Have you ever tried making a savoury steam cake? This is my first attempt making this minced meat savoury steam sponge cake and surprisingly it turned out to be deliciously good! I was shedding much tears while cutting up the shallots and it was worth it after all! 😂
Photo updated on 24 August 2018. This recipe is featured in the “Gourmet Living – 食尚品味” bilingual magazine Aug/Sep 2018 issue. |
You may watch me preparing and cooking this cake in my Instagram Stories. At my Instagram bio page, click on the ‘Steam Cake Icon, and watch the 12 stories throughout consisting of still pictures and videos (the little white lines at top of stories indicate the number of stories) Here’s the link to my Instagram account : http://instagram.com/baking_taitai
Minced Meat Steam Sponge Cake
“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. ”
Ingredients食材 : (8″ round removable cake pan 8寸圆形活底蛋糕模)
(A) Fillings 馅料
500g minced meat 肉燥 (I use pork, can replace with chicken or beef 我用猪肉,可用鸡肉或牛肉燥)
120g shallots 红葱头
50g garlic 蒜头
Seasonings 调味料
1 Tbsp Hua Tiao Chiew cooking wine 一大勺花雕酒
1 Tbsp light soy sauce一大勺酱油
1/4 tsp sugar 糖
1/4 tsp white pepper powder 白胡椒粉
(B) Sponge Cake 海绵蛋糕体
5 eggs 鸡蛋
100g caster sugar 细砂糖
160g blue jacket unbleached cake flour, sifted 水手牌蛋糕粉/低筋面粉,过筛
40g olive oil 橄榄油
Preparation 准备工作:
Grease the inner sides and base of the cake pan before laying a piece of non-stick baking paper at the base. Wrap the base with aluminium foil. I’m using an 8″ PUSHPAN to steam the cake. The push pan is leaked proof and water-tight due to the patented advance technology, so there’s no need to wrap the base with aluminium foil.
Methods 方法:
1. Mince the shallots and garlic.
1. 红葱头与蒜头切末。