Picking some community fish for your freshwater aquarium can seem a little intimidating at first. With so many options, It’s hard to know where to start!
The ideal fish you’re looking for are peaceful and adequately sized for your planned tank. You might end up looking for some large fish, or opting for a flurry of smaller ones instead.
To make this process easier, we’ve put together a list of the best community fish (with some handy info about each).
The honey gourami is a peaceful species that offers a nice pop of color to community tanks. Rather than the blue hues of standard gouramis, honeys are covered in shades of yellow and orange. They’re also sporting that signature ventral fin up front.

Hardy and easy to care for honey gouramis are perfect for novice fishkeepers. They’re also a favorite for those caring for a community tank. They are docile, playful, and don’t cause any trouble.
The only minor issue aquarists encounter is infighting between males. However, those aggression problems are easy to mitigate with careful planning and a large tank! As for other species, honey gouramis can coexist with most community fish as long as they have a similar temperament.
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
White Cloud Mountain minnows are small shoaling fish that need to be in the presence of others. Even in a community tank, these community fish require a large group to stay safe and secure. Without a group of their own kind, they will withdraw from the community and experience a host of health problems!

These small fish are gorgeous. Covered in shimmering bronze and tinges of green, these fish can create a beautiful display when swimming in a group.
Hailing from the mountains of China, White Cloud Mountain minnows prefer living conditions that are on the cooler side so a good thermometer is a must. They’re not a good choice for tropical tanks. But, they can live in cooler community tanks and ponds.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 to 12 gallons
Here’s a peaceful bottom dweller that pays no attention to what’s going on in the upper parts of the water column! The pictus catfish spends most of its time scavenging for food on the substrate. It searches for plant detritus, leftover food, and anything else it can safely consume.

These community fish are on the larger side. While peaceful, they can mistake smaller fish for food if they’re unlucky enough to venture to the bottom of the tank. As a result, it’s best to keep similar-sized fish or species that are far too large for the catfish to consume.
With the right tank mates, you shouldn’t encounter any issues with aggression. The pictus catfish is surprisingly shy and likes to stay out of the way.
- Size: 5 inches
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
The blue gourami is one of the most popular community fish. Available at pet stores and fish shops around the world, they are very affordable and easy to come by.

From an appearance standpoint, these fish are very beautiful. They have the signature gourami profile complete with a long ventral fin. However, the color is silvery blue that shimmers in the light.
A dark spot on the middle of the body and base of the tail provides an eye-catching accent. Meanwhile, the subtle spots on the fins give the fish a whimsical look!
Blue gouramis do well in standard tropical tank conditions. They prefer slow-moving waters and plenty of live plants to play in.
- Size: 5 to 6 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 to 35 gallons
While not as common as some other types of tetra species, the diamond tetra makes for an excellent community fish. It does well with other peaceful community fish. It also prefers to live in a group. Oddly enough, these fish do best in odd-numbered groups!

The diamond tetra is a stockier fish. It still has the laterally compressed body of other tetras. But, this species is a bit larger. The body features silvery scales with an iridescent finish that shines a spectrum of colors in the right lighting.
Like other tetras, diamonds need to live in a well-decorated tank. They enjoy having tons of hiding spots and a myriad of plants to dart through.
- Size: 2 to 2.4 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
Primarily found throughout Colombia and Venezuela, the rubber lip pleco is a hardy species. In their natural habitat, conditions change regularly. As a result, this pleco can adapt to a wide range of tank parameters without experiencing too many issues.

The rubber lip pleco has a large tapered body and a flat belly. Like other plecos, it has an underturned mouth, which it uses to scavenge for food and suction to smooth surfaces.
These fish are very mellow. Oftentimes, they stick to hiding spots and barely move! They’re not active at all and usually pay no attention to any tank mates in the area.
- Size: 7 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 25 to 30 gallons
Vibrant and fool of color, the zebra danio is another species that’s a joy to watch. These pint-sized community fish feature bold stripes in colors of bluish-purple and silver.

