Saturday, March 1, 2025


In January this year did I fly and visit  Portugal. Mafalda and Rachel from their organisation welcomed me warmly, and showed me around in their beautiful colourful home of Lisbon.

Also, as I wanted, they took me to the backside of dog treatments, that no tourists ever sees.

I got to visit the death shelter. It is a very dark place which you never want to enter, afraid of not getting the images away that are glued behind your eyes.
I cried!

Yes I cried, and I let myself cry. That means I am still aware of the problem, and want to do something about it.

Inside there are no air! Boxes with high concrete walls. They never get outside, never get to see the light. This is a Town hall shelter, with people employed. I wondered for myself how their inner mind must look like after days, months and years working here. Do they tell them the up lifting stories that they are actually doing a change for the dogs? The euthanise of dogs are high–and don’t tell me that is the solution or its “good” for the dog. Its a never ending story….dogs after dogs after dogs are being killed.

A couple of days later, I flew out with two dogs, to a wonderful home in Sweden. They were the lucky ones.

I want to do more! Take all dogs out and just eliminate the whole place.

I found Pat (picture below) that is one boy they wanted to euthanise. I saw his eyes.

Life was still there!

I wanted him.

This was January. Today it is December! It took me 11 months to get him out.

He is safe now! At a place were people love animals. Bruna is part of this Association that try to make it better for the animals in Portugal.

We sent 300 euro donation for Pat where he it staying in a  Dog kennel, with great food and free fields. We are getting updates about him very often. (money is for bathing– you can believe how he smells after years in a concrete box– veterinarian treatment and the rent to wonderful Bruna Rescue Kennel)

Thank you for helping making this possible. Movimento Movido a 4 Patas together with Bruna and AWL.

More updates will come.

Thats Amore!



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