Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeActingTips to Help You Crush Your 2025 Acting Goals by Colleen Kahl

Tips to Help You Crush Your 2025 Acting Goals by Colleen Kahl

It’s a new year and life isn’t slowing down. If last year passed you by without you feeling like you made steps forward, then you HAVE TO stop and assess now in order to turn things around for yourself in 2025. Stop waiting for a magic wand to change things for you and start taking action with these 5 steps to help you crush your goals for your acting career.

  1. Write down your goals. Scientific studies have proven that the simple act of writing your goals down makes you more likely to achieve them– So let’s start there! I suggest writing out at least 1 top goal for the year and 2 smaller goals. Then break those goals down into the action steps you need to get there. Put those action steps on your calendar and protect the time to complete them.
  2. Get An Accountability Buddy. When someone knows your goals and you make a promise to someone that you are going to accomplish certain tasks, you have an extra urge to actually follow through. Find someone who understands the business and would like for you to hold THEM accountable as well. Create a set time every week to check in with one another on your progress. Not sure who to pick? In our guest star membership program, you will be invited to Actors Connection’s private accountability group on Mondays. To learn more or sign up, CLICK HERE.
  3. Stay in a Space of Gratitude. When it is taking us longer than we wanted to achieve our goals we sometimes can take on a defeated attitude that keeps us stuck. Combat that goal-killing attitude by staying in a spirit of Gratitude. Remember all of your progress and find enjoyment in the journey. Most of life is traveling towards your goals, not just standing on top of the mountain. If you can’t train your mind to have fun in the journey, you are wasting so much life by choosing toil over joy.
  4. Surround yourself with people MORE SUCCESSFUL than you. Who you spend your time with matters. Your inner circle is either boosting you up, keeping you down, or a reason why you may feel stuck. You don’t need to fire all of your friends or avoid your family, but you DO need to be intentional about who you are spending time with, who you are talking to and who you are receiving advice from. Our in person classes and events are great ways to meet other actors on a similar path and build your social circle with focused and career driven individuals.
  5. Get Clear On Yourself. What makes you want to achieve your goals? What has delayed your progress in your past? What parts of yourself do you need to leave behind to become the person you feel called to be? We’ve created a workbook to help you explore the answers to these vital questions. CLICK HERE to purchase and get started on it now.

We hope these tips motivate you to get 2025 started in a fresh new mindset geared towards success. We are here to help you and look forward to all you will accomplish this year.

To learn more about Actors Connection and how we can help you take the necessary steps forward to find success as an actor, join us for our next New Actor Orientation. CLICK HERE to view upcoming orientation dates.



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