Zebra danios favor open swimming space. They like to have vegetation around the perimeter of the tank, but open space is a must to accommodate their active behavior.
Speaking of which, zebra danios are not aggressive. But, their active lifestyle could be too much for more slow-paced fish. They’re notorious fin-nippers, so keep these fish away from slow-moving species with flowy fins.
Beyond that, zebra danios get along with most tank mates. They do best with active fish of a similar size.
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
The harlequin rasbora is an eye-catching species with an unmistakable appearance! Pinkish-gold in color, the most identifiable physical trait of this species is the diamond-shaped black mark on the back. It looks like the markings of a jester, which is why they have their common name.

Harlequin rasboras are a shoaling species (like most types of rasboras). They need to stay in groups of at least eight. Bigger groups are even better!
Overall, this species is peaceful and playful. That said, they aren’t overly active to the point of disturbing others. These fish aren’t known fin-nippers and are more likely to become the target of aggression rather than causing trouble to others.
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Check out this gorgeous fish! Small and torpedo-shaped, the glowlight tetra is native to the rivers of Guyana. They are usually found in dark blackwater environments.

The body of this fish is silvery. However, they’re also semi-transparent. Running the entire length of the fish is a prominent orange-yellow stripe. It looks like the filament of a bulb and glows brightly in the right lighting conditions.
These fish are small and don’t require a ton of room. In a single-species tank, a small group needs just 10 gallons of room. However, they are fantastic choices for community tanks, too. Docile and playful, you can usually find them darting around open swimming space with other like-minded species.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Don’t let the odd appearance of this species fool you! It’s a big old softy that likes to stick to itself. Like other plecos, the bristlenose generally stays to the bottom of the tank.

You might see it climbing on the glass or munching on algae that grows on decor. But, these fish stay out of the way.
The most standout physical feature is the bristles on the head. Tentacle-like in appearance, they burst from the snout to give the fish its signature look. The rest of the body is usually black, brown, or dark gray with subtle spots.
The body sports thick plates of armor, which offer plenty of protection from aggressive species. But, these fish do best in a peaceful community tank.
- Size: 3 to 5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 25 gallons
Dwarf gouramis are smaller than their bigger counterparts. But, they take on a unique coloration that’s quite appealing to aquarists. There are several types of dwarf gouramis out there. The most common feature shades of orange-red and iridescent white.

No matter what kind of dwarf gourami you get, they’re a joy to care for. These community fish are peaceful and cohabitate with other species without any issues.
Like other gouramis, dwarf species are labyrinth fish. They have a specialized organ that allows them to breathe air from the surface.
As a result, you need to provide easy access to the top of the water column.
- Size: 3.5 to 4.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
This fish is one of the most prevalent in the fish-keeping community. Great for beginners and collectors alike, the guppy fish is a good choice for peaceful multi-species tanks.

Guppies are small fish. However, they have expansive fan-like tails. A wide range of colors is available, allowing you to build an eye-catching collection of fish!
This species likes to stay towards the top of the water column. They are playful and thrive when they live in tanks filled with vegetation.
One cool thing about guppies is their breeding cycle. These fish are very easy to breed. Not only that, but they are livebearers! Females give birth to fully-formed fry.
- Size: Varies
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: Varies
Dwarf Pencilfish
Endemic to several bodies of water throughout South America, the dwarf pencilfish is an interesting species that adapts well to life in captivity. They are on the smaller side and feature beautiful coloration.

Lateral stripes of black, cream, and red cover the entire body. The fins are mainly transparent. The only visible part is a splash of red at the base.
Dwarf pencilfish prefer well-decorated tanks with plants, submerged driftwood, and plenty of hiding spots.
While peaceful, these fish are very timid. They cannot live with boisterous or aggressive fish. Tank mates have to be docile and relatively mellow. Otherwise, these fish will stay in hiding most of the time.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 25 gallons
The neon tetra is one of the most recognizable freshwater fish out there! With stripes of red and iridescent blue, they are quite eye-catching. Pair that with their penchant for zipping back and forth and you have a fish that’s a joy to observe.

