Marksman’s Investment Corner: Portfolio – 3Q2021

Hi readers, September came to a close and it’s time for my 3Q2021 portfolio update. There’s not too much to note other than monitoring the progress of the portfolio, since I didn’t make any transaction.

Link to Main Portfolio page


  1. Portfolio (3Q2021)
  2. Transactions and Dividends 
  3. Closing Thoughts

Portfolio (3Q2021 – 30 September 2021)

Share price and Forex as at 30 September 2021; Cryptocurrency is volatile
and I have rounded down to lowest ten USD for ease of calculation.)


Some commentary on my portfolio

  • Cryptocurrency Portfolio taking huge hit, but fortunately I’m not heavily vested? I may add more to Safemoon.
  • UMS is carrying the portfolio – with the impending bonus shares however, I am expecting a temporary drop of UMS price to 1.30 – 1.50 range for a period of time once it goes ex-bonus (XB) on 22th October 2021.

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Transactions and Dividends 

(a) Transaction Summary

(b) Dividend Summary

  • Received SGD 100 in dividends from UMS
  • Receive SGD 46 in dividends from Prime US REIT

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Closing Thoughts

On the Investment Front

I am preparing to do another round of capital injection and hence adding new position, but still scouting for possibly better opportunities. I have my eyes on only Wilmar so far, especially now that the India JV uncertainty seemed to have cleared up, but hope to instead add tech-sector linked shares.

Read: The Edge Singapore – Wilmar India’s JV IPO set back in motion


On the personal front, firstly, I’m pleased to share that my wife is pregnant with a baby boy and we are expecting him to be due mid-late Feb 2022! With that, comes increased expenses in part to medical check-ups at the gynecologist, buying baby necessities, hospital stay when she gives birth, and confinement. We seem to be generally adequately prepared on the financial end (but hey, can always do better).

Now for the not so good news?

Our family got caught up in COVID-19 panic twice within the month of September itself. Firstly, getting Stay-Home Notice at the start of September due to coming into contact with a confirmed case, and I had to do my best to isolate myself from my wife until I’ve cleared myself with doing ARTs.

Then a couple of household member staying in the same room caught COVID-19 and now we are serving QO, doing ART daily except on the days when we had or have to do PCR. They have since then been brought to be isolated at hotel and I just done some disinfection of the common area in my home. We are also getting professional disinfection surface once the QO gets lifted. Overall this meant that expenses (Food Delivery, buying additional sanitary items) are increased for the duration of the QO.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everyone in my household, including the couple isolated at hotel, end up ok. At least for the past few days, we are negative.

I said this in my 2Q2021 Portfolio update and I’ll repeat myself here – I wish my readers good health and to stay safe – COVID-19 situation is far from over, but we can get over this as long as we do our part.

Take care all!

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