At least it was a short ride, not quite 20 miles from First Christian Church in Clearwater to Bayshore Baptist Church in Tampa. Another nice aspect of today’s ride was that it was mostly on paved bike trails instead of on the streets.
I would like to come back some time and ride the Courtney Campbell Causeway (see photos) across Old Tampa Bay on a warm sunny day. I’ve driven it on a sunny day, and the views are beautiful. But you see so much more from a bike.
I was one of the two sweeps today. The sweeps bring up the rear and make sure everyone gets to the next destination without getting lost. We also are available to help fix a flat tire or make simple repairs when needed. As luck would have it, one of the riders had a flat tire half a mile after leaving First Christian Church. By the time we reached her, other Fuller Center Bike Adventure riders were already working on fixing the flat.
It’s such a privilege to participate in these bike trips to raise funds to support the work of The Fuller Center for Housing. So far, we have raised $62,989 on this first ride of 2025. This money supports the operations of more than 100 local chapters in the U.S., the Disaster ReBuilders program (currently helping folks recover in western North Carolina and Kentucky), and our international partners in over 20 locations. In my case, my supporters donated more than $2,000 to directly support the newly formed Heartland of Florida Fuller Center for Housing.