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How to Make Money Posting Ads on Facebook

Learning how to make money posting ads is honestly something we love to talk about. We put thousands of hours into learning the most effective way to run Facebook ads and even more hours running ads for our own clients. And we’ve taught thousands of people how to start their own ad agencies.

All of that being said, we know what we’re talking about when we say that there are a few different ways that you can make legitimate money by posting ads on Facebook.

Running Facebook ads for your business or others is relatively easy when you know what you’re doing, but you will have to work at learning and implementing your skills. That means – learning how to make money posting ads on Facebook is not a get-rich-quick-scheme.

How To Avoid Scams

When you really need to make extra cash, some look at any option that offers a promise of quick and easy money. The reality is that quick and easy money should be a giant red flag warning you to proceed with caution.

That’s the deal with “get paid to post ads” scams. There’s a promise of a big payout, lots of continued earnings, but you just have to do one thing first… pay for a membership to access an ad network. Or something like that.

Then, maybe the way you actually earn that quick and easy money is by selling more memberships to said ad network.

Then you earn even more when those people sell memberships.

Hmmm… sound familiar? Yep, that’s a common MLM (multi-level marketing) practice that positions very few people at the top of the pyramid earning bookoo bucks while the majority of people are at the bottom trying to recoup their initial investment.

Don’t fall for this!

If you want to learn how to make money posting ads on Facebook, there are legitimate ways to do it…

1. Work As A Freelance Digital Marketer

With over one billion active users worldwide, Facebook has a considerably large reach, making it a great platform for businesses to advertise to new and potential customers.

Big, big businesses have been doing it for several years and small businesses are beginning to realize that they too can leverage Facebook’s reach by running low cost and highly targeted ads. The problem is that most small business owners lack the time or skills required to run an effective ad campaign.

This makes posting ads to Facebook an ideal task to outsource to freelance digital marketers.

Freelance digital marketers will:

  • Set up an ad system for a business
  • Create ads
  • Research how to target the right people to show those ads to
  • Run ads
  • Test ads
  • Create a funnel that converts leads into sales
  • Scale ads
  • Know how to tell if ads are working
  • Troubleshoot when ads aren’t performing well

How Much Are Digital Marketing Clients Worth?

Good question! The value of each client depends on what the business is selling, so some clients are going to be worthless and some more.

Say you find a client who runs a gym and say they earn an extra $200/month for every new customer and the average length of time a new customer stays is for 8 months. That means each new client brought in by a Facebook ad is worth $1,600.

If you can bring just 10 new customers to that gym in one month, you’re helping your client earn an additional $16,000/month. At that point, it’s reasonable to charge the gym owner $1,000 for your service.

$1,000-$2,000 a month is what we’re seeing as the standard rate digital marketers can earn per client. You would be working on retainer to be available for everything on that list above.

If a client loves what you’re doing, it’s highly likely they’ll want you to keep doing this over and over again every month. They might even tell other business owners they know about your valuable services.

And BAM, you’ve learned how to make money posting ads on Facebook as a freelance digital marketer. 

Join our FREE training

We will teach you how to start running Facebook ads for clients even if you have no experience whatsoever.

2. Run Ads For Your Business

Traditional forms of advertising through print media, billboards, and TV and radio commercials are becoming less and less effective for small business owners. For one, we live in an online world and people no longer consume media in the same way. And two, it’s cost-prohibitive.

If you have the time, knowledge, or drive to learn how, running Facebook ads for your business is a low cost and effective advertising solution.

  • You can create targeted ads for people in your community, people who have certain interests, and more.
  • You can test ads to see which ones work and optimize them even more to get more leads, clicks, and sales.

3. Work As A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are responsible for doing tasks that don’t have to be done by the business owner themselves. These are things like:

  • Responding to emails
  • Managing social media accounts
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Managing a calendar
  • Payments and invoicing
  • And, you guessed it – posting ads to Facebook!

Having digital marketing skills in your back pocket can make you a valuable asset to your clients, but some virtual assistants may work for clients who already have an ad system set up and running. If that’s the case, you may be responsible for more general upkeep than actually creating the system.

4. Use Facebook Ads To Blow Up Your Blog Traffic

If you’re a blogger, do not ignore the fact that Facebook can be a massive traffic source for your blog. Our very own Bobby Hoyt of Millennial Money Man used Facebook ads to grow his blog from 0 to 2,000,000+ unique visitors a year in less than 36 months.

Running Facebook ads for your blog can diversify your traffic sources, so that you can increase your affiliate income, ad views, sale of digital products, and more.

More Ways To Make Money Posting Ads

If Facebook isn’t your jam, or if you’ve tried it and want to find even more ways to make money posting ads, here’s a quick rundown of some other avenues you can pursue. You’ll find links in each section for further reading.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing or affiliate advertising is when you promote products or services on your website or blog with a special affiliate link. When someone clicks on that link and purchases the product, you are then paid for what’s called a conversion.

It’s often thought of as a fairly passive source of income – theoretically, people can click on your affiliate links all day long, earning you income that you aren’t directly exchanging time for. But, the reality is that it does require a considerable amount of work to build your site to the point that you can earn from affiliate income.

Good candidates for affiliate marketing have:

  • A large number of pageviews
  • Trust between you and your audience
  • A willingness to only promote products that are relevant and helpful to your audience

You can learn more about how to make money posting ads and earning affiliate income at:

Sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are seen on Instagram and blogs, and it’s basically when a company pays you to write a message to your audience that promotes a brand or specific product. Typically, you earn a flat fee and are then contractually obligated to fulfill a set number of required posts.

Sponsored posts are an advertisement for the brand:

  • You talk about the product/service/company
  • You share your experience
  • Talk about why it might be useful
  • Give an honest review, including negatives (but if there are too many negatives, it’s best to avoid the brand partnership)

Just like affiliate marketing, you need to build trust with your audience before pursuing, it because if you don’t do it well, it can come off as scammy.

Learn more about sponsored posts at: Making Sense of Sponsored Posts Course Review

Display ads

When people talk about how to make money posting ads, display ads are one of the first things many people think of. Display ads are the little ads that pop up on the side, top, bottom, or in the middle of a web page.

Ad networks like Google AdSense pay you to post ads on your site, and you’re paid in one of two ways:

  • CPC (cost per click): You’re paid every time someone clicks on one of those ads.
  • CPM (cost per impression): You’re paid by the number of viewers who see the ads.

You can learn more about display ads here:


The most common ways of making money on Pinterest posting ads is to do affiliate marketing or doing a joint promotion with a brand, sort of like sponsored posts but on Pinterest.

Pinterest actually offers another really great side hustle if you don’t have a huge following or website you’re trying to promote, and that’s working as a Pinterest VAYou would be responsible for:

  • Designing and creating pins
  • Doing keyword research
  • Creating a pinning schedule
  • And of course, pinning!

Read more at: Pinterest Virtual Assistant Course Review – How to Start A Pinterest Management Side Hustle

The Final Word On How To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

There are two big things that you should take away from this article:

  • Digital marketing is a growing field and there are lots of ways to do it
  • You should find a niche and hone your skills

That last part is huge – you have to know what you’re doing if you want to make money.

You can research things like crazy and learn the skills as you go, or you can join our FREE training and get started today.



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