Why I would use a zapper if I had any cancer and why I think that doctors should recommend it to their patients?
When Dr. Hulda Clark introduced the zapper for use with people who were sick, or who had diseases, illnesses, or conditions of the human body, she did not claim that it was a cure and did not say that it was for parasites, and certainly did not claim it as a cure for cancer although some have made such claims.
So, what was the purpose of the zapper?
She simply stated that it purpose was to kill or destroy microbes.
So, what is the value destroying these microbes?
Most people are not aware that almost 11 percent ( about 1 out of 9 ) cancer patients die of sepsis, mostly from bacterial or fungal infections. The same is true for many other illnesses, especially autoimmune disorders.
The point is that a good multi-frequency zapper does a better job of eliminating or destroying almost all microbes. A regular single frequency zapper can do this over time but in the cases of sepsis, time is not a factor in our favor. The faster and more efficiently that we can eliminate infectious microbes, the better the chance of our survival.
This goes not only for bacterial and fungal illness but also for viral illness such as influenza and coronavirus, although neither has been verified in the laboratory, the anecdotal evidence is significant. What is even more important is that even if there was only moderate efficacy, would any person not want even a few percentage points improvement in survival or even a few extra months of quality added to their life?
Even better is that these types of devices often come with such advantage as a 30 day money back guarantee. If you do not like it, return it. There are a few limitations that are listed on the web site.
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See zapper video
For more on surviving cancer, please read:
Cancer Alternatives
If you have not heard of this amazing product called ParaZapper, you should read about it:
Can Gerson Therapy save you from cancer
Surviving cancer and other immune compromised health issues
Budwig Protocol
Is the zapper a cancer cure?