Corydoras oiapoquensis are hardy fish and will thrive without problems as the water is good quality and the environment is stress free. Keep the water temperature between 24°C and 27°C, with a slightly acidic pH.
The first batches of this fish reached high prices on the market, and its rare beauty won over crowds. Today it is reproduced in mass, which makes costs increasingly cheaper so, due to the very high demand, it is still considered a rare fish.
Corydoras aeneus CW010 originates from the waters of the Amazon and Ucayali rivers in the Amazon region of Peru. Its natural habitat is calm, muddy, and turbid waters with a sandy bottom.
Keep the water temperature between 23C and 27°C, with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. Feed her a high-quality diet of live foods and quality kibble. As long as the water is free of pollutants and within ideal parameters for the species to thrive.