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HomeBusinessInvestingAverage Income by Age, Median, Top & Percentiles

Average Income by Age, Median, Top & Percentiles

In this post are United States individual income brackets by age for 2024. You’ll also find average income by age, median, and top 1% by age.

Individual incomes here are limited to Americans who worked (or wanted to work) in the calendar year. Incomes are gross (pre-tax) – and earned between January and December 2023.

If you missed them: we also have research on household incomes and individual incomes.

Individual Income Benchmarks by Age in 2024

Individual Income Percentiles by Age in 2024 in the United StatesIndividual Income Percentiles by Age in 2024 in the United States

Age is an excellent way to break down income comparisons – it’s a great quick proxy for experience. While it’s not always true, generally older folks will have more experience in a given field.

(Of course, you can think of the exceptions: career switching, job loss, and so on.)

And – like with other breakdowns of the population – the best summary statistics of income are:

  • Median income
  • Average income
  • Top 1% income

What is the median individual income by age in the United States?

These are the median incomes by age for 2024 in the United States for some selected ages:

  • Age 25: $40,000
  • Age 35: $60,000
  • Age 45: $60,002
  • Age 55: $60,050
  • Age 65: $57,668

Compare those to an overall median individual income of $50,200.

This following table has age 16-75 median income in 2024 in the United States:

Age in 2024 Median Income
16 $2,500
17 $3,500
18 $6,500
19 $13,400
20 $19,001
21 $20,902
22 $25,200
23 $30,000
24 $34,001
25 $40,000
26 $43,370
27 $44,010
28 $46,495
29 $50,200
30 $50,501
31 $50,595
32 $55,060
33 $53,000
34 $56,020
35 $60,000
36 $57,010
37 $56,000
38 $55,052
39 $60,010
40 $59,501
41 $60,000
42 $60,000
43 $60,100
44 $60,150
45 $60,002
46 $62,000
47 $60,000
48 $65,000
49 $62,000
50 $68,790
51 $60,020
52 $65,288
53 $63,062
54 $62,012
55 $60,050
56 $60,038
57 $64,005
58 $60,600
59 $60,003
60 $60,000
61 $60,005
62 $64,005
63 $60,000
64 $60,500
65 $57,668
66 $58,186
67 $60,001
68 $60,650
69 $55,005
70 $66,391
71 $65,000
72 $60,860
73 $59,364
74 $60,645
75 $56,690

What is the average income by age in the United States?

Here are the 2023 average incomes by age for age 25 and ten year intervals:

  • Age 25: $49,814.72
  • Age 35: $84,002.58
  • Age 45: $85,450.35
  • Age 55: $84,737.64
  • Age 65: $90,170.79

The overall average individual income was $73,471.51 in 2024.

This table has every age (16-75) plus workers of that age’s average income in 2024:

Age in 2024 Average Income
16 $6,777.18
17 $6,642.97
18 $12,504.30
19 $18,470.61
20 $23,778.43
21 $26,210.37
22 $30,708.86
23 $33,914.49
24 $42,224.44
25 $49,814.72
26 $51,874.49
27 $52,756.36
28 $61,058.40
29 $63,231.70
30 $66,904.53
31 $66,461.67
32 $74,481.30
33 $69,775.54
34 $75,473.68
35 $84,002.58
36 $76,661.59
37 $80,180.47
38 $78,235.03
39 $85,931.04
40 $79,323.19
41 $84,115.71
42 $82,076.26
43 $85,163.35
44 $85,919.93
45 $85,450.35
46 $94,887.73
47 $85,654.37
48 $89,974.65
49 $90,341.95
50 $93,508.27
51 $88,332.38
52 $92,184.94
53 $89,568.66
54 $88,408.14
55 $84,737.64
56 $87,607.78
57 $93,063.56
58 $89,626.26
59 $85,828.91
60 $89,798.90
61 $86,763.47
62 $91,144.69
63 $83,391.72
64 $88,238.26
65 $90,170.79
66 $90,507.19
67 $87,054.95
68 $96,516.80
69 $83,801.57
70 $98,751.70
71 $98,824.42
72 $89,975.56
73 $82,739.98
74 $104,163.02
75 $106,557.12

What is the top 1% individual income by age in the United States?

Here are the summary top 1% income benchmarks starting at 25 years old and moving up a decade at a time:

  • Age 25: $201,005
  • Age 35: $550,001
  • Age 45: $517,050
  • Age 55: $483,429
  • Age 65: $571,700

Treat this data with much more skepticism than median or average. By definition, there are fewer top earners than those near the middle of the earning spectrum. Before you take a single age’s measure as “truth”, look at a couple adjacent ages for a good feel of what the “actual” 1% might be.

