Dragon Ball Daima Ep 19 Review
There are only two words that can be used to describe these final episodes of Dragon Ball Daima: absolute. Cinema. And the fandom certainly seems to think so.
We are now in the final two episodes of Toriyama’s last gift to the world, and Daima has never been more popular. In-universe, though, things were looking dire for the Dragon Team. Goku and the others were unable to leave a dent in Gomah thanks to the Evil Third Eye. To make matters worse, Glorio chose this crucial moment to summon the Demon Realm’s Dragon on behalf of Dr. Arinsu. It looked like the betrayal that was teased earlier was about to take place, and the episode’s title didn’t help much.
Guess what? We got punked! Classic Toriyama!
Dragon Ball Daima has the best op ever made for Dragon Ball. pic.twitter.com/H6tBYWCewL
— Oni (@Onikingx) January 3, 2025
Glorio just Played us All!
The episode starts off with everyone, from the Dragon Team and their allies to the audience, watching as Glorio has summoned the Demon Realm’s Dragon (Red Porunga). It looked like he was about to make Dr. Arinsu’s wish to be stronger than Gomah a reality. However, much to everyone’s astonishment, he didn’t end up wishing for that! Instead, he wished for the Dragon Team to be returned to their adult selves!
This isn’t the first time that Toriyama decided to give us this kind of bait-and-switch; after all, he did it when Krillin chose not to shut down 18. However, the fact that the audience was just as in the dark about Glorio’s wish due to it being in Namekian was brilliant. Cliffhangers may not always be enjoyable, but when done right, the payoff is worth the wait.
Goku says Glorio name correctly 👍#ダイマトメ #DAIMA #DragonBall#DragonBallDAIMA #dragonball_DAIMA pic.twitter.com/reSxFf9aZL
— ANI ME (@ANIME2YT) February 21, 2025
As for why Glorio chose to betray his employer, who had saved him from the Third Demon World, no verbal explanation is given. However, the look on Glorio’s face as he’s warmly greeted by the others says it all. He did it because he’s grown to like his traveling companions. Good on him for that! Even better knowing that Goku finally got his name right.
Besides, it’s not as if Arinsu has no other allies. Kuu and Duu remain loyal to her, and the relationship she has with them seems pretty positive. Even moreso when it’s thanks to Kuu that Arinsu learns how to get the Evil Third Eye out of Gomah.
Vegeta Gets his SSJ 3 Moment Yet Again!
Now that they’re back in their adult forms, the heroes can fight Gomah on more equal ground. Unfortunately, they fall back into the old habit of fighting the enemy one at a time, with Vegeta going first. Try as Vegeta might, not even his adult SSJ 3 form is enough to hurt Gomah. Or rather, it does hurt him, but the damage doesn’t stick, thanks to the Evil Eye.
— UnrealEntGaming (@TooRealUnreal) February 21, 2025
No wonder why that eye is considered so dangerous. It basically gives the user infinite health and stamina! But, like any good video game boss, it does have a weakness. And it’s something so simple, it’s actually laughable: hit the user on the back of their head three times, and the Eye will fall out.
That’s nowhere near as funny as the threat that Bulma gives Vegeta if he won’t let Goku and Piccolo fight, though.
Vegeta is an elite level gooner pic.twitter.com/FyzFMXPDVD
— Dotodoya (@DotoDoya) February 21, 2025
Toriyama. He knew what fans wanted!
It may seem silly (and it is), but it’s moments like this that show just how much Toriyama understood his fans. He knew what would make us laugh, make us cry, and most of all, leave us squealing in joy. And if seeing SSJ 4 Goku as a kid was awesome, that’s nothing compared to what happens next. As Goku prepares to distract Gomah so Piccolo can get in the hits, we not only get a call-back to one of the most famous transformation sequences in the franchise, but a bonus.
Dragon Ball Daima is the greatest anime of all time #ThankYouToriyama pic.twitter.com/cWd7zleFnh
— Animelover (@BhdAnkur) February 21, 2025
And on this day, manly tears were shed the world over as the Internet exploded from sheer joy.
Dragon Ball Daima, What else can I say. Absolute Cinema. (Thank You Toriyama) pic.twitter.com/wwIBfpii5z
— Devil Artemis Animation (@DevilArtemisX) February 21, 2025
In all seriousness, though, these last few episodes have done wonders to help make up for whatever shortcomings Daima might have. It’s very bittersweet to think that the next episode will likely be the grand finale, but all good things must end. Let’s make sure that Daima gets the attention it deserves before we send Toriyama off to that great studio in the sky.