Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin. When dermatitis is accompanied by swelling from fluid build-up in the skin it is termed as spongiotic eczema. Any skin area can be affected by this dermatitis. This can occur on a localised area of the skin or can be present on a much bigger skin surface. In spongiotic dermatitis there is redness, itching, dryness, and cracks along with swelling. There are several reasons behind spongiotic eczema. Firstly, it can occur from some sort of allergic reaction. Secondly, it may result from irritation by some substances like cosmetic products, chemicals, etc. The third reason can be stress. Hormonal fluctuations also may lead to it. Another cause could be a fungal infection. If one has a family history of atopic dermatitis, such a person is predisposed to spongiotic dermatitis. Its signs and symptoms include skin rash, redness on the skin, skin dryness, scaly skin, blisters that may ooze fluid and also cracks on the skin. These complaints are accompanied by swelling. Itching, burning and stinging sensations on the skin can also be present.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment if someone has spongiotic dermatitis. These medicines help reduce skin inflammation and swelling, and stop any progression of this condition. It also works in managing the signs and symptoms of this condition which include dryness, redness, fluid-filled eruptions, scales on the skin, and also itching, pain, and burning sensation felt on the skin. These are helpful in acute as well as long-term cases of spongiotic eczema. These medicines have zero side-effects and work to aid natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines to treat these cases are decided after detailed case-analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual. So, one should always consult a homeopath for the best homeopathic prescription after in-depth case evaluation.
Homeopathic Medicines For Spongiotic dermatitis
1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine
Apis Mellifica is a top medicine to help if one has spongiotic eczema. For those who need this medicine, the formation of rough eruptions on the skin is present. An accompanying factor is that there is swelling on the skin. Another very important accompanying symptom is a stinging sensation on the skin. Burning sensations and itching are felt on the skin as well. Itching mainly begins in the arms and later spreads to the entire body. Itching disturbs sleep at night. It gets better upon scratching. Redness on the skin is also present. The affected skin is also sore and sensitive to touch. A prickling sensation on the skin occurs mainly on the face, back, palms, hands and forehead in well-defined spots.
2. Sulphur – For Swelling Accompanied By A Burning Sensation
Sulphur is another top medicine that helps manage swelling on the skin along with a burning sensation. There is the presence of itchy spots on different body parts. Upon scratching, the spots become painful. Bleeding might also take place after one scratches. Those who witness worsening itching at night are usually the patients who should be administered this medicine. Itching may not remain local to one part of the body, it may travel to different body parts. Additionally, a crawling sensation on the skin may occur. The skin can be dry. It can be accompanied by scales on the skin. Scabs may also occur on the skin. It can be sore to touch. In some cases, small fluid-filled eruptions may be present on the skin (blisters). Sulphur is also administered for eruptions on the arms, face, and neck with yellow scabs.
3. Rhus Tox – For Redness On Skin Which Appear With Swelling
This medicine is administered to manage skin redness along with the presence of swelling. An accompanying factor is severe itching. There is a constant urge to scratch the affected part of the skin. The more one scratches the skin, the urge to scratch it increases. Stinging and tingling sensation is also felt on the skin. Next, this medicine is also administered against eruptions on the skin with formation of scales. Burning sensation is an accompanying factor. Rhus Tox can also manage quite well tiny fluid-filled eruptions accompanied by redness. Further, this medicine is administered to manage eruptions covered with thick crust. There is oozing of fluid from these eruptions along with a foul smell. Besides, the above, this medicine is of great use when there is dermatitis on the face with swelling around the eyelids.
4. Graphites – For Eruptions Oozing Sticky Fluid And Also For Dry Skin
Graphites are of great use in cases where there are eruptions that ooze a sticky fluid with swelling. The fluid is watery and transparent. Secondly, it is a highly valuable medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin. Cracks on the skin may also be an accompanying factor. For those who need it the most prominent skin areas affected are the face, bends of the elbows and knees, and skin between the fingers and scalp. When the scalp is affected crusty eruptions form on the scalp. These are itchy and painful to touch. These cause the matting of hair together. Lastly, this medicine can manage eruptions with scales or the formation of flakes.
5. Natrum Mur – For Cases Having Fluid-Filled Eruptions
This medicine is very beneficial for managing cases with fluid-filled eruptions i.e. blisters. These eruptions can burst and leave scales on the skin. This is accompanied by swelling on the skin. Next, this medicine is helpful for dry crusty eruptions in the bends of the elbows. Eruptions forming at the margins of the scalp is yet another prominent indication to use this medicine. Lastly dry eruptions behind the ears are effectively treated with this medicine.
6. Arsenic Album – For Rough, Scaly Skin By Swelling
Arsenic Album is the most suitable medicine for cases with rough, scaly skin eruptions and swelling on the skin. The skin goes very dry. There is peeling of the skin in the form of large scales. It is accompanied by marked itching and burning sensation. Scratching enhances the burning sensation. It may also lead to bleeding. The skin also presents with high sensitivity to touch. Besides the above, this medicine is indicated to manage itchy sand-like eruptions.
7. Petroleum – For Cases With Cracks On Skin
Petroleum is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of dermatitis with cracks on the skin. There is intense roughness and dryness of the skin. The skin can also be hard. The cracks can be deep and bleeding tends to occur from the cracks. The skin is swollen. Next, this medicine can be used for eruptions on the skin covered with thick scabs. It is also the most suitable medicine to manage dermatitis that gets worse in winter.
8. Psorinum – For Small Fluid Filled Or Dry Scaly Eruptions On Skin
Psorinum is an excellent medicine for cases presented with tiny fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) on the skin. It is accompanied by swelling. This medicine is also indicated for dry scaly eruptions. It is a very effective medicine when dermatitis worsens after severe exertion. It is accompanied by swelling on the fingers. For those who need it, swelling may also occur on eyelids with dermatitis. In most of the cases, where this medicine is required dermatitis appears on the scalp, in elbow bends and armpits. Next, an intolerable itching occurs on the skin that disturbs the sleep. This medicine is also helpful for small eruptions filled with yellow fluid appearing on the face, and the forehead. These are painful to touch.