These community fish are from slow-moving black streams. You don’t have to go so far as to create dark water. But, neon tetras do appreciate dense vegetation and several dark spots to hide in.
Neon tetras prefer the company of their own kind. They do best in large groups of at least 15! Neon tetras don’t mind other tank makes. Just make sure to keep things peaceful!
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 to 20 gallons
From Myanmar, celestial pearl danios are a favorite for aquarists. These fish feature a dark base color of deep blue. Small pearl-like spots sit on top, creating a galaxy-like pattern. The fins feature stripes of red and black.

These fish are used to living in soft water filled with plants. They perform best in similar aquarium conditions. Make sure to have driftwood and decor to give the fish plenty of ways to play.
Contrary to popular belief, celestial pearl danios aren’t true shoaling fish. They may swim in groups from time to time. But, they appreciate alone time as well.
- Size: 1 inch
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Take one look at the congo tetra and you’ll want to make it a part of your community tank! While part of the tetra family, they have a very distinct look.

The body features beautiful shimmering scales of bright blue and orange. The blue is usually found towards the belly while the orange highlights the top. An attractive gradient in the middle completes the look!
The fins are semi-transparent. They’re also considerably long. The fins are flowy, creating an angelic appearance as they swim around.
These fish are peaceful and like to group up with others as they explore the tank. They aren’t aggressive in any sense. But, their attractive fins do sometimes make the target of nippers!
- Size: 3 to 3.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
The platy is another classic freshwater community fish. It’s widely available and pretty easy to care for.

The front of the fish is pointy. They have an upturned hinged mouth, much like a bass. The body widens significantly in the middle before tapering down to a wide tail.
Platy fish come in a wide range of colors. You can find them in orange, black, and more. Some even feature multi-colored patterns.
Like guppies, platy fish are livebearers. However, they don’t do well with guppy fish! Many will try to breed with them, which can cause some problems.
Beyond that, platy fish do well with the most peaceful species.
- Size: 2 to 3 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Cardinal tetras are often mistaken for their more popular cousins, neon tetras. While they look strikingly similar, cardinals are a distinct species in their own right.

Cardinal tetras have longer stripes of neon blue and red. The red color is more prominent, which is why they have the “cardinal” moniker.
These fish like to venture throughout the entire tank, so good planning and decorations are a must. Most of the time, you can find them swimming in the middle of the water column.
Shoaling fish by nature, they group up for protection and confidence. However, they can also cohabitate with many other peaceful community fish.
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Bala sharks look remarkably similar to marine sharks. But, they are nowhere near as vicious.

The body of the fish is long and silver. However, the fins are sporting black and white stripes. The dorsal fin, in particular, deserves a special shoutout. It stands tall, giving the fish its shark-like appearance.
The bala shark is a peaceful fish. The only times it shows signs of aggression is when smaller species are present. It often mistakes smaller fish for food, so make sure to keep them in a community tank with similarly-sized species.
Also, provide plenty of hiding spaces. Bala sharks can succumb to stress if there are no places to find solace.
- Size: 12 inches
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 120 to 150 gallons
The black skirt tetra is a fish that thrives in rich bodies of water. In its natural habitat in South America, waters are rife with different forms of life and vegetation. As a result, they do exceptionally well in community tanks.

These community fish have a trapezoidal body shape, much like other tetras. However, its color is very distinct. The base color is gray or silver. Two prominent vertical stripes run down the body behind the gills
Meanwhile, the tail portion is dark black. A subtle gradient blends the black to the gray, creating the appearance of a skirt!
Peaceful by nature, these fish are enticed by flowing fins. They’re notorious nippers, so keep them away from species that could promote this behavior.
- Size: 3 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
The old reliable molly makes for a fantastic community tank addition! Like the guppy and platy, mollies are very common. They’re often one of the first species aquarists try out. That’s because these fish are peaceful, easy-going, and undemanding.

Common mollies are pretty basic when it comes to appearance and color. However, there are several variants out there. You can find molly fish in eye-catching colors, distinct patterns, and fun tail shapes. Some mollies also have balloon-shaped bellies, which always makes for an interesting watch.
Regardless of the type of molly you get, aggression problems aren’t a concern. These fish are peaceful and can get along with just about any species.
- Size: 4 to 4.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10+ gallons
Want a fish that’s going to keep your tank clean? Check out the Siamese algae eater. Natural bottom dwellers, these fish like to stick to the substrate. They may also venture to decorations to find some algae to consume.

