenance is also a factor to keep in mind, as gasoline engines typically demand more upkeep compared to electric ones. Overall, the HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor is a robust and efficient choice for those needing a reliable air compressed system for heavy-duty applications.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

VEVOR 15HP Gas Powered Air Compressor, 30 Gallon Horizontal Air Compressor Tank, 33CFM@115PSI Gas Driven Piston Pump Air Compressed System with 115PSI Max Pressure for Construction Sites Workshop

The VEVOR 15HP Gas Powered Air Compressor is a powerful and reliable air compression system designed for both construction sites and workshops. With a 30-gallon horizontal tank and a 33CFM@115PSI capacity, this gas-driven piston pump ensures that you have ample air supply for various heavy-duty applications. The compressor is designed to provide a maximum pressure of 115PSI, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks.


  • High power output with 15HP engine
  • Large 30-gallon tank for extended air supply
  • 33CFM@115PSI ensures efficient performance
  • Durable and robust construction suitable for construction sites
  • Gas-powered for portability and convenience


  • Heavy weight at 271 pounds, making it less portable
  • Larger dimensions may require more storage space
  • Gas-powered engine may require regular maintenance

The VEVOR 15HP Gas Powered Air Compressor stands out due to its robust construction and high power output. This compressor is ideal for those who need a reliable air supply for heavy-duty applications. Its 30-gallon tank and 33CFM@115PSI capacity mean that it can handle a variety of tasks without requiring frequent refills. The 115PSI maximum pressure ensures that it can power a wide range of tools and equipment efficiently.

However, the weight and size of the VEVOR 15HP Gas Powered Air Compressor could be a drawback for some users. Weighing in at 271 pounds and with its larger dimensions, it may not be the easiest to move around or store in smaller spaces. Additionally, being gas-powered means that it requires regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Despite these drawbacks, its power and performance make it an excellent choice for those in need of a reliable and efficient air compressor for demanding tasks.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

XtremepowerUS 13.0HP Horizontal Air Compressor Tank 30 Gallon Horizontal Tank Gas-Powered 3-Cylinder Service Truck Mount

The XtremepowerUS 13.0HP Horizontal Air Compressor Tank is a powerful and reliable gas-powered compressor designed for heavy-duty applications. With a 30-gallon horizontal tank and 3-cylinder engine, this compressor is ideal for service trucks and other demanding environments. The XtremepowerUS brand ensures quality and durability, making it a trusted choice for professionals.


  • High power output with a 13.0HP engine
  • Large 30-gallon tank for extended use without frequent refills
  • 3-cylinder design for efficient and smooth operation
  • Gas-powered for use in areas without electrical access
  • Durable construction with a 390-pound weight for stability


  • Heavy weight makes it less portable
  • Gas-powered engine requires regular maintenance
  • Higher noise levels compared to electric compressors

The XtremepowerUS 13.0HP Horizontal Air Compressor Tank is a robust and efficient solution for those in need of a powerful compressor. Its high power output and large 30-gallon tank make it suitable for a variety of heavy-duty tasks, ensuring that you can work longer without interruptions. The 3-cylinder design further enhances its performance, providing a smooth and consistent operation.

However, its weight and gas-powered nature may pose challenges in terms of portability and maintenance. Additionally, the noise levels might be a concern for some users. Despite these drawbacks, the XtremepowerUS compressor remains a reliable and durable choice for professionals who require a high-performing and dependable air compressor for their service trucks and other demanding applications.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor 35CFM Electric Start Gasoline Driven Piston Pump Air Compressed System with 125PSI Max. Pressure and 30 Gal ASME Tank for Workshop, Construction Sites, Machinery

The HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor is a high-performance machine designed for workshops, construction sites, and machinery applications. With a maximum pressure of 125 PSI and a 35 CFM output, this air compressor ensures efficiency and reliability for various tasks. It also features a 30-gallon ASME tank and an electric start for added convenience.


  • High 125 PSI maximum pressure
  • 35 CFM output for efficient performance
  • Electric start for easy operation
  • 30-gallon ASME tank for large capacity


  • Heavy weight of 353 pounds
  • Gasoline-driven which may not be suitable for all environments
  • Requires regular maintenance

The HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor is a robust and powerful air compressor ideal for heavy-duty applications. Its 35 CFM output ensures that it can handle demanding tasks with ease. The electric start feature adds to its usability, making it convenient to operate even in challenging conditions. The 30-gallon ASME tank provides a substantial air storage capacity, ensuring that you can work for extended periods without frequent refills.

