You probably already do this (if you aren’t doing this, wow) … but you already know which items sell best in each attributed marketing channel … right?
In other words, you have an assortment of Dresses … pretend there are 100 styles you offer. You already know that The Positano (click here) sells best in Product Listing Ads, or that the Bellamira sells best in Email Marketing Campaigns.
You also know that a lapsed eighteen month customer previously purchased via a Product Listing Ad. If that customer is about to meet one of two criteria …
- + The customer just visited your website.
- – The customer is about to lapse out of the “Lapsed Spend” segment to “Lapsed Experiment”
… then you should launch an Action Stream to encourage the customer to buy something right now. And if you’re going to do that, you know that for this customer, you should show Winning Items that align with Product Listing Ads … preferably in the product category the customer prefers.
What stops you from taking action in an example as illustrated above?
Use Mini-Assortments … the items that sell well within key Marketing Channels … to kick out Action Streams to encourage a lapsed buyer (or even a recent buyer) to purchase again.