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HomeAquariumPearlscale Goldfish Care: A Comprehensive Guide

Pearlscale Goldfish Care: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are interested in learning about the intriguing realm of caring for Pearlscale Goldfish, this manual is ideal for you. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned aquarium keeper, it is crucial to understand the necessary steps to properly tend to these distinct freshwater fish.

The Pearlscale Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is one of the many varieties of fancy goldfish that was developed in captivity rather than existing in the wild. This species first appeared in China around the turn of the 20th century and has since become popular due to its unique appearance.

pearlscale goldfish
Pearlscale Goldfish with its distinctive round body and shining, iridescent scales

Species Summary

As such, Pearlscale are admired for its unique pearl-like scales which cover a rounded belly. On top of that, these fish have long flowing fins, giving them a very elegant look.

When it comes to color, there’s quite a bit of variation amongst Pearlscales, with specimens being solid-colored or multi-colored, as well as sporting different hues of orange, red, white, black, blue, and even chocolate brown.


In terms of lifespan, an average Pearlscale Goldfish will usually live up to 10 years, but with proper care, they are known to reach 15 years of age. As for size, adult Pearlscales grow to an average length of 6-8 inches, with the potential to reach 10 inches in some cases.

Now that you’ve got an idea of what this species looks like and how long it should live for, it’s time to begin looking at the necessary care requirements needed to ensure your fish remains happy and healthy.

Tank Size

Since Pearlscales aren’t very active swimmers, they don’t necessarily require a huge tank. A tank size of 20 gallons is more than enough for keeping a single fish, with an additional 10 gallons needed for each extra fish.

For larger collections, or if the weather permits, outdoor ponds are also a great way to keep these fish. Just make sure the water is of suitable quality and temperature, as this is where Pearlscales tend to thrive the most.

Water Parameters

The water parameters needed for keeping Pearlscales should be relatively constant, yet still mimic their ideal living conditions. Generally speaking, you want to keep the water at a temperature range of 64-73 °F, a pH value between 6.0 – 7.2, and a hardness level of between 5-15 dGH.

In addition to that, regular water changes are essential in order to maintain the health of your fish. It’s advised to do a 25-30% water change every 2 weeks to rid the tank of any unwanted ammonia and nitrite.

Additionally, having a good filtration system in place can help keep your water parameters stable and reduce the amount of time you need to clean the tank.

Tank Mates

Pearlscales get along with other peaceful fish, so consider adding some tank mates for a better viewing experience. However, it’s important to remember that the tankmates should be larger than the Pearlscales since these fish could potentially eat smaller tankmates if given the chance.

In this regard, some ideal options are Black Moors, Lionheads, Orandas, Ryukins, and Telescope Eyes.


When it comes to breeding Pearlscale Goldfish, it can be a bit challenging due to their peculiar anatomy. For starters, you’ll need to create the right environment by providing them with proper nutrition and water conditions. This includes a cooler temperature and a decrease in pH (to around 6.0-6.5).

You should also provide plenty of flat surfaces in the aquarium for spawning, as well as adjust the filter to create a gentler flow so the eggs are protected from the current.

Once the eggs have hatched and the fry has developed, move them to a separate tank to start the next stage of growth.


A balanced diet is key to maintaining a healthy Pearlscale Goldfish. As omnivores, they will eat both meat-based and plant-based food, but it’s important to provide a varied diet of live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. You can also feed them high-quality, goldfish-specific pellets as a staple diet.

It’s also important to remember not to overfeed your fish, as this can easily lead to poor health and water quality issues. A good rule of thumb is to feed your fish two to three times a day and make sure to remove any uneaten food after five minutes.

Tank Decor

When it comes to decorations, the sky’s the limit! Pearscale Goldfish doesn’t necessarily require anything specific, so you can choose whatever you think looks best in your aquarium. That said, it’s still important to bear in mind the size and shape of your fish when picking out decorations.

Incorporate plenty of hiding spots as well as plenty of enriching items that are safe for both the fish and the aquarium. Hardscaped items such as driftwood, rocks, and caves will really help bring the tank to life and create an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Regular Medication

Over time, Pearlscale Goldfish can become prone to diseases such as fin rot or swim bladder disorder. To prevent these from occurring, it’s important to regularly medicate the tank with a fish medication suitable for goldfish.

Once the appropriate medication has been administered, it’s recommended to do a 20% water change every week and monitor your fish for any signs of distress.

Common Health Issues

Although generally quite hardy, Pearlscales are also susceptible to various illnesses and parasites. Common issues that can affect this species include tail and fin rot, Ich, and gill flukes.

Should you notice any signs of illness, it’s important to quarantine the affected fish and seek veterinary advice.

Proper Care

Seeing as Pearlscales are rather delicate, it’s important to take proper care of them in order to keep them healthy and vibrant. This includes performing regular water changes, monitoring water parameters, and being mindful of the tank mates they’re kept with.

In addition to that, providing plenty of hiding spots and decorating the tank with low-flow, low-stress items will go a long way to ensuring your fish stay happy and healthy.


Whenever introducing a new fish to your tank, it’s essential to quarantine them for two weeks to ensure they don’t carry any diseases.

During this time, it’s important to monitor the new fish’s behavior and make sure it remains healthy before adding it to the main tank.


Pearlscale Goldfish may not seem like the most active fish, but they’re still quite prone to stress and must be handled carefully.

Whenever scooping these fish out, make sure to use a container with an airtight lid, and never try to pick the fish up with your hands as this could cause them to thrash around and injure themselves.


Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that Pearlscale Goldfish are genetically bred and not naturally occurring. As a result, they may have problems with their swim bladder or experience deformities due to inbreeding.

Be mindful of this before buying one and always check if it’s from a reliable source.


Now that you know all the essentials of caring for Pearlscale Goldfish, you’re ready to start setting up your aquarium. Remember to research further on the subject, and make sure you’re prepared in case any issue arises.

By adhering to the care requirements mentioned earlier, you can ensure your Pearlscale Goldfish remain beautiful, healthy, and full of life for many years to come.



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