However, the weight of 353 pounds might be a concern for some users who need a more portable solution. Additionally, being gasoline-driven, it might not be the best fit for indoor use or environments where emissions are a concern. Regular maintenance is also required to keep it in optimal working condition. Despite these cons, the HPDMC 13HP Gas Powered Air Compressor remains a reliable and efficient choice for those needing a high-capacity, high-performance air compressor.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

NorthStar Portable Gas Powered Air Compressor - Honda GX390 OHV Engine, 30-Gallon Horizontal Tank, 24.4 CFM at 90 PSI

The NorthStar Portable Gas Powered Air Compressor is a robust and reliable piece of equipment designed for heavy-duty applications. Powered by a Honda GX390 OHV Engine, this compressor features a 30-Gallon Horizontal Tank and delivers an impressive 24.4 CFM at 90 PSI. It’s an ideal choice for those who need a dependable and efficient air compressor for various tasks.


  • High-performance Honda GX390 OHV Engine ensures reliability and longevity.
  • Large 30-Gallon Horizontal Tank allows for extended use without frequent refills.
  • 24.4 CFM at 90 PSI provides ample power for a wide range of applications.
  • Sturdy construction and durable materials make it suitable for tough environments.


  • Heavy weight of 490.0 pounds makes it less portable and difficult to move.
  • Large dimensions may require significant storage space.
  • Gas-powered operation means it requires regular maintenance and fuel management.

The NorthStar Portable Gas Powered Air Compressor stands out due to its robust design and high-performance engine. The Honda GX390 OHV Engine is known for its reliability and efficiency, making this compressor a great choice for professionals who need a dependable machine. The 30-Gallon Horizontal Tank ensures that you have plenty of air for extended tasks, reducing the need for constant refilling and increasing productivity.

On the downside, the compressor’s heavy weight and large dimensions can be a challenge for portability and storage. This makes it more suitable for stationary use rather than frequent transportation. Additionally, being gas-powered means that users need to manage fuel and perform regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Despite these cons, the NorthStar Portable Gas Powered Air Compressor remains a solid investment for those who require a powerful and reliable air compressor for demanding applications.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

CAMPBELL HAUSFELD 3-in-1 Compressor-Generator-Welder Combo with Honda GX390 Gas Engine, 5000W Generator, 200A Welder, 30 Gallon Tank, 175 PSI, Truck Mount

The CAMPBELL HAUSFELD 3-in-1 Compressor-Generator-Welder Combo is a versatile and powerful tool designed to meet the needs of professionals and serious DIY enthusiasts. Equipped with a Honda GX390 Gas Engine, this combo unit integrates a 5000W Generator, a 200A Welder, and a 30 Gallon Tank compressor, providing an all-in-one solution for various demanding tasks. Its 175 PSI capacity ensures high performance, and the unit is designed for truck mounting, making it an excellent choice for mobile operations.


  • Combines three essential tools into one convenient unit
  • Powered by a reliable Honda GX390 Gas Engine
  • High 175 PSI compressor capacity
  • 5000W Generator provides ample power for various applications
  • 200A Welder suitable for heavy-duty welding tasks
  • Designed for truck mounting for easy transportation


  • Heavy unit with a weight of 591.0 pounds
  • May require professional installation on a truck
  • High initial cost due to its multi-functionality

The CAMPBELL HAUSFELD 3-in-1 Compressor-Generator-Welder Combo is an impressive piece of machinery that stands out due to its multifunctional capabilities. The integration of a compressor, generator, and welder into one unit is a significant advantage for those who need a versatile and powerful tool that can handle various tasks. The Honda GX390 Gas Engine ensures reliable performance, while the 5000W Generator and 200A Welder offer ample power for demanding jobs. Additionally, the 30 Gallon Tank and 175 PSI capacity make the compressor highly efficient.

