Neck injuries may vary from mild to severe. Any of the structures in the neck may be affected due to a neck injury like muscles, tendons (bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones), ligaments (bands of tissue that connect one bone to another), bones, joints, or nerves. The symptoms of neck injury may include pain in the neck (the pain may radiate to the shoulders, arms, and even hands), stiffness of the neck, difficult neck movement, limited range of neck movement, tenderness of the neck, tingling or numbness in arms or hands; weakness in the arms, hands, or fingers, headache and dizziness. Among the different types of neck injuries, the first type of injury includes neck sprains and strains. A sprain in the neck refers to overstretching or tearing of the ligaments present in the neck. Strain in the neck indicates overstretched or torn muscles or tendons in the neck. The strain can occur from various reasons like sleeping in the wrong posture, excessive exercise involving the neck, etc. A sprain on the neck can occur from sudden injury due to physical activity involving the neck or an accident. Neck injury may also occur from falling, car accidents or while playing sports like football. Other types of neck injuries include whiplash injury. It refers to a neck injury occurring from quick back-and-forth movement of the neck occurring with great force usually seen in rear-end car accidents. Besides accidents, it may also occur from a fall or in sports accidents or from physical abuse when being hit on the neck.
Next type of injury is overuse injuries of the neck resulting from long working hours on the computer or repetitive activities involving the upper body and arms. Disc herniation is another type of condition that may occur due to neck injury. This is a condition in which soft jelly-like internal matter of the disc bulges out of the tough exterior part. This usually occurs from wear and tear damage to the disc but can also result from sudden injury. Another neck injury is cervical spine fracture. Though rare, it is a serious injury that needs immediate medical help.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy can be very effective in managing cases of neck injuries. These medicines promote wonderful healing of injured neck structures along with pain management. Along with pain, these medicines also manage its attending symptoms like stiffness of the neck, tenderness of neck, headache, tingling/numbness/weakness in the arms or hands. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of neck injury that have mild to moderate intensity. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for cases of neck injury under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self-medication. In cases of severe cases of neck injury like fracture in the cervical spine, it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.
Homeopathic Medicines For Neck Injury
1. Rhus Tox – For Managing Strains, Sprains Of Neck And Whiplash Injuries
Rhus Tox is a top-recommended medicine for managing cases of sprains and strains in different body parts including the neck. This medicine helps in healing the muscles, tendons and ligaments that have become overstrained or sprained. It is indicated when there is excessive pain and stiffness in the neck. The neck feels tense. Stiffness and tension in the neck are worse while moving the neck. There is relief in stiffness by massage and warm application on the neck. There is worsening of pain from turning the neck. Rhus Tox is well indicated for cases where the neck is strained from lifting heavy weights. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of whiplash injuries.
2. Hypericum – For Neck Injury From A Fall
Hypericum is a natural remedy that is highly effective in managing neck injury that occurs from a fall. In cases needing it, the slightest neck movement causes intense pain to make the sufferer cry. The movement of the arms also causes intense pain. There is intense sensitivity of the cervical vertebra (7 bones stacked one over the other in the neck spine) to touch. Headache can also occur in some cases along with the above symptoms. Hypericum is also a useful medicine for cases of spine injury that causes pinched nerves leading to needle-like pains. Just like the above medicine, Hypericum is also a prominent medicine for helping cases of whiplash injuries.
3. Arnica – For Neck Injuries From Falls, Blows and Strains
Arnica is a very important medicine for managing cases of injury occurring from fall or blows and also cases of strains. This medicine helps manage cases of recent neck injuries as well as injuries that occurred a long time ago. In cases needing it, there is pain and marked soreness of the neck. The neck is intensely painful even to the slightest touch.
4. Bryonia – When Neck Pain Is Worse From Neck Movement
This medicine is highly beneficial for neck injuries when neck pain becomes worse from neck movements. There is stiffness in the neck. The pain and stiffness get worse from touch. It becomes more painful from moving the head towards the shoulders. Drawing sensation in the side of the neck can also be present where this medicine is needed.
5. Ruta – For Managing Sprains And Strains In Neck
Ruta is a medicine of great value when it comes to managing cases of sprains and strains. In cases needing this medicine, there is drawing pain in the neck and the shoulder blades. A tense feeling also appears in the neck. Next, a pressure sensation is felt in the neck and the shoulders as well.
6. Magnesium Phos – To Manage Sharp, Shooting Pains In The Neck
This medicine can be considered for managing sharp, shooting pain in the neck. The pain may keep shifting to different areas of the neck. The pain may also be felt in the back of the head along with the neck. The neck is sore to touch other than the above symptoms.
7. Calcarea Carb – For Overstraining Of Neck From Lifting Objects
Calcarea Carb is a useful medicine for cases of overstraining of the neck from lifting objects. In cases requiring this medicine, marked stiffness and rigidity are felt in the neck. Along with this, there is headache also. The pain is felt till the top of the head. A burning sensation may be felt in the neck which radiates to the back of the head. It remains the whole day and stops when going to sleep at night.
8. Causticum – For Neck Pain Extending To Front Of Head
Causticum is indicated when there is pain in the neck that extends upwards and to the frontal part of the head. The pain is tearing in nature in most of the cases. The neck is also very stiff. The neck muscles feel as if bound tightly. This is attended with a limited range of neck movement.
9. Kalmia – When The Pain From Neck Radiates Down To Fingers
This medicine is of great use for cases where pain from the neck radiates down to the fingers. Initially, the pain gets worse at night. There is stiffness in the neck also. The neck muscles are sore to touch and there is pain on moving the neck. The pain from the neck may move up to the head in some cases.