I was originally introduced to Pisces USA when I attended Global Pet Expo 2024. They carried a few marine products at the time. These were two grades of Bahamian sourced aragonite substrate. Recently I received 10lb bags of the 2 substrates and a small 10lb box of reef rock.
What I really appreciated on the packaging was the listing of the some component trace makeup of this Bahamian aragonite. Though it would be hard to tell how much this will contribute in buffering for these elements in the system without some in depth design of experiment. It is still reassuring to know what is being added into the system. Pisces USA also has an interesting video that discusses some of the benefits of Bahamian oolitic aragonite sand in particular being “one of the worlds purest forms of the ocean’s naturally precipitated calcium carbonate.” It seems not all calcium carbonate sand is created equal.

Bahamian Aragonite Trace element makeup
Since I was not setting up any new nano tanks at this time, I decided to apply it to my existing systems. The best option was replenishing the substrate that is lost during routine maintenance. Due to the small granule sizes of the 2 aragonite media, the Reef Casa Studio 12 Anemone tank was the best candidate because of the lower flow in the system. The coarse aragonite measured ~ 1.5-2mm grain size compared to the sugar fine oolitic sand. I included a closeup picture of my application of the 2 substrates in this nano tank below. Usually the decision made should be first based on the impacts to the inhabitants being kept. For example, some wrasses require a fine sand bed to sleep in. Larger grains are more preferred in higher flow systems.
The attraction for me is the bright white color and soft texture of Bahamian substrate that reminded me of my vacations on Caribbean beaches. So if you are looking to make a specific biotope focusing in the Bahamas then either of these is a clear choice.
New Reef Rock
The newest aquascape product Pisces USA has added to their lineup is aragonite Reef Rock. These are sustainably mined and will be offered in 10lb or 20lb boxes to start. This aragonite-based rock is comparable to what is out in the market but a great option for nano tanks. All I needed for my Fluval EVO 13.5 was a 10lb bag of coarse aragonite and 10lbs of reef rock. Keep in mind less is more these days for aquascaping and you need to allow room for flow and growth. A tip for aquascaping is to stay away from the glass for serviceability and flow. Create caves for fish to hide in while maintaining surface area for mounting corals in various light depths. Refer to the “Rule of Thirds” or even the freshwater Iwagumi methods as a guideline. These are fairly porous and easily shaped or glued to make your own structures in the latest trends.
Whatever your preferences between the substrates and rock, these products are another option to chose from.
- 10 lb box delivery
- Fluval Evo 13.5