That in mind, here is the chart for top 1% income by age in the United States in 2024:

Age in 2024 Top 1% Income
16 $76,200
17 $60,000
18 $76,000
19 $100,600
20 $100,520
21 $107,300
22 $113,000
23 $128,651
24 $160,600
25 $201,005
26 $193,000
27 $191,205
28 $308,550
29 $304,130
30 $300,054
31 $300,000
32 $324,144
33 $300,002
34 $363,213
35 $550,001
36 $400,650
37 $409,850
38 $426,600
39 $457,300
40 $477,701
41 $450,000
42 $485,505
43 $500,000
44 $500,055
45 $517,050
46 $854,501
47 $530,106
48 $472,514
49 $603,060
50 $473,000
51 $483,420
52 $470,005
53 $500,776
54 $470,005
55 $483,429
56 $400,051
57 $549,038
58 $551,500
59 $401,750
60 $420,650
61 $529,106
62 $515,205
63 $438,700
64 $653,012
65 $571,700
66 $605,017
67 $600,820
68 $651,100
69 $436,646
70 $633,704
71 $622,301
72 $744,500
73 $383,955
74 $1,000,000
75 $869,999

United States Individual Income Percentiles by Age

Income is all income earned by one individual. That includes:

  • Wage income or earnings
  • Business income
  • Investment income
  • Interest
  • Other income (see the list of all components here)

If you only want to see salary, we have salary by age research too (and a calculator).

Methodology on 2024 United States Age & Income Brackets

This data comes from the United States Census Bureau’s Annual ASEC survey. It was released in September 2024.

I then use harmonized data from the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Population Center in R. Citation:

Sarah Flood, Miriam King, Renae Rodgers, Steven Ruggles, J. Robert Warren, Daniel Backman, Annie Chen, Grace Cooper, Stephanie Richards, Megan Schouweiler, and Michael Westberry. IPUMS CPS: Version 11.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2023.

What is your ‘worker’ screen?

Find the full worker screen methodology in the individual income brackets post.

How is the data quality on the income by age data?

I ask, as always, that you be skeptical of the top few percentiles for each age.

Income is relatively well-behaved for the majority of the income curve. However, people at the top generate income from income sources with more volatility: investments, businesses, etc. The entire individual income data comes from a relatively small selection of samples.

To get a sense of the “actual top 1% income” for an age, look at the surrounding years to get a better feel for the data.

Income data points and workers by age in 2024

Here’s the exhaustive list of data points and the workers they represent for you to make a reasoned call on data quality by age. There are two numbers:

  • The samples or number of “data points”, the actual number of people in the survey
  • The estimated workforce that those data points represent (based on the survey weightings)
Age in 2024 Samples Estimated Workforce
16 635 1,251,069
17 878 1,773,381
18 1,101 2,287,757
19 1,096 2,732,253
20 1,115 2,884,200
21 1,199 3,174,710
22 1,228 3,391,829
23 1,303 3,580,732
24 1,367 3,795,514
25 1,389 3,882,609
26 1,343 3,515,121
27 1,437 3,830,615
28 1,430 3,718,348
29 1,476 3,817,955
30 1,574 3,870,454
31 1,656 4,027,690
32 1,726 4,166,129
33 1,798 4,262,926
34 1,729 4,084,672
35 1,756 4,010,111
36 1,753 3,887,538
37 1,801 3,930,551
38 1,787 3,911,197
39 1,800 3,860,172
40 1,707 3,775,357
41 1,754 3,794,535
42 1,778 3,872,459
43 1,809 3,890,100
44 1,615 3,500,891
45 1,651 3,557,633
46 1,643 3,482,794
47 1,586 3,461,761
48 1,531 3,214,468
49 1,523 3,381,943
50 1,433 3,238,549
51 1,425 3,231,882
52 1,444 3,343,218
53 1,541 3,609,839
54 1,455 3,489,507
55 1,315 3,150,866
56 1,241 3,010,405
57 1,280 3,180,021
58 1,272 3,129,735
59 1,254 3,113,539
60 1,264 3,092,593
61 1,211 3,111,768
62 1,073 2,699,517
63 1,020 2,554,307
64 945 2,324,300
65 822 1,978,319
66 714 1,692,137
67 675 1,611,826
68 571 1,410,880
69 491 1,173,208
70 448 1,044,226
71 379 853,139
72 332 766,609
73 283 666,414
74 258 616,951
75 207 486,665

Is individual income gross or net?

All income by age numbers in this post are gross income, or before tax. If you are comparing an income make sure it is before any tax is taken out.

Analysis of Individual Income by Age Brackets in 2024

This is one of my favorite ways to slice income data. But like the others, it suffers in its complexity. A better way to consume it might be through my companion income percentile by age calculator. There you can filter ages, or compare as many as you like, visually.



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