Another day, another bread recipe. I just got a new oven so I can finally fit all my baking tins, including the pullman tin. Hence, this milk toast today.


  • 220g bread flour
  • 30g plain flour
  • 13g milk powder
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 40g salted butter
  • 3/4 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 130g fresh milk
  • Extra milk for milk wash
  1. Place all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Give it a quick whisk on low speed for about a minute or so.
  2. Add in your wet ingredients. Mix it on low speed for about 5 minutes until it forms a rough dough.
  3. Add in the salted butter and mix at about speed 2 or 3. Constantly scrape down the sides of the bowl as you knead your dough.
  4. Continue kneading for about 20 minutes until you reach window pane stage. You will be able to tell when the dough is almost ready as it sticks less to the bowl.
  5. Do a windowpane test to tell if your dough is kneaded enough. Be careful not to overknead as your bread will turn dry and dense.
  6. When your dough is ready, place it in a clean bowl. Cover with cling film, or a clean showercap to save on cling film.
  7. Leave it on the counter and proof for 1 hour or until doubled in size. To test whether it is well-proofed, lightly flour your index finger and poke gently into your dough. If the indentation remains and doesn’t spring back, your dough is ready!
  8. Lightly flour your work, take your dough out and punch down to remove excess gas.
  9. Divide the dough into 3 portions – around 165g each. Shape into rounds and cover with cling film for about 10-15 minutes.
  10. Lightly flour your work surface again. Roll out the dough into a rectangular shape. Push the dough out to remove air pockets. Shape into a ball, giving it a smooth surface.
  11. Place the smooth surface down, roll into a rectangular shape again and roll into log shape from top to bottom. Place into a lightly greased loaf tin.
  12. Repeat the same steps with the remaining 2 portions of dough.
  13. Leave it to proof for 1 hour in the oven together with a cup of hot water. Make sure your oven is switched off. You can also cover with cling film and leave it on the counter.
  14. Take your tin out and preheat your oven to 180c, top and bottom heat.
  15. Give your bread a milk wash to give it a nice brown colour.
  16. Bake for about 30-35 minutes. If it gets too brown, tent with aluminium foil. Once ready, unmould and leave to cool completely. Store in airtight container once cooled.
