NordAN (Greenland) – Shaping Greenland’s future through a comprehensive alcohol policy
The ongoing process of shaping a new alcohol policy for Greenland is a significant step toward addressing the profound societal challenges linked to alcohol consumption.
Read more – Over half of heavy drinkers
would change their habits if alcohol had calorie labels
Some 54 per cent of heavier drinkers said in a survey that they would make
changes to their drinking habits if calorie labels were introduced.
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EL PAÍS English (Ireland) – Lessons from
Ireland, the first country to put health warnings on alcohol: ‘Many people
drink without being aware of the risk’
Ireland will be the first country in the world to provide labeling that
clearly links alcohol consumption to cancer. To be introduced in 2026, it is
being viewed as a “promising” measure that will reduce consumption and
encourage other European countries to follow suit, according to experts from
the World Health Organization (WHO) in a recent report.
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MedicalNewsToday – Alcohol plays key role
in cancer risk, new expert report warns
According to the 2024 edition of the American Association for Cancer
Research’s Cancer Progress Report, advances in cancer research and treatment
have helped decrease the age-adjusted overall cancer death rate in the United
States by 33% between 1991 and 2021.
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Medical Xpress (Australia) – Australian
research reveals one in six children harmed by alcohol
New research undertaken by La Trobe University’s Centre for Alcohol Policy
Research shows one in six children (17.1%) have experienced harm from the
alcohol use of adults around them, with two-thirds of harm being attributed to
an adult in their home.
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RNZ (New Zealand) – Up to one in 20 New
Zealanders have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder – advocate
Every classroom in the country probably has at least one child with Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – but the vast majority are not getting any
support, advocates say.
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The Irish News (Northern Ireland) – Calls
for minimum unit pricing amid growing number of alcohol-related illnesses and
deaths in Northern Ireland
There are calls for minimum unit pricing (MUP) to be introduced in Northern
Ireland amid an increasing number of alcohol-related illnesses and deaths.
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CNN – Some experts are calling for age
restrictions on the sale of nonalcoholic drinks. Here’s why
They won’t get you buzzed, but some experts say low-alcohol and
alcohol-free beers and mocktails shouldn’t be sold to minors, and they’re
calling for laws that curb underage sales to kids and teens.
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IAS Blog (UK) – Reducing Alcohol Harm – a
blueprint for urgent national action
For far too long, the harm caused by alcohol has been soaring, yet efforts
to address it have been hampered by a reluctance to take action at a national
level. Alcohol can sometimes feel like someone else’s problem, not one that
affects us directly.
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IAS Blog – Alcohol and Homicide: A Sobering
Look at Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean
The urgency for studying Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is
underscored by its alarmingly high violence rates, which surpass other world
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DGMT (South Africa) – Alcohol adverts normalise binge drinking, and
under-regulation allows widespread access
In August 2024, the Western Cape Division of the High Court confirmed that
the Kannaland Municipality had failed to protect public health and safety when
it granted liquor stores, restaurants, bars and the like permission to sell
alcohol into the early hours of the morning.
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Alcohol Action Ireland
(Ireland) – Fallout from extending opening hours will be felt across towns
and cities of Ireland
Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) has expressed deep concern that legislation to
allow pubs and nightclubs to extend their opening hours is expected to be
brought to government in October, as confirmed by Taoiseach Simon Harris.
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NIH (USA) – Sober-curious
young Americans may be changing the conversation around alcohol
According to data from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 68%
of adults ages 21 and older in the United States drink alcohol. At the same
time, researchers believe that the recent “sober-curious” movement may be
encouraging some people to reevaluate their relationship with alcohol and the
impact that drinking can have on their health.
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NordAN (Norway) – Norway:
It will now hurt to advertise alcohol on social media
On September 13, a penalty fee for violations of the Alcohol Act was
adopted by the government, Actis writes.
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