Just the usual stuff today. Breakfast for all.
This is from my après breakfast chat with Monster. I take a photo of him every day to send to Flossie and Daisy, in case anyone is missing him from their lives. This is today’s offering. So very handsome.
Monster quickly took to his bed afterwards for the rest of the day. (Note-to-self, I must hoover it. I hadn’t realised, until I saw this photo, just how in hairy it is. I am ashamed).
It’s been mostly a breezy, if sunny, day and the little ones are not enjoying their enforced diet. They can see the grass and I am sure they can smell that spring is in the air, but I have to remain firm about this slimming lark until I am told different.
Later, I took a brush out with me and gave Tiddles a bit of a brush all over. After a while, I got bored of that (Tiddles hates being brushed) and sat down to chat with him, which was much more preferable for both of us.
He is such a love.
Saturday afternoon and it was flute duets in my shed with our audience of Pepper who was very busy willing me to find something for her to eat. I had nothing – she’d finished everything days ago.
So she sulked while we massacred various pieces of music in a tuneful fashion.