Peanut Butter and Honey Uncrustables

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Peanut butter and honey uncrustables are fun to make. Homemade uncrustables are healthier, cheaper, and use less plastic than store-bought. Plus, the kids love eating them!

homemade uncrustables for kids with the maker

We love our uncrustable maker

Here we go again! If you read my most recent post, you’ll know that we love our uncrustable maker.

I last shared our Almond Butter with Chocolate Uncrustable. The trick to making that recipe is to use this delicious spread.

Today, I share another homemade uncrustable favorite. Here’s our easy recipe to make peanut butter and honey uncrustables.

Peanut butter and honey uncrustables homemade with makerPeanut butter and honey uncrustables homemade with maker

Why make homemade peanut butter and honey uncrustables

We like to make our own uncrustables for many reasons.

  • First, it reduces plastic packaging and waste.
  • Second, I use healthier ingredients.
  • Third, it saves a lot of money.
  • Fourth, it gives my little kids an opportunity to be independent and make their own meal.

Because of all of these reasons, we have used our uncrustable maker lots of times!

Peanut Butter and Honey Uncrustables recipe using a cutter and sealerPeanut Butter and Honey Uncrustables recipe using a cutter and sealer

How does this recipe differ from store-bought version?

To be honest, there’s not much to a peanut butter and honey uncrustable. It’s just 3 ingredients – peanut butter, honey and bread.

However, making your own peanut butter and honey uncrustable allows you to pick the ingredients you use.

For example, take a look at the ingredients of the store bought uncrustables. You’ll see added sugar in the peanut butter. Additionally, sugar is the first ingredient of the “honey spread”.

By making this recipe at home, we can use a peanut butter that does not contain added sugar. In addition, we use real honey with no processed sugar.

So in short, there are no major differences between a homemade version and a store-bought version. Though these are simple swaps help us eat just a little bit healthier!

overhead view of 2 uncrustablesoverhead view of 2 uncrustables

Tips for making peanut butter and honey uncrustables

Since I shared quite a few tips already, feel free to jump over to my chocolate uncrustable post. I’ll leave all the details there.

But here’s the quick rundown:

  • Use a good uncrustable maker.
  • Use a soft bread.
  • Keep the filling in the middle of the bread.
  • Don’t go overboard with too much filling.

Finding an uncrustable maker

There are a lot of different uncrustable makers on Amazon. It took me a while to find one I love.

This is the one I use. And I think it works great!

The one I have makes the classic Smucker’s Uncrustables edge shape. Some of the other sandwich sealers end up giving the sandwich a wavy edge.

DIY Uncrustables with cutter and sealer sandwich makerDIY Uncrustables with cutter and sealer sandwich maker

What to do with leftover bread crust?

Several people have asked what we do with the bread crust when we make homemade uncrustables. What a great question!

The quick answer is: we don’t waste them!

Here are a few ways for how we use the bread crusts.

Make croutons

Most often, I take the bread crusts and make them into simple croutons. The kids love these croutons as a snack or with dinner.

Here’s what I do. It’s super easy.

I pan fry the crusts in olive oil, and sprinkle on some spices. The kids love when I use some sort of combination of the following:

Instead of olive oil, butter also works great.

If you cut the crusts into long strips, these croutons work great for dipping into hummus.

Bread crumbs

It’s also easy to make some bread crumbs. Then, I use the bread crumbs at dinner.

To make bread crumbs, pop the crust into the toaster oven for a bit on low heat. Next, pulse the crusts in a food processor or blender. Or for just a bit of bread crumbs, crush with a fork.

Eat them

Simple. If I’m just making one sandwich, I just eat the bread crusts as my breakfast.

Sometimes I feel 2 whole slices of bread is too much for a little kid anyway. So this gives them a good size portion of bread.

Whatever we do, we don’t waste the crust.

Homemade Peanut Butter and Honey UncrustablesHomemade Peanut Butter and Honey Uncrustables

Enjoy making your own peanut butter and honey uncrustables

I hope you enjoy making these peanut butter and honey uncrustables. They are easy, delicious and super cute.

Also, don’t forget. It’s fun to get the kids to make these. I’m all for letting little ones explore and learn in the kitchen. Here’s a great recipe for them.

Lastly, if you have any other idea for fillings, I’d love to hear! Feel free to share your favorite fillings below.

Chocolate uncrustables on a plate - homemadeChocolate uncrustables on a plate - homemade

Peanut Butter and Honey Uncrustables

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Serves: 1

Prep: 2 minutes

Cook: 0 minutes

Make your own peanut butter and honey uncrustables with this easy recipe. Kids love to help in the kitchen too! This is a great way to make healthier uncrustables. Use a no sugar added peanut butter and real honey.


  • 2 slices sandwich bread – preferably white or a soft bread
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter
  • ½ teaspoon honey


  • Spread the peanut butter and honey in the middle of one slice of the bread. Add the other slice on top and make a sandwich.

  • Using the uncrustable maker, cut out a circle. Do not remove the sandwich from the circle cutter.

  • Using the uncrustable sealer, press down inside the circle cutter to seal the sandwich.

  • Enjoy!

Course: Breads and Muffins, Breakfast

Cuisine: American

Keyword: peanut butter and honey uncrustables

Special Diet: Dairy Free, Vegetarian

Cal : 190kcal

Note: Nutrition information is a rough estimate.

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