We’re back on familiar ground after something of a detour last week. I’m quite happy to see Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu examine Yui’s career, and Masugu’s too for that matter. Diversifying thematically is better for the show in the long run. My issue was with the specifics, namely that the whole drama and resolution was pretty irksome. It’s tough to get past the near-religious obsession with the group over the individual, so deep-seated is it in Japanese culture. But Yui still made a really poor decision if you ask me.
Still, at heart a relationship chronicle is what this series is. A very particular sort of relationship (workplace, secret) at a very specific point. That is, still in the sparkly and idealistic stage. Six months to be precise. Early enough in a romance that six months seems like a milestone worth celebrating (give it time). Given that I Have a Crush at Work is something of a survey course on romances and their flashpoints, the anniversary is one it had to get too sooner or later. Like the first trip together.
As I’ve said, I really like both these folks but if I have any small niggle, it’s that Masugu has been a bit too much the perfect boyfriend. So how does this chapter measure up to that? Well – let’s start the fact that he remembers, and she forgets. Maybe it’s something of a cliche that guys forget an anniversary and girls remember, but in my experience it’s one rooted in reality. But he’s certainly the more systematic and organized of the two, so in that context it isn’t out of character. Though still pretty flawless character.
And how do we grade Masugu for the way he handles this? Undeniably he’s not going to get a perfect score, I’ll say that up front. He’s a bit clumsy about it, makes it pretty obvious that he’s doing something behind Yui’s back. He also neglects to plan the night out until all the restaurants with great views (which generally have lousy food anyway, no loss) are booked, even though with it falling on a Friday he should have known better. As for the gift, well… For me, pair rings on a six-month anniversary would be way too high-leverage. I’d be terrified of scaring the lady off if she wasn’t as committed as I was. But I think the Japanese view on this is a bit different from the American one embedded in my psyche.
The big slip-up isn’t really his fault, though. Yui catches Masugu walking around town (he’s been shopping for her gift) on a Saturday when he’d told her he was going to stay in studying for his Level I accounting exam. Paired with the fact that she also catches him checking stuff out on his phone (again, shopping) and hiding it from her, and he earns the nickname “Mr. Sneaky”. Eventually Yui follows him home, and while she later says she trusts him this isn’t exactly reflective of a high level of trust. Eventually Masugu caves and gives her the gift a day early, which was probably the right call under the circumstances.
From that point on, it’s pretty much all good. How they end up celebrating is why better than an overpriced rooftop restaurant. And Yui is so thrilled about the ring that she can’t stop staring at it around the office. At this point she has to come clean-ish – in wearing the ring (never mind the whole “my precious” bit) she’s acknowledging that she has a serious bae. Masugu by contrast wears his ring on a chain around his neck – under his shirt. I’m guessing they arranged this in advance, since both of them showing up with matching pair rings would have pretty much put plausible deniability to the sword…