Trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, haunted houses, costume parties. Everyone has their favorite Halloween tradition.
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Halloween feels a little scarier.
A lot of those traditions may be a little different this year. There are some things you may not feel safe doing at all.
That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun this Halloween! TownTown & Country & Country provides many great safe Halloween ideas!
Watch a Spooky Movie
From the humorous to the nightmare-inducing, the list of spooky movies is endless. Find a good one for your family or, if you feel it is safe enough, close friends. Get some popcorn and drinks and make a night of it!
Go to a Pumpkin Patch and Go Pumpkin Carving
This already could be a tradition for you and your family. Everyone loves picking up a couple pumpkins and carving a cool design or funny face in them! It is an outdoor activity. As long as visitors practice social distancing, pumpkin picking is completely safe. And pumpkin patches don’t just sell pumpkins. You can pick up other fall favorites like apple cider, pumpkin pie, and more!
Decorate Your House
Decorating may seem like only a holiday season tradition for many, but you can do some cool theming for Halloween. Throw fake cobwebs on the bushes. Put a jack-o-lantern cover on your light pole. Put up some pumpkins and corn stalks on the porch. Everyone will be doing a double take when they walk by your house!
Go on a Hike or Take a Drive
The fall landscape can be so picturesque. Go on a drive and enjoy the colorful leaves around you, but make sure you don’t get too distracted! If you are more of the active type, take a hike. Get up close with the amazing fall foliage!
Bake Some Sweet Treats
You may not be able to get a bowl full of candy this Halloween, so make your own sugary sweets! You can get creative while baking with a Halloween theme. Pumpkin cookies are great. A haunted gingerbread house can be spooky AND delicious.
Host a Virtual Halloween Party
You may not feel safe hosting an in-person party yet, so host a virtual one! Show off your costume. Play some games. And best of all, catch up with friends! Don’t forget a spooky background!
Craft a Spooky Cocktail
What is YOUR drink of choice? Put a little spooky spin on it. There are many different alcoholic and non-alcoholic Halloween drinks you can try. How does a candy corn old fashioned sound to you?
Build a Halloween Playlist
“Monster Mash” and “Thriller” are two of the most iconic Halloween songs. Yet, there are many more you have listened to and love. Put them together and make a playlist. Rock out in your house or on a fun hike!
Make Halloween Face Masks
If there was a symbol for 2020, it would definitely be a face mask. There are hundreds of tutorials online on how to make a working mask. Put a little Halloween spin on your new mask and decorate it. You could even use it as part of a Halloween costume!
Do you know what is scarier than Halloween? Not having the right insurance when you need it. Find a Pekin Insurance Agent today, and they will help find the perfect coverage for you and your family—our treat!