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HomeAnime28 One Piece Moments That Became Viral Memes

28 One Piece Moments That Became Viral Memes

Updated May 26, 2024 by erniekdm

When you’re feeling down and darkness is closing in, sometimes all you need in life is One Piece

You know those days when you’re kind of down, and things don’t seem to make sense or line up in life? 

You know what that means, right? It means it’s meme time!

Before we proceed, why not check out: 32 One Piece Facts You Didn’t Know!


YouTube videoYouTube video

28 One Piece Scenes That Turned into Memes!

1. The Man Who Started the New Era

Did you know fans come up with funny and unofficial D-names for certain characters?

Especially characters you wouldn’t expect… 

Let’s start with Logue Town

In episode 48 during the Pirate King’s execution, do you remember this guy?

Ask D question episode 48Ask D question episode 48

His name and origin remain unknown, but his questions changed EVERYTHING

Fans even made him a funny wanted poster and gave him the catchy nickname “Ask D. Question.” 

Ask D. QuestionAsk D. Question

2. The Executioner

Also present in this scene are these two executioners, but let’s shift our focus to the guy on the left side since he has more screen time.


As he successfully ended the life of the most powerful man, fans gave him the most creative and not so obvious nickname ever… “Took D Life!”

Took D LifeTook D Life

3. The Sea King

Other famous examples are Buggy D. Clown, Go D. Usopp, and a character from the G-8 filler arc known as Condoriano, I mean… Con D. Oriano!

Untitled 1Untitled 1

Oh, and wanna know who’s my favorite one so far? 

This scene in episode 4 when Shanks “ACCIDENTALLY” lost his arm to a mere Sea King… which is why it is known as “Took D. Arm.”

Took D ArmTook D Arm

4. The Stairs!

Now, for the next one… remember the “thing” that killed Zoro’s childhood friend, Kuina?


In Episode 19, it was mentioned that Kuina slipped down the storehouse steps, leading fans to give it the nickname “DOWN D. STAIRS.”

Down D stairsDown D stairs

Which is kinda dark… 

Plus, we all know that Tashigi looks exactly like Kuina.

In one episode, Tashigi herself even slipped on the stairs. 

Tashigi and StairsTashigi and Stairs

Fans couldn’t help but assume that this might be another clever foreshadowing by Oda-sensei.

5. Big News Morgans

There is another character that I didn’t expect to become a meme sensation…

Say hello to Big News Morgans, the Big Bird of One Piece.

big news morgansbig news morgans

Morgans is the president of the World Economy News Paper and one of the big bosses of the Underworld.

Underworld bossesUnderworld bosses

With his quirky appearance and his iconic catchphrase he became a favorite among the meme-loving community

That is why whenever there’s a major revelation in the manga, fans can’t help but use the phrase “Big News!” 

6. Roger’s Laugh

In Episode 968 of Oden’s flashback, when Roger’s crew reached Laugh Tale, the Pirate King’s laugh became a massive hit for memes!

Roger s laughRoger s laugh

Fans even morphed Roger’s face with J. Jonah Jameson from Spider-Man, and the resemblance is quite accurate!

Roger Laughed memeRoger Laughed meme

The question is…

What do you think they discovered on Laugh Tale

Well, don’t look at me, I don’t know either!

Maybe we’ll have the answer to that question soon enough! (Hopefully).

7. Chopper Crying

As for Roger’s counterpart, we have Chopper’s dramatic cry.

Chopper cryingChopper crying

This scene is actually from One Piece Movie 9, a remake and a ‘what if’ version of the Drum Island arc that includes Franky, Robin, and the Thousand Sunny, who are not originally part of that arc. Speaking of movies, if you don’t know where to start, kindly check out our One Piece movie watch order!

one piece movie 9 2one piece movie 9 2

TBH, the scene is very emotional, but fans can’t deny how funny Chopper’s reaction was. 

If you search the internet, you’ll find tons of parodies associated with this meme.

The only thing that confuses me is why this scene (and also Whitebeard, which we’ll discuss later) is strongly linked to Kanye West’s song “Dark Fantasy.”

8. Luffy’s Mom

Oh, btw, have you ever wondered who the heck Luffy’s mom is?

Luffy thinkingLuffy thinking

This led fans to create a lot of theories.

Candidates such as Dadan, Makino, and Imu… 

Amidst all the speculation, there’s one unexpected character that steals the show… Crocodile.


I know it sounds weird, but when Ivankov mentioned Crocodile’s past in Episode 443, it sparked a theory that Ivankov used their powers to change Crocodile into a man. Voila! This led fans to start calling him… “Croco-mom!”

At first, this theory was somewhat taken seriously, but now …’s not.

9. Jack

During the Wano arc, can you guess who is the most useless member of the Beast Pirates?

Take a second… 

It’s JACK!

Jack the droughtJack the drought

Do you disagree?  

While Jack might be one of the highest-ranking executives and have a billion berry bounty on his head, he is completely useless… you know why?

Well, can you give me one memorable fight scene Jack actually had had during Wano?

