Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 103 Manga Review
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:
“Lucy” is killed, but to Kiria’s annoyance, it turns out to be Gemini. Further, a naked Lucy is secured within the Celestial Spirit (clock), Horologium. After they return to the spirit realm, Lucy dons Stardress Aries. As such, Kiria resumes giving Lucy a butt whooping. Kiria is about to kill Lucy a second time, but Laxus takes the blow instead.
Laxus tells the shocked Kiria that his body moved on its own after seeing a guildmate take a beating. He then informs her that guild bonds are what make members of Fairy Tail strong. Lucy summons Virgo to take care of Laxus as she rises to face Kiria again.
Lucy uses a combined Aquarius and Gemini Stardress. She floods this part of the dungeon while creating water clones of her guildmates. Kirara loses track of Lucy in the chaos, giving her time to cast God Fleet/Gottfried on Kiria, defeating her. Lucy collapses as Virgo and Laxus look on with pride.
I read Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 103 ’cause I was curious to see what rubbish Mashima-sensei would pull to get Lucy out of death. I was correct in that Gemini was the arse pull. The surprise came from seeing Horologium show up again after all these many years. That made me smile since it reminded me of the first time that Horologium saved Lucy, early in Fairy Tail‘s life.
Regardless, Kiria allowed Lucy to defeat her. Why do I say this? Well, she gave Lucy time to summon Virgo, give Virgo instructions, and then flood the room. During that time, Kiria could have easily killed Lucy instead of blathering at the start, then acting all surprised when water starts rising.
Still, unless the water held Kiria down somehow, once Lucy summoned the final two water clones to cast her attack spell, Lucy was vulnerable. But again, Kiria just stands there and apparently tries to tank Lucy’s attack, but fails. I suppose Kiria could get better next chapter, but I get the impression this fight is over. There are other plot threads to deal with.
Also, nakama power has to always triumph! Hence, why Laxus and Virgo look so proud of Lucy for using it.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Lucy wins a fight she shouldn’t win in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Chapter 103. But as always, nakama power for the win. I guess I’m okay with that.
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