Dragon Ball Daima Ep 17 Review
Last time on Dragon Ball Daima, Goku and the other heroes made it to King Gomah’s castle. There, they managed to take down Degesu and rescue Dende, fulfilling one of their two goals of traveling to the Demon Realm. However, when they arrive at the final Tamagami, they realize that the Dragon Ball is missing! At the same time, Gomah manages to get his hands on the Evil Third Eye and places it in his forehead, unlocking a powerful new transformation. Will Goku and the others be able to defeat the Demon King in their current state?
Honestly, they’re in for a pretty rough go of it.
Dragon Ball Daima has the best op ever made for Dragon Ball. pic.twitter.com/H6tBYWCewL
— Oni (@Onikingx) January 3, 2025
Duu and Goku Fight…
Since the beginning of Daima, this blog has said that Dr. Arinsu was working against Gomah. The signs were all there: she gave him the idea of trying to mess with Goku and his friends. She hired Glorio to bring them to the Demon Realm and retrieve its Dragon Balls. She created Duu and Kuu to get the last Dragon Ball. The writing was on the wall, and it should come as no surprise when this episode has her say it. She wants to overthrow Gomah, and use the Dragon Balls to turn the Demon Realm into her own empire. An empire from which she can conquer the rest of reality.
Again, none of this should be a surprise. Arinsu had “Starscream” written all over her face. What is surprising, though, is the fact that she doesn’t have Glorio turn on the others right away and give her the Dragon Balls. Instead, she has Duu fight Goku with the Dragon Balls on the line.
Dragon Ball Daima Episode 17 #DragonBallDAIMA #ThankYouAkiraToriyama #DragonBall #ドラゴンボールDAIMA https://t.co/WJenvYHgEs pic.twitter.com/syKgfD9LlB
— Grzegorz Galuba (@gregohanhero) February 7, 2025
Only for Gomah to Crash the Party
The fight between Goku and Majin Duu is brief, but it also turns out that the two are pretty evenly matched. Goku does a good job, but Duu manages to tank most of his hits and give them back just as well. However, their fight soon becomes moot when the real threat shows up: King Gomah.
A few weeks ago, some fanart of what King Gomah’s ultimate form would look like wound up trending online. He was seen as this big, menacing figure akin to Frieza and Cell.
I had made this fan art before the new episode of Daima came out, imagining what King Gomah would look like after putting the demon eye on his forehead.#dragonball #dragonballsuper #dragonballz #dragonballdaima #dragonballdaimaspoilers #vegeta #Goku #DAIMA pic.twitter.com/lpSfylytGc
— thumbnail maker / junior sama (comissions open) (@juniorsamaa) February 2, 2025
Imagine the disappointment fans must have felt when this episode reveals Gomah’s Third Eye form looks like this.
However, keep in mind that when it comes to the villains, Toriyama liked to subvert our expectations regarding their appearances. Frieza’s true form may look plain, but in truth, it’s downright terrifying. Cell may look more humanoid than bug in his perfect form, but his power is unreal. And let’s not forget the menace that was Kid Buu. So, as goofy as Gomah’s new form seems, the power he has is the real deal.
Don’t believe that? Here’s proof: Goku takes a moment to ask all the other strong fighters to help him jump Gomah. In a franchise famous for having the main heroes fight while the others watch, that doesn’t often happen. The fact that Goku is openly acknowledging that he cannot handle this on his own shows how serious this is!
#DragonBallDAIMA Ep 17, IT WAS FANTASTIC!!🔥Finally Goku transformed into Super Saiyan 3!!🔥🔥The final battle & the real dragon ball has begun. Animation of the fight sequence was damn good.🔥I really missed that evil smile of Supreme Kai. #DragonBall #ドラゴンボールDAIMA #DAIMA pic.twitter.com/7b41BO0A2b
— Ghosh (@Ghosh52329) February 7, 2025
Let’s Kick Things Up a Notch
So, the climax of the episode has Goku, Vegeta, Glorio, Shin, Piccolo, Duu and Kuu, and even the Tamagami all rushing Gomah. And, in keeping with the Dragon Quest leanings, the fight feels like the climatic boss fight of a video game. It’s incredibly well-animated with some great, continuous shots. But, much like in the original Broly movie, not even jumping him at once is enough for the heroes. Gomah just tanks all their hits, and comes dangerously close to killing Goku. It’s only thanks to Duu and Kuu jumping in at the last second that he’s able to catch a break.
The episode ends with Goku powering up to the only form he has that can handle Gomah, Super Saiyan 3. He may. Or be at his full power as a kid, but this is his last resort. And judging by the previews for the next episode, this fight is going to be wild. Something that fans have been wanting to see from the very beginning!!!
This is the good stuff!