Outdoor grills are fun items to have for outdoor entertaining during the summer. But what should you do with it when inclement weather starts during late fall and through the winter? You can store it inside or leave it outside until it’s time to fire up the barbecue again next summer.
Considering how heavy it is, your better option is to leave it outside for the entire winter. This means you have some things to do when preparing your grill so it withstands any chance of wicked weather.
Before Anything Else, Clean Your Grill
You may still have food particles and grease on your grill from barbecues this last summer. Before preparing for winter, take a half hour to clean it thoroughly to prevent any dangers when turning it on next summer. Food particles could catch fire or just create an unpleasant sight when turning on your grill again.
Taking Care of the Gas Line
Once your grill is clean, you must turn the gas line off before you forget. Avoiding fire hazards during the winter or next barbecue season is important. As far as removing the gas tubes, it’s going to be up to you. Some sites say you should leave them connected through the winter. If you remove the gas tubes, read your manual carefully to do this carefully. Every grill model will be different, and you don’t want to cause damage to your gas line to avoid hazards.
Removing the Burner and Preparing it for Winter
As you take care of the gas line, you should lift out the burner on your grill and inspect it. You should also bring some cooking oil and spray it on the burner to provide a protective coating to avoid rust during the winter. Any other metal parts around the grill should also be sprayed to prevent moisture buildup.
Wrapping Up Removed Parts of Your Grill
Wrapping things in durable plastic is common when preparing things for winter. It’s no different with your grill. If this is the first winter your grill will be outside, you need to wrap the burner thoroughly in a plastic bag if you’re going to store it outdoors. This prevents insects from getting into the gas tubes that could cause a fire when reconnected.
As far as the gas tank, you can remove it and wrap it in plastic. You should keep it outdoors for safety due to the fire hazard of storing it in a garage or other indoor storage space. Be sure to place a protective covering over the body of the grill so that the next monstrous winter storm doesn’t turn your grill into a pile of rust come June.
If you’re still looking for an outdoor grill next summer, visit us here at Lawn & Leisure. We sell everything related to outdoor living and service those items when necessary.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have already bought an outdoor grill from us and needs servicing before next summer. Representing Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C., we’re here to help make outdoor life more stylish and enjoyable for you year-round.