The Zodiac Sign for Aquarius starts on January 20th and lasts until February 18th. It’s always interesting to carve out scents, colors, gift guides, and events for the various signs as they unfold throughout the year.
According to astrologer Eliza Kelly, “Air energy is all about the mind. Intellectual, curious, and deeply social, the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are passionate about interpersonal dynamics. As the last air sign in the zodiac, however, Aquarius takes these concepts to a whole other level. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer (hence the “aqua”), the mystical healer who bestows water, or life, upon the land. Represented by the Star card in tarot, Aquarius can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot firmly planted on the soil (representing a sense of being grounded) and one positioned in the water. Aquarius is holding a vase, which pours new streams of inspiration to cultivate longevity, healing, and hope.”
Colors: According to the color experts at Benjamin Moore colors that appeal best to Aquarians include airy blue tones which signify the sign’s independent style. Rich turquoise represents this air sign’s vivacious personality. A glowing off-white warms this aquatic palette.
Scents: Aquarius’ birth flower is Orchid, which can have a wide range of scents. According the RePot Me “Orchids can have fragrances that range from spices, including cinnamon and vanilla, to foods like chocolate and citrus, to fragrances mimicking other flowers like roses and hyacinths”. That’s a fairly wide range to consider. Fragrance experts are quick to recommend scents like Sage and Citrus, which seem to appeal most commonly to Aquarians. Since this is an air sign, any scent that’s too heavy or overwhelming probably won’t do. Scents that are clean and gently formulated are a great pick to promote for this sign.
Clothes and Jewelry: It’s Winter for another 2 months, so outfits and jewelry that work well with cold temps are great picks for gift guides. The birthstone for Aquarius is Amethyst, a calming and peaceful stone.
Famous Aquarians include: Jennifer Aniston, Lewis Carroll, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Rock, Abe Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Virginia Woolf, Jackie Robinson, Christian Dior, Rosa Parks, Hank Aaron, Alicia Keys, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Harry Styles, Lana Turner, Enzo Ferrari, and James Joyce.