Exactly, there’s nothing.

10. Useless Captain Mid

Tossing aside the useless Mammoth, there’s another character that will be joining our “uselesslist.

Did you feel the same hype when the Supernovas were first introduced in the Sabaody Archipelago Arc?

11 super novas11 super novas

I was so excited when it was mentioned that there is someone with a higher bounty than Luffy, which is Eustass Captain Kid. Or should I say… Useless Captain Mid?!

Useless captain midUseless captain mid

Initially, Kid was portrayed as a formidable character compared to Luffy and Law, but as the series progressed, he didn’t live up to most of our expectations– What a disappointment! Kid, you’re such a failure!

Sure, he had a decent fight against Big Mom, but in Chapter 1079, he got too cocky and ended up getting his ass whooped by Shanks with just one strike!

1079 0101079 010

However, let’s not underestimate Kid. He may still have an epic comeback.

What do you think: is Shanks the final villain of One Piece?

11. Robin’s Face

The funniest memes during the Wano Arc are the Straw Hats’ “face faults” when they discover that Luffy is already in the country and has been captured by Kaido.

Usopp, Zoro, and Franky are all known for their funny reactions, but Robin’s face definitely left a shock for a lot of fans…

Robin funny face 1Robin funny face 1

Look how they massacred my girl

12. Enel’s face

Another classic meme is this reaction…

Enel Funny faceEnel Funny face

Do you know the source of this reaction? Does it ring a bell? 

This happened during the Skypiea arc when Enel freaked out realizing that his powers were useless against Luffy because he is made of rubber.

This face is so iconic that it has been reused numerous times.

Not only in the anime, but it has also been referenced by other shows like “The Amazing World of Gumball!” (World of Gumball Season 6 Episode 1)

World of Gumball Enel faceWorld of Gumball Enel face

Will Enel make a comeback though?

Do you think the straw hats might find their way to visit the moon? I can’t wait to see Enel’s reaction when he sees Luffy with his current power.

13. Luffy’s face

During this fight, Enel realized that Luffy might be immune to his lightning attacks, but still vulnerable to physical strikes

airhead techniqueairhead technique

Luffy had a hard time dodging them,  that is why he used his Gomu Gomu airhead technique, and with this funny face it also became a popular meme

14. Zombie and Luffy

Luffy didn’t end his meme career during the Sky Island arc.

In Thriller Bark, in episode 342, there’s a scene where a zombie rises from its grave, but instead of fighting it, Luffy decides to simply push it back into the ground. Classic Luffy!

Luffy and ZombieLuffy and Zombie

This scene is so funny it became another goldmine for memes!

15. Brook

Whenever I talk about Thriller Bark, there’s one character that comes to mind… Brook!

Brook thriller barkBrook thriller bark

He is one of my favorite characters in One Piece ‘cause he’s funny!

Especially when he asks the question:  

May i see your pantsMay i see your pants

Plus, did you know that in episode 864, Brook asked the same thing to Big Mom?!

Well, look who isn’t picky!

Actually, Brook is older than Big Mom, and if only he could have asked her during her prime… Well, that would have been a different story. Take my soul, Big MOM! 

16. Tra-guy hates bread

Now, let me hit you with a slightly fresh meme…

Back in Episode 629, as Law was rolling with the Straw Hats on their way to Dressrosa, it was revealed that Trafalgar Law doesn’t like bread!

law hate bread 1law hate bread 1

That teeny-tiny moment drove fans CRAZY! From fan arts to memes– things went absolutely nuts!

But, Law, why? Why do you hate bread?! Why are you even here? 

Imagine having no toast and butter for the rest of your life!

It’s interesting to note that this connects to a theory. In SBS 79 it was revealed that Corazon also hates bread


Fans are speculating that this might be the reason why Law dislikes bread, as he could be impersonating Rosinante.

I’ve been thinking, aside from Law, who are your favorite INTJ anime characters?

17. Fan Translations

Have you ever tried reading One Piece fan translations?

To be honest, I haven’t yet, and I know that there can be some mis-translations, I never expected them to be this bad…

For example, Bisoromi Bear instead of Bartholomew Kuma

Tanjado lo Flamingo instead of Donquixote Doflamingo which almost sounds like Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer.

One Piece fan translationsOne Piece fan translations

The funniest one is The Blackbeard Pirates. Just look at Blackbeard’s name… Masuru Chochen

Blackbeard pirates mistranslations 1Blackbeard pirates mistranslations 1

Now that sounds like Teach was a victim of an AliExpress bootleg product.

18. Marimo

Are you aware that Marimo, a moss ball from Japan, is thought to bring good fortune

Zoro was given this nickname by Sanji as an insult, all because of their resemblance.

Marimo Zoro 1Marimo Zoro 1

While a lot of fans, of course, wouldn’t let this insult slip without turning it into a meme.

By the way, do you remember Gaimon from episode 18?

Gaimon 2Gaimon 2

The thing is… people made a meme about Gaimon being Zoro’s dad.

