You might think of winter as the obvious time for seasonal car insurance claims, but did you know we see patterns every summer too?
Here are the three types of claims we often see spike as the weather becomes nicer.
1. Theft through open windows
More commonly associated with homes, open windows or sunroofs in unattended cars is an easy way for thieves to gain access to your car. We’d recommend getting into the habit of a quick check around your car at the end of each journey to make sure all windows are up and properly closed.
2. Breakdowns through overheating
Yes, it requires us to have a summer with some decent temperatures, but remember that cars can and do break down if they overheat. An easy way to avoid this is by checking that you have enough coolant in your car – a quick check can save you having to claim on your breakdown cover.
3. Issues on roadtrips
The summer holidays provide a perfect opportunity for a break – whether it’s a staycation or a drive through Europe. But if you’re going to be covering some decent mileage in your car, it’s a really good idea to take it for a servicing beforehand. Additionally, if you are planning on leaving the country, make sure your insurance has the right cover and that you’re familiar with the different driving requirements for wherever you’re going.