The land rests in undisturbed solitude. Nature flourishing in the construct of solar radiance, atmosphere and elements. A tiny spec in the sky speeds unnoticed to the world below. Growing bigger as landing area is acquired and approached. Evolved serenity is on the edge of disruption. With a pressurized roar and deep stomped thud, the first foreign sounds startle natures fauna. A mechanical arm slowly protrudes from a smoothly curved surface of the craft. Rhythmic clicking begins in fragmented pieces. From the belly of the craft a beam illuminates and focuses on the ground below. Oscillating in all directions, a sinuous path of harmonic destruction, accompanied by a warbling hum in both pitch and decibel. The machine speeds all processes up creating a drone like whirl as a small creature takes notice standing up on hind legs. The spacecraft begins to emit beats from deep within its core. Another small creature stands on hind legs and begins a mimicking gyration pattern to the core laden rhythms of the moment. The scene turns exponential, a slight rocking foreign object in synchronous motion with now a myriad of fauna in nearby vicinity. Indek’s Cringe Wold composition landed long before the evolution of man. We here the echoes now, restored on cassette, but deep within they are part of our DNA in some beautiful way.
Released on Rubber City Noise in an edition of seventy nine cassettes. Copies are currently available from the Akron, Ohio / Oakland, California label.