Three police officers arrived as Andrew and I were inflating our paddleboards. I assumed our little mission was about to be shut down— for trespassing, health and safety, or something equally tedious.
But no. The police were delighted we were going to clean the pond. They were fully supportive.
I pulled on my wellies, rubber gloves and very important hi-vis vest, then paddled out onto one of the rankest, skankiest, mankiest, dankest, smelliest bodies of water I’ve ever had the pleasure of floating on.
We joked about whether this was a world-first expedition—the first-ever paddleboarding outing on the Bromley duck pond.
And then we got to work, filling bag after bag with the usual suspects of Lucozade and Coca-Cola bottles, McDonalds’ cups, and the compulsory traffic-cones-lobbed-into-ponds-for-a-laugh.