However, the unit’s weight and size, at 591.0 pounds, may pose challenges in terms of portability and installation. It is best suited for professionals who require a robust and mobile solution, as it is designed to be mounted on a truck. Despite the high initial cost, the investment in this combo unit can be justified by the convenience and performance it offers. Overall, the CAMPBELL HAUSFELD 3-in-1 Compressor-Generator-Welder Combo is a valuable addition to any professional’s toolkit, providing unmatched versatility and efficiency.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

HPDAVV 13 HP Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor with 30 Gallon Tank - Two Stage - 24cfm@180psi - 420CC Engine for Industrial Use with Proper Maintenance

The HPDAVV 13 HP Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor with a 30 Gallon Tank is a two-stage compressor designed for industrial use. This powerful machine has a 420CC engine and delivers an impressive 24cfm@180psi, ensuring reliable performance for heavy-duty tasks. Its robust design and efficient operation make it a valuable asset for various industrial applications.


  • High performance with 24cfm@180psi
  • Durable 420CC engine
  • Large 30 Gallon Tank
  • Two-stage compressor for efficient operation
  • Ideal for industrial use


  • Requires proper maintenance
  • Large and bulky dimensions
  • High noise levels during operation

The HPDAVV 13 HP Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor is a top-tier machine tailored for those demanding high performance and reliability in their industrial tasks. The 24cfm@180psi output ensures that it can handle even the most strenuous tasks with ease. The 420CC engine not only provides the necessary power but also guarantees durability, making it a long-term investment for any industrial setting.

However, the compressor does come with some considerations. Its large and bulky design may pose storage challenges, and it requires proper maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, the high noise levels during operation could be a concern in noise-sensitive environments. Despite these drawbacks, the overall efficiency and capability of this compressor make it a worthwhile addition to any industrial workspace.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

AEOLUS A Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor 13HP 30 Gal Tank - 24CFM@ Max 180psi - 420CC Engine Truck Mount Air Compressor(AD2090T/13HP/30GAL)

Introducing the AEOLUS A Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor, a powerful and reliable 13HP unit with a 30 Gal Tank. This compressor is designed to deliver an impressive 24CFM at a maximum of 180psi. Equipped with a 420CC Engine, it is perfect for truck mount applications, ensuring you have the air power you need on the go.


  • High power output with a 13HP engine
  • Large 30-gallon tank for extended use
  • 24CFM @ 180psi ensures consistent performance
  • Durable build with a weight of 432 pounds
  • Ideal for truck mount applications


  • Heavyweight might require specialized mounting
  • Large dimensions may not fit all spaces

The AEOLUS A Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor stands out for its exceptional power and capacity. The 13HP engine combined with a 30-gallon tank allows for prolonged use without frequent refilling. This makes it suitable for both professional and heavy-duty use, offering reliability and efficiency with every operation. The 24CFM output at 180psi ensures that you can handle a wide range of pneumatic tools and applications with ease.

However, the compressor’s size and weight could be a consideration for some users. At 432 pounds and with dimensions of 20.86 inches in height, 46.06 inches in width, and 47.24 inches in length, it requires ample space and might need a robust mounting solution. Despite these factors, the AEOLUS A Gas Driven Piston Air Compressor remains a top choice for those needing a powerful and dependable air compressor for demanding tasks.

To buy this product, Check Price on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Benefits Of A 30-gallon Gas Air Compressor?

A 30-gallon gas air compressor offers high power and portability. It’s ideal for remote job sites, workshops, and heavy-duty tasks. With a larger tank, it provides consistent airflow and reduces downtime.

How Much Horsepower Is Ideal For A Gas Air Compressor?

A gas air compressor with 13-15 horsepower is ideal. It delivers sufficient power for demanding applications. This range ensures efficient performance for construction, workshop, and industrial tasks.

What Is The Maximum Pressure Of These Air Compressors?

The maximum pressure of these air compressors varies. Most offer 115-180 PSI. Higher PSI allows for more powerful and efficient operation, suitable for various applications.

Can These Compressors Be Used For Industrial Purposes?

Yes, these compressors are suitable for industrial use. They provide high power, durability, and reliability. Ideal for heavy-duty tasks in workshops, construction sites, and machinery maintenance.

How Portable Are 30-gallon Gas Air Compressors?

30-gallon gas air compressors are portable. They often feature wheels and handles for easy movement. Perfect for use at various job sites, providing flexibility and convenience.

What Maintenance Is Required For Gas Air Compressors?