Throughout the day, Siamese algae eaters will consume phytoplankton and periphyton. However, that’s not the only thing they eat. Like any other fish, they require a balanced diet filled with protein and nutrients.
They can eat protein-packed insects. Commercial pellets and algae wagers work well, too.
Unlike other algae eaters, this species is not slow-moving. They’re highly active and will constantly scavenge for snacks. The good news is that they are peaceful and don’t cause trouble.
- Size: 6 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
With a name like “sparkling gourami,” these fish have a lot to live up to! Luckily, they deliver when it comes to appearance. These fish have a lot of colors and patterns packed onto their body.

The shape of this gourami is slender. Stripes and dots run laterally down the entire body. Meanwhile, the semi-transparent fins are blue and feature spots of black and red edging.
Looks aside, sparkling gouramis are a joy to care for. They’re quite active and playful. You can usually find them playing in plants.
Some will be more timid and shy. They are small fish, so larger tank mates can be a bit intimidating for them.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
Next up, we have the cory catfish. Cories are another tried and true community fish. Sweet and unfussy, these fish are not a problem when it comes to aggression. They don’t attack others. Even in times of stress, they’d much rather hide than cause any trouble.

Cory catfish are plump fish with quirky looks. They have underturned mouths like a lot of other catfish species. But the body is rounder and taller.
Lots of colors and variants exist. But all of them are going to be peaceful and relatively easy to care for.
It’s best to keep a small group together. They prefer the company of their own and will often perform synchronized dances.
- Size: 1 to 4 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 20 to 30 gallons
Marbled Hatchetfish
Marbled hatchetfish are found throughout the Amazon River Basin. They are small community fish that like to inhabit blackwater environments.

This species prefers to live in habitats that are rich in plants and decorations. If you keep them with fish that like a similar biotope, you can add things like leaf litter to infuse tannins into the water. However, marbled hatchetfish can adapt to “cleaner” environments, too.
The shape of the marbled hatchetfish is very distinct. They are triangular in shape, featuring a large rounded belly!
As the name would suggest, the body has a cool marbling pattern. A base color of silver is complemented by random patches of swirly black.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 to 20 gallons
Otocinclus fish are small fish with a healthy appetite for algae! Best when kept in groups, these fish can make a positive impact on your tank. Despite their size, they can do a lot to keep the aquarium clean.

There are several otocinclus varieties out there. All are small and similar in shape. But, color and patterns are unique.
As you might have guessed, otocinclus fish like to stick to the bottom of the tank or cling onto smooth surfaces. To keep them safe, use a layer of soft sand substrate! Larger pebbles can cause abrasive injuries, leading to infection and disease.
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Threadfin Rainbowfish
Here’s a species that stands out! The threadfin rainbowfish is an eye-catching fish that’s native to New Guinea.

Covered in shades of yellowish-gold, the fins are what stand out the most. The tailfin is semi-transparent and fork-shaped. It’s similar to what you’d see on swordtail fish.
The dorsal fin is rounded and flowy. It takes on a similar color to the rest of the body. Finally, the pectoral, anal, and adipose fins are all black and ray-like in shape. They are quite long, creating a striking look that you can’t miss!
Threadfin rainbowfish are pretty peaceful and don’t cause any trouble. But, their unique fins could pose a problem with fin-nipping species.
- Size: 1.5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
When most people hear “cichlid,” they think of aggression. But, the Bolivian ram cichlid is an exception to that rule.

These guys are surprisingly peaceful. They pay no attention to others, opting to go explore and search for food instead. They can exhibit some light aggression when they are breeding, but you can easily solve that problem by moving them to a separate breeding tank.
The Bolivian ram cichlid has a similar shape to other cichlids. It’s a stocky fish with large rayed fins. These fish have several colorful accents. You’ll notice stripes of black, pops of red, and subtle hints of iridescent shimmer throughout.
- Size: 3 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Another gourami species, this one has a stunning look that will make it the showpiece of your community tank!

