November 28, 2024
Dear friends,
In just about two weeks (December 13), I will celebrate my 81st birthday. It will be a joyous occasion, because I am currently having some success in beating back the onslaught of a new, rare, and virulent cancer, which hit me in the spring. I have been privileged to get extraordinary support from friends and medical professionals, which makes me optimistic about staying alive and active for the foreseeable future.
So, what more could I ask for? That’s where you come in.
As you know from my posts, my passion over the last few years has resided in discussing, circulating, and selling my two books:
* Hamilton Versus Wall Street: The Core Principles of the American System of Economics, and
* Defeating Slavery: Hamilton’s American System Showed the Way.
These books, even more than this blog, represent my hope to educate a slice of the American public, and contribute to a revival of the best of our nation’s contribution to human progress.
Hence my birthday wish. I am requesting that, if you wish to celebrate my birthday, you buy a book and donate it to a library, a friend, a relative, or another public institution.
An alternative “gift” would be to publish a review on Amazon or Goodreads, thus helping to boost my books’ visibility in a very crowded market.
An added joy would be for you to contact me about what you have done.
I realize that some number of you have already purchased my books, and hopefully read them. If so, I hope you agree with me that the history which I bring to light is crucial to resolving the crises which our nation now faces. Ignorance of our history, economically and politically, runs rampant in our political life. Emotion and feelings have begun to virtually drive out reason from the body politic, putting us on the path to greater turmoil ahead.[1]
“People today don’t read” is an excuse I often hear from those I encounter at book fairs and events. My response is that if that is the case, our nation and civilization are doomed. We can’t accept the world as it is; we have to make it better.
I’m reminded of the purported motto of Alexander Hamilton, which he took from the statesman/orator Demosthenes of Greece.
As a general marches at the head of troops, so ought wise politicians, if I dare use the expression, to march at the head of affairs; insomuch that they ought not to await the event, to know what measures to take, but the measures which they have taken ought to produce the event.
The “event” I am aiming at producing is an informed citizenry, conversant with the principles of political economy which are essential for building a prosperous and peaceful United States, and world.
Would you join me?
[1] For an elaboration of this point, please see Lincoln: Saving the Institutions of Our Republic.
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Tags: Alexander Hamilton, Defeating Slavery: Hamilton’s American System Showed the Way, Hamilton Versus Wall Street, Nancy Spannaus