Regular maintenance is essential. Check oil levels, air filters, and belts. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for optimal performance. Proper maintenance ensures longevity and reliability of the compressor.


Choosing the right 30-gallon gas air compressor from harbor freight can greatly enhance your work efficiency. These powerful machines, such as the xtremepowerus 13hp and the hpdavv 30 gal, offer impressive performance for various applications. They are ideal for workshops, construction sites, and machinery needs.

The vevor 15hp and the hpdmc models provide reliable service with their robust engines and high-pressure capacities. Whether you need a compressor for industrial use or truck mounting, options like the northstar portable and aeolus a can meet your demands.

Each model offers unique features, ensuring you find one that suits your specific requirements. Investing in a quality air compressor not only improves productivity but also ensures long-term reliability and durability. So, assess your needs, compare the options, and make an informed decision.

With the right air compressor, your projects will run smoothly and efficiently.

Indoor Ag-Con 2025 Trend Report-Hydroponics, Sustainability, Robotics and More – Urban Ag News


Las Vegas, NV (January 16, 2025) Indoor Ag-Con, the largest show dedicated to indoor agriculture, is the place to find the latest trends shaping the future of farming. Come March 11-12, farmers, growers, ag tech leaders, suppliers, advocates and enthusiasts will converge at Westgate Las Vegas to experience an expanded Expo Hall with 200+ exhibiting companies offering the most cutting-edge products, services and tools on the market.

Indoor agriculture has reached new heights, with innovative technologies and practices, helping pave the way for a sustainable future in food production. As the world faces increasing challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and urbanization, the indoor farming sector is stepping up to provide solutions to address these global issues. 

Below are some of the trends shaping the indoor agriculture industry today and a selection of highlights from Indoor Ag-Con 2025 exhibitors.

Hydroponics Innovation

Hydroponics, the soil-free cultivation of plants using nutrient-rich water, has become a standard in indoor agriculture. Recently, innovations in hydroponic systems have improved plant growth rates and reduced water consumption. 

Just Vertical (Booth 1113) crafts and distributes state-of-the-art, sustainable vertical hydroponic farming systems, revolutionizing agriculture. The innovative systems empower growers, whether small-scale or large-scale, to cultivate fresh, nutrient-rich produce in any space. At Indoor Ag-Con, check out their NEW Just Vertical Grow Racks, Free-Standing Grow Racks redefine flexibility and efficiency in indoor agriculture, setting a new standard for accessibility and innovation. Unlike traditional systems that cater exclusively to experienced growers or specific scales, Just Vertical grow racks are designed to empower anyone—from beginners to seasoned professionals—on any scale. By optimizing vertical and horizontal growing spaces, our technology ensures that every inch of your operation works harder for you.

Concert Bio (Booth 841SZ-1) optimizes greenhouse crop performance‍ via the plant microbiome. They are using cutting-edge data science to identify and provide beneficial microbes to hydroponic growers – creating the ideal microbiome for their crops to thrive. Developing the ideal microbe products to enhance greenhouse crop performance. As agriculture transitions from traditional to hydroponic methods, recreating the delicate balance of microorganisms found in soil – and which plants need to thrive – has become essential for improving crop growth, quality and resilience. Their platform, developed for hydroponic greenhouses, leverages our unrivaled microbiome database to unlock a whole new level of understanding about the hydroponic microbiome and how to improve it.

Profile’s Growing Solutions (Booth 425) division offers a comprehensive portfolio of products that improve substrates and growing / soil blending operations. These product brands include HydraFiber engineered fibers; Profile Sphagnum Peat Moss and Profile Coconut Coir; Florikan controlled-release fertilizer; and a line of Quick Plug bonded media technology for propagation and food production. They now have a line of hydroponic solutions that includes HydraFiber + Coir grow bags and HydraFiber + Coir grow blocks – combining two leading substrates into one hydroponic solutions to service the CEA market with high-performing, cost-effective growing solutions. Profile will have the new hydroponic grow bags on display at Indoor Ag-Con.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

As consumers increasingly demand sustainable food options, indoor agriculture has responded with environmentally friendly practices. The use of renewable energy sources such as LED lighting, solar and wind power is on the rise in indoor farming operations, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, many indoor farms now implement zero-waste practices, reusing water and recycling materials used in farming operations.

