I’m on a bun roll recently (no pun intended). I think I got the hang of making bread – must reach window pane and must be proofed long enough, to get the fluffy texture. Before this, my buns will slightly 粘牙齿 (direct translate: stick to teeth) and I never really had a solid reason why. I would reach the elastic stage and do the indent test but just never came out the way I wanted it to be.

Since my buns are now mum-approved, she requested for some raisin buns.



Recipe tweaked from Plain Milk Buns

  • 250g bread flour
  • 135g fresh milk
  • 16g milk powder (optional but gives a softer texture and adds more flavour)
  • 1 egg
  • 50g sugar
  • 3/4tsp instant yeast
  • A pinch of salt
  • 40g salted butter
  • 20g chopped raisins
  1. Mix all ingredients except salt and butter. Mix for 5 – 10 minutes until a rough dough forms.
  2. Add in salt and butter and knead on slow, then high for the next 20-30 minutes. Stop frequently to turn dough and scrape down the sides. Knead until window pane stage.
  3. Add in chopped raisins and mix until just incorporated. Do not knead too long as you don’t want to over-knead.
  4. Cover with cling film and proof for 1 hour or double in size. To check if the dough has proofed enough, poke your dough. If it springs back instantly, it needs more proofing. If it leaves an indent, it is ready.
  5. After first proofing is done, punch down the dough to degas. Divide into 9 portions (55g). Roll into rounds and rest for 15 minutes. Cover with cling film.
  6. After resting, press to degas and shape into rounds again. Place into lined baking tray.
  7. Proof in a closed oven with a cup of hot water or cover with cling film for 1 hour.
  8. Bake at 170C for 20 minutes.
  9. Peel off baking paper and leave to cool. Store in airtight container once cooled down.


Since the dough is quite soft, chopping up the raisins will prevent them from sinking.