Blue Gender: The Warrior Review
ブルージェンダー ザ・ウォリアー
Blue Gender – Movie
Since the Community Anime Reviews site frequently has issues, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB note.” 😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.
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Community Anime Review of Blue Gender: The Warrior
(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 30-October-2004.)
As remakes go, Blue Gender: The Warrior isn’t bad. Having seen the Blue Gender TV series a few times, it was tempting to just speed through the first half of the movie. It pretty closely follows the original TV series, but at an accelerated pace. There were a few interesting changes though, so don’t just spin through.
The 2nd-half of the movie is where the majority of the changes from the original series lay. I won’t spoil them, but the ending of the movie is different from the TV series. Gone also is the subplot with the members of the Sleeper Unit as there’s not time to get into that. Gone too is the rampant sexual content of the TV series. For me, this was a good thing to lose.
As with all movie remakes of a TV series, a lot more is lost than sub-stories and sub-characters. The romance between Yuji and Marlene doesn’t have the time to gel that it did in the TV series. In fact, after what went down between them as they flee Korea, one wonders how they fell in love at all. I know they are supposed to fall in love and in some ways, it is believable, but in other ways, it was difficult to swallow. Still, it could have been worse.
Bottom line:
No sex an no preaching make the movie a bit better than the TV series, but the compression of so much story into an hour and thirty-minutes negates that advantage. Still, it is worth a rent.
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