Thrive Agritech (Booth 533) is a recognized leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of advanced LED lighting systems specifically for the indoor agriculture market. By focusing on advanced technologies and energy efficient solutions, Thrive Agritech enables growers to optimize plant development, productively increase yields, and reliably reduce operational and maintenance costs. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by indoor agriculture operators, Thrive Agritech delivers on both lighting and power distribution solutions focused on lowering costs of production and maximizing profitability. Thrive Agritech’s commitment to innovation, energy efficiency, and superior customer service positions their company as a trusted partner for growers looking to capture the full potential of a lighting manufacturing partner. 

VelociGro Inc (Booth 631) offers patented technology to improve the environment by replacing traditionally wasteful agricultural methods, with gel based biodegradable and compostable grow plugs and mats. They nurture growth that’s not just better for plants, but better for our planet by: Increasing crop yields by up to 40%, Reducing water usage by an average of 30%, Cutting pesticide use significantly, promoting healthier food and ecosystems and helping indoor farms to create a truly “controlled environment” by using our substrates. They are debuting the HYPERroots FT seed starter plugs, HYPERroots FT Microgreen mats, and HYPERroots Liquid at Indoor Ag-Con.

Priva (Booth 525) is a leading technology company specializing in innovative solutions for sustainable horticulture and building automation. They empower growers with advanced climate, water, and energy management systems, optimizing greenhouse operations for increased productivity and resource efficiency. Their offerings include state-of-the-art climate controllers, crop registration tools, and data-driven insights to help businesses achieve sustainability and operational excellence. With a strong commitment to innovation, Priva partners with clients to shape the future of sustainable agriculture and smart environments. Priva will showcase showcase PIM (Priva Irrigation Management), a powerful tool that helps growers optimize irrigation strategies, ensuring precise water, nutrient, and energy use, at Indoor Ag-Con.

PathoSans (Booth 629) enables customers to produce effective and sustainable cleaning and sanitizing solutions, using just salt, water, and electricity. Through on-site generation, customers can not only produce the solutions they need, when they need them, but they can eliminate the need to bring harmful chemicals into their growing environment. They help put the ‘control’ in controlled environment agriculture. At Indoor Ag-on, they will showcase the newest and smallest on-site generator, the Concentrate Compact generator. This unit is wall-mounted and by producing concentrate, it offers the most flexibility in application possibilities.

Farm-to-Table Accessibility

The growth of indoor agriculture has resulted in fresher, locally grown produce, reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation. Indoor farms in urban areas are creating farm-to-table solutions that allow consumers to access fresh and nutritious food grown within their communities. This trend is further supported by advances in logistics and supply chain technologies, ensuring faster delivery and reducing food waste.

ZGROUP USA (Booth 615) specializes in innovative modular refrigeration solutions, offering cutting-edge Cold Storage, Blast Chiller, Blast Freezer and Ripening technologies. With over 20 years of experience, ZGROUP enhances food safety, reduce waste, and promote sustainability. Their blast chiller, which optimizes the freshness of products from farm to table, features innovative forced air cooling system that ensures rapid and efficient cooling, preserving the quality and flavor of the food. This solution is designed for easy integration into farms or packing facilities and is essential for maintaining an effective cold chain. 

Based in Etten-Leur the Netherlands, TAKS Handling Systems (Booth 231) develop, make and assemble innovative packing hall solutions and transport systems that are both modular and custom-built. Their systems can process produce such as vegetables and fruits fast and efficiently and will save you a significant amount of labor. When it comes to the automation of your packing hall or logistic system, TAKS Handling Systems has the perfect solution for every situation. Discover our versatile modular products and interesting custom fit solutions.

Sormac Inc (Booth 1003) offers the best post-harvest solutions for indoor growing. Sormac leads the ways in developing process solutions for CEA-grown products. Whether you grow your product in a greenhouse or in a vertical farm of if you use hydroponics, aeroponics or aquaponics. All products are grown gently. This gentle treatment needs to be continued after harvesting so products will look defined in the shops where they battle for the attention of the consumer. Sormac’s proven systems help customers to deliver the highest quality product.

