Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeAngel InvestorLos Angeles is Burning - Gotham Gal

Los Angeles is Burning – Gotham Gal

This past week, I have been the proud recipient of the norovirus. It takes a serious toll on your digestive system. Sitting still and doing nothing for days on end is not my thing. As I sat on the couch, I watched Los Angeles burn.

I love LA. I was born in LA, my brother raised his family in LA, our daughter lives in LA, we have friends in LA, we have a home in LA, and LA has always been part of my life.

Scientists have been predicting this would happen for decades. Of course, it is shocking how quickly it happens when it actually does. Every time I see pictures of what is left in the ashes, it brings tears to my eyes.

A significant event like this makes people feel unsafe. On Friday evening, I kept thinking that we are in for some unprecedented times, as everything felt apocalyptic. There are so many fingers to point, and the lack of leadership is astounding yet not shocking.

I fear that this tragic disaster will not be a stepping stone for change in the right direction regarding how we build for the future and think about climate change. Instead of rising out of the ashes with new leadership, the government’s approach will be similar to that overlay at the end of The Big Short.

Steve Carrel’s character states his cynical view of the world after the financial crisis when he finally sells and realizes that the banks will be saved and that they knew that the taxpayers would bail them out. It is truly an epic scene.

This time around, although not a financial crisis, this is a massive crisis, and it is time for a huge change so these fires do not happen again. The biggest thing looming on the horizon is insurance. The debt is overwhelming, supposedly $61B in the Palisades alone.

The world will be watching.



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