Anyway, the comparison between Zoro and Marimo is relevant to the story because of Zoro’s luck, especially in Episode 49 in Loguetown when he took a chance and tossed Sandai Kitetsu in the air.

Sandai KitetsuSandai Kitetsu

He actually proved it to be true because his arm didn’t get chopped off.

In that episode, Zoro almost became the next Shanks!

19. Zoro’s sense of direction

Zoro might be a lucky guy, but we all know that he has a poor sense of direction.  

Zoro sense of directionZoro sense of direction

This has become a source of a LOT of memes! Some fans imagine him getting lost and suddenly entering a different anime.

Hmm… Which anime would he fit into? Samurai X? Bleach? Or perhaps Demon Slayer? I think he could finish off Kibutsuji Muzan in just one hit.

Zoro lost in Demon SlayerZoro lost in Demon Slayer

Oh, wait, never mind… he might have lost his way in the Infinity Castle arc instead.

20. Zoro is Racist

The bad news is our beloved swordsman has become the subject of a newer, darker meme

Fans have noticed an unfortunate trend in Zoro’s battles, where he often finds himself fighting against dark-skinned enemies, such as Mr. One and King. 

zoro vs mister one 2zoro vs mister one 2

Of course, some fans have assumed that Zoro is secretly a racist.

I actually never thought of that… What’s wrong with you people? Stop it, Get some help!

21. Roof Piece

The Wano Arc is such a LONG arc 

We’ve been watching that for like… five years?

In fact, the fight with Kaido on top of Onigashima became soooo long and the fans renamed it… “Roof Piece!”

Roof pieceRoof piece

Yet, the Wano arc has given us a LOT of epic moments and top notch animations

From their entrance to Onigashima, Sanji vs Queen, Zoro vs King! Now it’s time for Luffy’s Gear 5!

22. Tama

We know that there are a lot of big fights in Wano, but shouldn’t Tama have been the MVP?!

one piece tamaone piece tama

I mean, with her Devil Fruit, she literally turned the tables.

Yet, fans couldn’t help but notice that Tama’s power is a little bit like slavery, and we all know the outcome of that one… memes! 

They started comparing Tama into a Celestial Dragon or even a Pokémon trainer!

Tama celestial dragonTama celestial dragon

I might go with the Pokemon Trainer, but Celestial Dragons? Well, you do have a point though.

23. The Next Straw Hat

During Wano’s third act, are you one of those fans who’ve been debating who will become the next Straw Hat?

This actually sparked a HUGE debate among fans

Some were rooting for Carrot! While others wanted Yamato. (Including me of course!)

Yamato and Carrot 1Yamato and Carrot 1

There are a LOT of jokes and memes that have been made during this period.

Yamato and carrot memeYamato and carrot meme

Funny thing is, as of now, neither of them has officially joined the crew. 


I really want Yamato to join the crew though – she’s such a badass

24. Caribou

With Carrot and Yamato not officially joining the Straw Hat Pirates, fans playfully joked that perhaps Caribou is the true “Chosen one.” 

Caribou strawhatCaribou strawhat

This speculation arose when Caribou managed to sneak aboard the Thousand Sunny, and while sailing, he also overheard Luffy’s dream.

This led people to joke that Caribou is the new Straw Hat

25. Weird laughs

The list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the weird laughs of certain characters. 

Killer laughKiller laugh

Fans even made a compilation of these laughs from A to Z.

Glad that Oda didn’t end up with a simple laugh. I don’t know why everytime I hear these laughs, they kinda give me a sort of LSS (Last Song Syndrome).

26.  Nami’s Haki

Alright, now let’s talk about the ultimate power-up in the series: Haki.

There are many well-known Haki users throughout One Piece, such as Roger, Shanks, Garp, Katakuri, and Luffy.

While there is one character whose fans love to crack jokes and claim that she is secretly a Haki user, and that character is… Nami!

Nami puches LuffyNami puches Luffy

What proof do we have? 

Well, bullets have no effect on Luffy, and even lightning strikes don’t tickle him, so why the hell Nami can beat the hell out of Luffy

Oda, you need to explain this!

Others mentioned that Nami’s Happy punch is just a Conqueror’s Haki

Nami happy punchNami happy punch

Oh, by the way, who do you think is the best One Piece waifu?

27. Whitebeard’s Death

Whitebeard Died StandingWhitebeard Died Standing

Remember when I mentioned that I don’t understand why Whitebeard is somewhat connected to Kanye West’s Dark Fantasy?”

Because somehow, someway, this scene has been transformed into another meme!

28. Ace Donut

Whitebeard’s death is one of the most coolest scenes I’ve ever watched in my life. 

While the most painful one is the death of Ace, and I can’t believe that it will also become a famous meme.

ace deathace death

Ever since his death, fans called him a Donut

Fans have been mixing Ace’s death with scenes from other anime, such as Rin, Rengoku, and Genos. It’s like playing “4 Pics 1 Word!”




Now, what if I told you there’s a way to resurrect a DONUT? It appears that Ace’s story might not have reached its end just yet



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