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December TBR – Down the Rabbit Hole


I wasn’t sure where to go for this TBR. Go for sparse and only include a couple of books that I definitely plan to get to. Or go ridiculous and just shove all the books on the TBR in the hopes I’ll get to some of them. And since I do love ridiculous TBRs, I went for all the books!

A Darcey Coates closed circle mystery set in a snowy cabin. Everything I want from a story (apparently it’s more focused on horror rather than mystery but since I enjoy Coates’ horror books, I’m okay with this) and it’s also an ARC, even if it’s belated.

This is such a good book to read for the dark, wintery nights. It is also another ARC and it has folklore and historical events mixed in together. I’m always up for reading historical books set in unusual time periods or places and this is one of them.

I’ve had this on my KU for so long. It’s been so recced as a standalone fantasy and been highly recced at that, but I think I have it on a very high pedastal now and I don’t know when I’ll get around to it. But I’ll keep adding it to TBRs just in case!

This book is about a secret book club between traditional widows and a bartender. I hope for reaching past assumptions about each other, as well as women of different generations growing a friendship. I’ve heard good things about it but I don’t know that much about the story itself.

This is one of the books on the Women’s Prize Longlist about a son and a mother split up for a time (because of the mother’s choice) and then having to deal with the separation when they meet up again.

This is another book from the Women’s Prize Longlist which is about a woman who is new to motherhood and struggles with bonding with her baby, her husband being useless, racism, writer’s block. It all sounds a lot and it’s definitely a book I feel like I need to be prepared for.

A book about a daughter, a mother and a stepfather, with dual POVs and a dual timeline, this is yet another book from the Women’s Prize Longlist. This is already overdue at the library so I had better get to it soon, or just resign myself to listening to it on audiobook.

A woman is accused of murder in 17th century Scotland and has to find out who did it and clear her name. Possibly. That might not be the plot but I have heard mixed things from reviews so who knows? I’ve started it but put it down because I definitely wasn’t in the mood for it. This does make it harder to pick it up again. Another one for the Women’s Prize Longlist (I am so behind on reading the rest of it).

An ARC set in historical Scotland, though this time in the 19th century, about two people who spent the night together and find out they have a past together.

If I keep putting this sci-fi novel about two sisters separated by fate on my TBR, I will eventually get to this ARC. It’s been so long!

Another ARC but one that I didn’t realise was 2.5 in the series until after I received it. I’ve been catching up with the series but that was ages ago (I read the first one in the series and started the second one in 2020) so it’s time to knock this series of my TBR!

Another ARC I’ve had for so long about two sisters and the magic that binds them. I even picked up a copy from a charity shop because the NetGalley ARC copy can be a little hard to read. So there is no excuse!

This is a non-fiction book based around the title and it’s something I really want to get to this winter. It’s also another ARC that I have just been approved for!

Another ARC! I do love British food (it’s perfect for rainy weather and dark evenings) and I look forward to reading about the stories behind them.

This fantasy novel about an angel and demon trapped in a city the angel destroyed and the demon loved sounded so interesting, but it was mostly because I really love Nghi Vo’s Singing Hills series (which I also have to catch up on). The cover for this book is amazing still.

This is the next one in Charles Dickens’ series of Christmas stories. I reread The Christmas Carol every year but I have a bind up of all the stories and I’ve been meaning to read one new story from it every year. Last year was The Cricket and the Hearth (it’s good to know that the ‘I saw something and misunderstood and now I’m miserable’ trope started so far back) and this year it’s The Battle of Life which is labelled ‘a love story’ so we’ll see how this goes.

A romance short story by Jenny Colgan which I got on Amazon First Reads (so it didn’t cost anything). It’s short, I expect it to be cute and Christmassy so as long as it’s that, I count my expectations met!

I got this book last year, cheap but new (so not from the charity shop) and it’s a collection of short stories. I have to say that I think Chrismtas romance books are much better as novellas/short stories so apparently that is what I’m reading this year!


I have a couple of library books to get to (but far fewer than normal) and a couple of books to pick up for the reading challenge but otherwise, I’m hoping to get to a good portion of this TBR. How is your December TBR looking?



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