1) Cleaning supply edit – We consolidated cleaning supplies into one bucket. We had too many and weren’t using them. Less is more in this case. I moved some up to the kitchen and used up what was left and recycled some.
2) Face care edit – We carried on with our bathroom products. What wasn’t being used? Use it up! Reccycle! Giveaway! I gave some face oils to my dad who has never used skincare in his life. Passed along a few others and recycled some more.
3) Organization -With the bottom of the vanity cleared I got 2 bins that perfectly filled the bottom ( I didn’t measure, but it worked out). One for me, one for Trevor. Now we also have a limit of what we can fit and fill! And when the small countertop gets filled I know where the stuff goes so we don’t lose it.
4) Bath mat – Aesthetically I hate my black tile floors in my bathroom so I found the largest bath mat (in the 2’ x 5’) I’ve ever heard of by one of my favourite designers and it filled up most of the ugly tile. This just made my small bathroom feel cozier and brighter.