Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeAgriculture2017 Country Christmas Connection Reveal

2017 Country Christmas Connection Reveal

It’s that time again as we roll into a new year, which means it’s time for The 2017 Country Christmas Connection reveal!

I have to admit that the hustle and bustle of the holidays this year had me completely playing catch up as the host for the second year of this exchange! I feel like I owe all the participants a bit of an apology! Life it just a bit much some times right?! Well a bit behind schedule and mushed up, but glad to be taking some new connections into my new year!

This year my package arrived all the way from Minnesota and from a fellow dairy farmer Mike! Mike truly knows my first love, and 3 bags of coffee arrived! It was literally perfect timing as I was needing some new coffee. In case you didn’t know, dairy farmers run on caffeine! It has been great to get to know Mike and his family and follow along with him on Instagram. I have to admit that this temperate winter Oregon girl, does not envy the real winters they face in Minnesota. Sending you warm vibes Mike!

I enjoyed putting together my gift this year for another fellow dairy enthusiast. I sent a little taste of my local Oregon to Dawn in Illinois. And also had to hunt down the perfect gnome to add to her collection. After scouring my entire town, I finally found the one tiny gnome and perfect addition to my gift!

I always enjoy adding new dairy friends to my circle and am glad to add these two this year! Of course a big shout out to my fellow co host Jenny from Keeping Ag Real. We have a lot of fun behind the scenes and I honestly couldn’t do this without help! This year it seems we needed more!! Thanks to all our participants, you of course are the ones that make this fun and happen! Check out the blog links for other connections here and also watch the hasttag #TCCC17!

Happy New Year, cheers to new connections, may they flourish in 2018!!!




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