Philippe Deschamps * Arborescence – Ambientblog

Philippe DeschampsPhilippe Deschamps


Philippe Deschamps is a French composer and sound engineer who primarily composes and creates film music but also releases ambient music. Most of his releases are short: there is only one full album listed on Discogs, next to 15 EPs. With its 14+ minutes, Remember The Clouds is also one of these EP’s.

All tracks on this mini-album are created with a Telecaster guitar, ‘and a volume pedal to soften the attack’. Wind sounds and bass were added, as well as ‘transformations of guitar recordings with delay pedals and granular reverb’.

The result is music that changes like clouds in the sky: ‘takes shape, deforms and fades, color intensifies, shines, fades and disappears.’

Remember The Clouds is a digital-download only release.



Imagine yourself walking through forgotten ruins:

‘Follow the forgotten traces of weathered stone walls, inscribed on them are the commanding gestures of time. […] Here the storms of time have swept through and yet the deep wells of the past remain unscathed, a testament to the power of beauty and form.’

This is the atmosphere Arborescence (Jean Patier) conjures on his third self-released solo album Visitations. With field recordings (don’t it always seem to rain when you visit ancient ruins?), piano, harp, flutes and synths he creates a serene soundtrack for your ventures – either reail or imaginary.

‘Walk attentively through these thresholds, and in these quiet hours of musical contemplation, may a serene repose guide your footsteps’.

Visitations is available on CD and as a download.

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