Exciting News!!! Analysis of brain images has begun.
The next step in validation of reflexology has begun. Thanks to your contributions, the analysis of brain images gathered during the research project Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology is underway.
The abstract is titled “Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology using Real-Time Task-Based and Resting-State fMRI in Controls and Patients with Stroke”authored by Dr. Stefan Posse, Kevin Kunz, Barbara Kunz, Dr. Ann Van de Winckel, Michael Wolf and Dr. Essa Yacoub.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz are included as authors following participation in the research and meeting requirements as Biomedical Research Investigators.
In addition deeper analysis is underway by neuroscientists at University of Minnesota School of Medicine
Analysis of the data involves the 82,000 to 83,000 brain images collected during reflexology applied to healthy volunteers in sessions in April and stroke patients in September, 2023 at the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
It is not possible to announce results until they have been presented or a scientific paper has been published. That is a fundamental rule regarding scientific research.
Your continuing help needed
We are still raising money to complete the analysis of the extensive number of brain images gathered thanks to previous contributions. Please help us finish this historic research project.
We are in the process of raising an additional $50,000 in funds to finish the analysis of brain images.
If we all give $10 or more there are enough of us to meet this goal. Please make a tax deductible donation now. The link to the UNM Fund, a non-profit, is below.
Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology https://www.unmfund.org/fund/npar-fund/