Pearl gouramis get their name from the white spots that adorn the body. The spots cover most of the body and fins. They sit atop soft colors of yellow, orange, and silver. The finishing touch is the expansive ventral fins that flow beneath the fish.
When it comes to behavior, you don’t have to worry about too many problems. They can get a bit brave when they are breeding. But outside of the breeding season, they’re a delight to have.
Pearl gouramis aren’t as difficult to care for as many think. While they come from acidic waters, they can easily adapt to standard parameters.
- Size: 4 to 5 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Naturally found in Papua New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand, the peacock gudgeon is a real beauty. It’s a vibrant little fish that takes on colors of silvery-blue, red, yellow.

They also have a distinct shape that you don’t see very often with freshwater community fish. Peacock gudgeons are long and slender. But, their expansive fins provide a cool silhouette.
Peacock gudgeons do well in community tanks with similarly sized fish. They can mistake smaller species for food, so avoid those at all costs!
Male peacock gudgeons can also display some aggression towards one another. Typically, fights are brief and light-hearted, so they are no major cause for concern.
With other species, they are peaceful. Most will spend time exploring the tank and searching for food. These fish don’t pay any mind to other inhabitants.
- Size: 3 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
Cherry barbs are another fantastic freshwater species for you to include in a community tank. These colorful fish are quite popular due to their stunning looks and low-maintenance care requirements.

These fish come from Sri Lanka but have also been spotted in other areas throughout Central America. They are considered a vulnerable species according to the IUCN Red List, which means you should always exercise caution and look for reliable sellers.
These fish are very peaceful and can get along with a wide range of other freshwater species (large or small). You can mix and match them with pretty much any other fish on this list with great results!
- Size: 2 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 25 to 30 gallons
If you’re looking for a small community fish that’s easy to take care of, the ember tetra is a fantastic option. These fish are truly a joy to own, and are very fun to observe as well!

The combination of their small size and pretty colors makes for an enjoyable display throughout the day. You’ll find yourself watching them swim all the time!
These fish are very peaceful and will get along with pretty much any other fish that isn’t aggressive. This gives you a lot of options when setting up your aquarium. As long as you’re keeping them with peaceful fish that aren’t too large, you should be just fine.
- Size: 1 inch
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
This is one of our favorites. The kuhli loach is a unique and interesting fish that you can keep in almost any freshwater community tank setup.

They have a quite a different look when compared to most of the other species on our list. We always recommend them to aquarists who are looking for something a bit out of the ordinary!
These are not schooling fish, and will get along with most of the other popular species on our list. They tend to spend the day doing their own thing and minding their business. They’re quite peaceful, meaning you’ll never see them starting trouble with other fish in the tank.
- Size: 3 to 4 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
The chili rasbora is one of the first species we think of when it comes to friendly tropical freshwater fish. With their small size and simple (but beautiful) pattern, these fish create a flurry of color throughout the tank.

Over the years there’s been a growing number of aquarists who have become interested in keeping these fish. This is due to an increase in availability and the fact that they’re fairly simple to care for.
Chili rasboras are quite small, so you need to keep them with other fish that won’t view them as food. If you keep that in mind when planning out tank mates, this species should do just fine!
- Size: 0.7 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons
These fish are incredibly unique and fun to look at. True to their name, the glass catfish sports a translucent body that makes them quit unique.

They are fairly low-maintenance fish to care for and will do quite well in community tanks. They are quite an active species, but won’t cause any trouble with other tank mates.
There are plenty of options available to you when planning out what other species you want to keep with the glass catfish. As long as you avoid any large or aggressive species, the glass catfish will thrive in your freshwater tank.
- Size: 4-6 inches
- Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
- Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
It’s Time To Pick Your Favorites!
Now that you’re familiar with all of the best community fish for your freshwater aquarium, it’s time to pick which ones you like the most.
Since all of the fish on our list are absolutely fantastic, it all comes down to your personal preference and your vision for the tank.
If you’re stuck or have any questions, we highly recommend checking out the individual care guides we’ve linked to throughout the list. That will help you find ideal tank mate pairings and learn more about each species.