If you’ve been waiting to trade Pi Network (PI) tokens, the moment is finally here. Bitget, one of the world’s most respected crypto exchanges, has officially signed up to list PI as it transitions to its Open Mainnet on February 20, 2025. This marks a huge leap for Pi Network, a project that’s grown from a mobile mining experiment into a global blockchain ecosystem. Let’s break down how you can get involved. For Nigerians, other Africans and Europeans, Bitget is the best option.
Note: Visit here to sign up for Bitget for Pi trading.
How to Prepare for Pi Network Trading
- Sign up on Bitget: If you don’t have an account, register and complete KYC verification. No KYC = No trading.
- Deposit Pi Network: You will be able to deposit your Pi network. All you will have to do is log into your Bitget account and click on deposit, then you select Pi and copy the address. Now go to your Pi wallet and paste this address to send your Pi to Bitget.
- Deposit USDT: PI will trade against USDT, so if your plan is to buy Pi, deposit USDT to Bitget so you can buy.
- Stay updated: Watch for Bitget’s announcements about deposits and the call auction (a pre-trading period to set fair prices).
Bitget is the best option so far to trade Pi
Bitget isn’t just another exchange, it’s a leader in the crypto space, trusted by over 100 million users across 150+ countries. Known for its secure platform, innovative features (like copy trading), and support for emerging tokens, Bitget is the perfect partner for Pi Network’s Open Mainnet debut. By listing PI in its Innovation, Web3, and Public Chain Zone, Bitget is giving traders early access to a project with 60 million users and real-world utility.
Key Dates for PI on Bitget
Here’s the timeline you need to know:
- Trading starts: February 20, 2025, at 8:00 AM UTC (the exact time Pi’s Open Mainnet goes live).
- Deposits: Not yet open, but Bitget will announce details soon.
- Withdrawals: Begin on February 21, 2025, at 9:00 AM UTC.
Bitget is taking extra steps to ensure smooth trading. For example:
- No market orders for the first 5 minutes to limit volatility.
- Order limits: $10,000 max per user during the initial phase.
Bitget is hosting a PI Network Airdrop
To celebrate the listing, Bitget is hosting a PI Network airdrop! While details are still emerging, here’s what we know:
- The airdrop likely rewards early traders or those holding PI on Bitget.
- To qualify, you may need to trade PI/USDT or participate in promotional campaigns.
Pro tip: Keep an eye on Bitget’s official announcements for exact rules and deadlines.
Why Pi Network’s Open Mainnet Matters
After years in an “Enclosed Mainnet” phase (where tokens couldn’t leave the Pi ecosystem), the February 20 launch unlocks:
- External transactions: Send PI to other blockchains, wallets, or businesses.
- Real-world use: Over 100 apps are already Mainnet-ready, from marketplaces to DeFi tools.
- Global trading: With Bitget and OKX leading the charge, PI’s price will finally reflect real market demand.
A Word of Caution
PI’s launch could be volatile. Early miners might sell tokens quickly, and critics warn about Pi’s referral-driven growth model. However, Bitget’s safeguards (like order limits) aim to protect traders. Always do your research and never invest more than you can afford to lose.