Get at least seven hours of sleep every night.
Remember that whatever is good for the heart is also good for the brain.
Engage in physical exercise three to five days a week.
Avoid or limit alcohol and recreational drugs.
Do not smoke; maintain a healthy weight.
Control blood pressure; keep cholesterol and blood sugar levels in line.
Emphasize whole fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats, fatty fish, and vegetable oils.
Dine in a quiet, tranquil atmosphere.
Eat organic foods whenever possible.
Exercise your brain with reading, games, puzzles, memorizing, or mental math.
Relax your brain with adequate downtime like hobbies, exercise, reading…even taking a bath!
Engage in hobbies that require manipulation of small objects for hand/brain stimulation.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
Engage your non-dominant hand for writing your name or brushing your teeth.
Manage stress.