Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeAnimalIn love with life?

In love with life?

 Best lesson I ever had is summarised as “live what you feel is right rather than fight for it”. I used to be activist about everything. Idealistic to a fault. Setting high standards for myself and focussing on anything threatening.

What does this have to do with animals?

If I am continually focussing on what I fear I have my defences up. And in this state I cannot see what is good or focus on what works. In so many interactions with people and their animals the script I find that works is to get folk to drop their defences. Help them start to see when things are working. And then celebrate the fact that the more we do this, the more it happens.

 Age old wisdom: what we focus on expands♥️

I see a lot of judgment in the worldand notice than when I am in a state of judgement unable to focus on solutions. Judgement keeps me stuck. Becoming present is where I can fall in love with life again. And experience the joy and miracle of the life that surrounds me. 



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