Renewable Renaissance


New Eco-Friendly Products Could Help Save the Planet and Our Natural Resources, While at the Same Time Growing Your Portfolio

By Anthony Rhodes

In order to truly combat the effects of climate change, and the resulting implications which it has on the ecology, I have always been of the opinion that it’s best to appeal to the more practical side of mankind’s nature. This is the portion which has been honed over eons as strictly pure rationality, and is predicated on the immediate gratification which has grown from the benefits which it has long generated.

Confronting the topic from this angle is far more likely to be accepted, as it ultimately addresses the elephant in the room which often tends to be avoided. It being, that our lives are finite, and as a result, our interests myopic, so beginning a conversation about long-term rewards, while sacrificing immediate gains, predictably tends to fall upon deaf ears.

This point of view is finally being shared by the scientific community, as they are swiftly developing products which could immediately replace today’s bio-toxic, but useful technologies, with counterparts which provide identical, if not superior benefits. Such tools could finally assist in stemming the tide on climate change (and in the short-term, no less), while at the same time providing the monetary rewards which will be essential towards their adoption becoming widespread.

Perpetual Polymers

Try, though we may, we just can’t seem to break our addiction to plastic. Through countless documentaries and presentations which reveal the horrendous effects which it wreaks on the environment, its practical uses simply outweighs its detractions, and has stubbornly remained a staple despite all these unhealthy realities. But Berkeley researchers seem to have found the answer. A product developed at their labs called PDK (which they are currently licensing), provides all the benefits of plastic, but without any of its ecological drawbacks. This means that their creation eliminates the single use property of plastics, which have been the bane of environmentalists for decades, with another which allows it to be continuously recycled, indefinitely.

Drinking to Success

Additionally, Princeton researchers have thrown their hat in the arena, by creating a product which also addresses an ever-increasing problem. Viable drinking water is one of the most serious problems of a rapidly changing climate, as famine and drought are likely to increase due to its impending onslaught. Their response to this matter is a gel membrane which remarkably absorbs unhealthy water, then releases drinkable H20 when sunlight is applied. It’s no exaggeration to state that the benefits of this discovery could prove monumental in our ecological tug-of-war with climate change. The commercial applications are also awe-inspiring. Imagine traveling anywhere in the world without having to concern yourself with the problem of healthy drinking water. Simply tote the accompanying filter with you, add water from any surrounding source, and allow our hosting star to do the rest.

The seemingly unbalanced marriage of economics and the environment may, in truth appear awkward, but is, nonetheless, borne of necessity. Though separately their interests may diverge, and concern entirely different audiences, it is only through their mutual cohesion that each of their goals are likely to advance, and in the allotment of time needed to stave off pending disaster. The universal threat of climate change demands such a union, and woe to us all if the alliance should falter due to petty tribal differences. It is the all hands on deck approach which we must now deploy to bring us back from the abyss. For anything less and our ship will most certainly go down, with each and every one of us foolishly still aboard.

 (Anthony Rhodes is the President and owner of wealth management firm The Planning Perspective Do not reproduce without permission.)


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