Robotics and Automation

The integration of Robotics and Automation in indoor agriculture is revolutionizing the way food is grown, with precision and efficiency at its core. Advanced robotic systems are being deployed to automate tasks such as planting, watering, pruning, and harvesting, significantly reducing the reliance on manual labor. Sensors play a crucial role by continuously monitoring key environmental parameters such as light, temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, providing real-time data for optimizing crop growth.

Located in Europe’s leading robotics hub, Odense, Denmark, 4XROBOTS (Booth 1114) has developed the world’s first 4-armed collaborative delta robot. Designed for modern production environments in the horticulture sector, their robot aims to improve productivity and operational efficiency. The 4X robot is capable of speeds up to 1,000 mm/second while maintaining collaborative features. This combination of high speed and safety makes it ideal for quality-driven Pick & Place applications. The robot’s 4-armed mechanical design significantly extends its physical reach, providing a larger workspace and greater flexibility. Additionally, it features intuitive programming for fast implementation and remote system access for enhanced uptime and reliability. These innovations collectively set new standards in efficiency, reliability, and operational ease for collaborative robots. 

Odense: 4xRobots i Odense Billedet er taget den 01/05/2024. Foto: Robert Wengler

Rooted Robotics (Booth 1032) creates innovative automation solutions for vertical and indoor farming, specializing in affordable, modular systems designed to empower small and medium-sized growers. Their products, including tabletop seeders, harvesters, and washers, streamline labor-intensive tasks while boosting efficiency and yield. With a focus on flexibility, their machines can be integrated into fully automated workflows using groundbreaking L.I.N.C. (Linearly Integrated Networked Conveyors) technology. See the new L.I.N.C. seeder, harvester, and tray/NFT channel washer at Indoor Ag-Con.

Growbud (Booth 431) provides truly wireless grow medium sensors for indoor agriculture. The Growbud software platform enhances plant cultivation by providing real-time environmental monitoring, advanced analytics, and seamless integration with Growbud’s suite of sensors. The insights provided by the platform allow cultivators to dial in irrigation controls to increase crop yield. At Indoor Ag-Con, Growbud will be debuting the Growbud Dro and Vero substrate sensors.

For more information on the 2025 exhibitors, please visit



Founded in 2013, Indoor Ag-Con has emerged as the largest trade show and conference for vertical farming | greenhouse |controlled environment agriculture. Its events are crop-agnostic and touch all sectors of the business, covering produce, legal cannabis | hemp, alternate protein and non-food crops. More information, visit

A Conversation With Cameroonian Artist and Student Astrid Mafogang – The Hip Hop African


COVID-19 conspiracy sites won’t be able to make money with Google ads


Google is giving the boot to websites that push coronavirus conspiracy theories using its ad platform.

Starting Aug. 18, Google will no longer allow publishers that promote coronavirus conspiracies to monetize their sites with Google ads. The policy change allows the search giant leeway to ban ads on certain pages or to block an entire website from its advertising platform.

Google already bans from its ad network websites publishing medical misinformation that can harm others. This new policy expands that to include broader COVID-19 conspiracies, such as ones spreading misinfo about possible vaccines.

“We are putting additional safeguards in place by expanding our harmful health claims policies for both publishers and advertisers to include dangerous content about a health crisis that contradicts scientific consensus,” said a Google spokesperson in a statement.

Mashable Light Speed

Along with many other tech companies, Google has struggled to maintain balance with content concerning the global pandemic. Earlier in 2020, the search engine banned non-governmental advertisers from running ads on its network.

The Google-owned YouTube also made it difficult for creators to monetize coronavirus-related videos. The company originally classified COVID-19 as a “sensitive topic” which is company policy in order to stop people from capitalizing off of delicate breaking events. This policy also helps keep brands’ advertisements off potentially inappropriate content.

As the coronavirus shifted from a potential problem to a full-on pandemic affecting everyday life in the U.S., YouTube revised its policies in order to let more creators monetize COVID-19 content. Google also changed its policies which limited who can run coronavirus-related search ads.

However, Google and other tech companies are making it clear that they still won’t stand for harmful conspiracy theories and misinformation about the pandemic. Facebook, for example, has been promoting the World Health Organization’s website to users who like coronavirus conspiracies. Instagram has even banned users who pushed fake COVID-related schemes.

Google has already removed more than 200 million coronavirus-related ads that went against its policies. The company made $135 billion from its advertising program last year.

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