Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeAlcoholShiga Kogen Quadrupel - BeerTengoku

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel – BeerTengoku

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Background

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel is a 13% quadrupel from Tamamura Hontent, based in Yamanouchi, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draught lineup, though its more than likely a one-off run as Shiga Kogen Quadrupel is part of their 20th anniversary lineup, so it could well have sold out by the time you read this write up. Shiga Kogen Quadrupel was brewed in conjunction with Zakkoku Kobo Brewery, who provided the rye grains used in the making of the beer, and Shiga Kogen bringing along their spelt grains.

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : At A Glance

  • ABV : 13%
  • Style : Quadurpel
  • Hops : Cascade
  • Adjuncts : Rye and spelt
  • IBU : 41

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Sale Information

  • Availability : Limited
  • On Sale : From October 2024
  • Size : 330 ml

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Appearance

Light muddy brownish red colour with a minimal amount of head on top. What head there was, faded to miniscule line around the edge of the glass, leaving some off-white streaks across the top of the beer.

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Aroma

Bold and potent to say the least. There was a large phenolic Belgian yeasty nose to this beer alongside a big boozy punch of alcohol to boot. The malts were spicy and caramel like, with some hints of raisin as the beer warmed up. As Shiga Kogen Quadrupel warmed up, the alcohol heat became more pronounced.

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Taste

Packs a punch of alcohol heat for sure! I knew this was going to be as sipper from the get-go, but the boldness of the alcohol put a dampner on it being anything less than a slow drinking beer. Shiga Kogen Quadrupel ticked off all the Belgian flavours I look for – some caramel, phenols from the yeast, and a dry, raisin quality to follow up – but it was the alcohol heat that made it tough going.

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : The Bottom Line

Buy two bottles of Shiga Kogen Quadrupel and age them before drinking. It could do with a touch more maturation time to mellow out the alcohol heat.

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel : Where to Buy

Shiga Kogen Quadrupel can be bought online at the following places:



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