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HomeBusinessInternet BusinessSeven Most Important Aspects of a Food Blog

Seven Most Important Aspects of a Food Blog

If you love food and you want to become a food blogger, you need the right aspects for your blog. Without these seven things, you will struggle to find any kind of success online.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Responsive DesignYou simply cannot survive online without a mobile-friendly design. Not only will you alienate half of your potential audience, but you will also lose SEO points with Google. In today’s online world, a mobile-friendly design is necessary.

Most of the best designs for your blog will come from WordPress. You can get a premium design specifically for a food blog and it will be marked as mobile-friendly or responsive. Both of these will work great for your blog and make it show up correctly on all devices.

Cannot Cater to Everyone

As soon as you decide your food blog has to cater to everybody, you will fail. It needs a unique hook. For example, some take an organic approach, while others may take a bit more of a local approach. What makes you unique will also determine your target audience.

Make it Pinterest Accessible

While a food blog may find success without Pinterest, it’s much easier with Pinterest. So many people turn to Pinterest for the pictures, which lead to the recipes or reviews. You need it for traffic and it will provide if you use it properly.

Excellent Pictures

Food BlogFood pictures cannot be boring, blurry or low quality. If you want to show off something you ate, something you made or just talk about food in general, you need great pictures. Stock images are not a great choice, if you have the ability to take and provide your own pictures.

If you are creating the recipe, consider taking a video of the process, but you also need to provide great pictures throughout the process. Get a decent camera and start snapping pictures anytime you think it may be something you will share.

Good About Page

You might find success without a good about page, but it will make a big difference if you have one. This page will allow you to show off your passion, your unique take on food and provide exactly what people want to know about you. Make this great and your visitors will come back for more.


WordPress User-FriendlyMost food blogs will include recipes on their site. This section, along with other sections need to be user-friendly. You need to make sure there are specifics with recipes for allergies and the instructions make sense. If someone runs into an issue, make sure there is a comment section so you can help them with the issue, too.

Quality, Tested Recipes

Don’t just throw up any recipe on your food blog. Instead, make sure you’ve tried them, someone you know has tried it or it comes from a good source. You want the best recipes for your unique take on food and cooking only.

Finding success with a blog starts with great hosting, a good design and excellent marketing. You need to find your unique hook so that you are not trying to cater to everybody. However, you also need the rest of these aspects if you want to find real success with a food blog.



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