About the blog
“The “Anthropology for Beginners” blog by Suman Nath is one of the most user/reader friendly sites relative to such an endeavor.” – Global Oxford
“This blog contains lots of study materials on Anthropology and related topics” – University of Kassel
University of Houston includes Anthropology for beginners in their recommended reading list.
This is a humble endeavour to collect study materials on anthropology and then share it with interested others.
How to use:
1. One can see materials by clicking “Blog Archives” which is arranged chronologically.
2. Or can search in the search box provided by using key words.
I have not tried to be exhaustive, but its just elementary materials which will help newcomers to build up their materials better.
Because of the rising number of requests from people across the world, Anthropology for beginners has started a youtube channel. Those who are willing to have some explanations to the materials available in this blog can subscribe to this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_cq5vZOzI9aDstQEkru_MQ/videos
Watch the introductory video to get an overview of the youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY9DOnD0Uxo
You can write me about the posts. Feel free to write me at sumananthro1@gmail.com
Best, Suman