Well, doing the Three C’s and Acting for Film classes concurrently worked well last time, so let’s try it again. I’m going to be holding two classes, one on Tuesdays from 7-10pm, the other on Saturday from 10am-1pm. **The Tuesday class will start on July 7th, and the Saturday class will begin on July 11th.** The course runs for six weeks. Note for the Saturday class (the Acting for Film one)–we won’t be having class on July 4th, so the class will end on the 25th of July.
The Tuesday class will focus on the Three C’s of Acting, and if you haven’t taken a class from me before, I recommend you take that one. The other is for those who have been through my Three C’s class and are looking for more specific instruction on how to modulate a performance for the camera.
For those who have taken the Three C’s class before, you’ll know that it’s gentle, but never comfortable. It does well for actors who are just starting out, as well as those who have been working and studying for a long time. I enjoy having a mix of experience levels in this class, as it enhances the environment for everyone.
For the Acting for Film class, I like to work with those who already understand the way I work. We go deep and specific as fast as we can, and having a baseline knowledge of the Three C’s is important.
So, Three C’s on Tuesday evenings. Acting for Film Saturday afternoons. The classes will be happening in Provo at 308 East, 300 South. It looks like a house, but it’s got several different spaces inside. The one we’ll be using is what was once the garage–take a right as soon as you walk in the front doors, and go through the kitchen and the door on the right that leads down the stairs.
To sign up, please go above to the PayPal drop-down menu and either select the Three C’s (or Acting for Film) full amount or deposit option. Full payment is $165 for the 6 week course. The non-refundable deposit is $35. If you make a deposit, the remainder of the payment will be due on or before the first day of class.
For those who might need some flexibility on payment, contact me (actingwithoutthedrama -at- gmail -dot- com) with a payment plan already thought through. I’ll let you know whether or not it’s something I can work with.
For those already signed up, make sure you bring in a one-minute monologue (from TV or film for the Acting for Film class, from plays for the Three C’s Class) memorized and ready to perform! 🙂
I’m excited to work with you, so let’s get started!