As we ring in 2023, we would like to wish you the very best for the new year. At Satchel’s, we are genuinely excited. After two years of pandemic life, things seem to be returning back to (a new version of) normal. Perhaps not exactly the same as before, but close enough. It feels like we have a new lease on life. I hope you share our optimism.
Years ago, a friend asked if I still got nervous every day we opened for business, if I worried that this would be the day when no one would show up and we would be left wondering about our future. My answer is an emphatic YES! And every day when folks like you show up for lunch or dinner or place an online order or get a catering quote, I feel sweet relief and realize that in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s words, we have lived “one day more”. Even now, 12 years after opening, it still feels like magic.
All of which is to say, yeah, there are a million-and-one options out there. And yeah, a lot of them are really good. So thank you for putting us on your places-to-eat list. On behalf of the entire staff, we are grateful for the opportunity and look forward to serving you in the coming year.