The following cryptocoins hardforked succesfully and you can still mine them with your Android mobile phone and Tony Monero as Tony works fine with them.
Monero (XMR)
Monero was successfully forked on April 6 at block height 1546000, from Tony Monero 0.7.5+ you can mine Monero by simply selecting the Monero coin in the Coin Menu with no additional setup required.
Sumokoin (SUMO)
Successfully forked at block height 116520, Sumokoin uses a new algorithm named Cryptonight-Heavy, Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Sumokoin by selecting the Sumokoin Icon or checking the cryptonight-heavy box option.
Turtlecoin (TRTL)
Successfully forked on April 8, block height 350000. Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Turtlecoin by simply selecting the Turtlecoin option in the Coin Menu or selecting cryptonight-lite box option.
Intense Coin (ITNS)
Scheduled to 14 may, IntenseCoin network it´s been off until hardfork finished on 21 may. To mine Intense Coin with Tony Monero you must now be sure that the “Support for monerov6” checkbox is unchecked.
Stellite (XTL)
Successfully forked at block height 100800, Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Stellite, simply select the Stellite coin, no additional setup required.
Changed on April 14, at block height 65110, Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Graft, simply select the Graft coin, no additional setup required.
Haven Protocol (HVN)
Successfully forked. Haven use a new algorithm named Cryptonight-Heavy, Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Haven, select Haven icon or check the cryptonight-heavy box.
Fonero (FNO)
Successfully forked on April 11, Tony Monero from 0.7.5+ can mine Fonero simply select the Fonero coin, no additional setup required.
Inter Planetary Broadcast Coin (IPBC)
Successfully forked April 16 at block height 54881. Tony Monero from 0.8.1+ can mine Inter Planetary Broadcast Coin, simply select IPBC icon or check the cryptonigh-ipbc checkbox.